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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Example #10
How to allow users to change their profile details
on Microsoft Exchange server (5.5 – 2000)
(For Microsoft Exchange Server version 2000 or higher please use ADSI or something else suitable)
In this example we will go back to GAL for a short while.
In many cases, the Exchange Server administrators do not have the time to fill in all fields describing the users, such as Address, City, State, Zip Code, Country, Title, Company, Department, Office, Assistant…
This may be performed successfully using MAPI.
For this purpose we need to take an interface to the user that is listed in GAL.
To this end most convenient is IMAPIProp, since IMailUser and IDistList implement IMAPIProp.
Once you compile this program, you may provide it to all users so they can update their ID data themselves.
To update their attributes, users need to have special rights.
Allow users to change:
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Country
- Title
- Company
- Department
- Office
- Assistant
- Phone
Download Example #10 as Compiled Application
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Source Code: In package
unit unClientFm; interface {$I IMI.INC} uses Classes, Forms, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, ExtendedMAPI, StdCtrls, URLLabel, Controls, Graphics; type TfmClientPr = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; btCancel: TButton; btOK: TButton; btApply: TButton; pcInfo: TPageControl; tsGeneral: TTabSheet; Panel2: TPanel; lbAddress: TLabel; lbCity: TLabel; lbState: TLabel; lbTitle: TLabel; lbDepartment: TLabel; lbCompany: TLabel; lbOffice: TLabel; lbAssistant: TLabel; lbZipCode: TLabel; lbCountry: TLabel; lbPhone: TLabel; lbHomeServer: TLabel; lbHomeSite: TLabel; lbWhenCreated: TLabel; lbWhentModified: TLabel; Bevel1: TBevel; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Image1: TImage; lbAccount: TLabel; lbhServer: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; gbName: TGroupBox; lbFirst: TLabel; lbInitials: TLabel; lbLast: TLabel; lbDisplay: TLabel; lbAlias: TLabel; ebGivenName: TEdit; ebInitials: TEdit; ebSurname: TEdit; ebDisplayName: TEdit; ebMailNickname: TEdit; memoAddress: TMemo; ebLocalityName: TEdit; ebStateOrProvinceName: TEdit; ebTitle: TEdit; ebCompany: TEdit; ebDepartment: TEdit; ebPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName: TEdit; ebAssistantName: TEdit; ebPostalCode: TEdit; ebTextCountry: TEdit; ebTelephoneOffice1: TEdit; lbhSite: TLabel; procedure btOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure pcInfoChange(Sender: TObject); procedure ChangeMAPIValue(Sender: TObject); procedure btApplyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Panel2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FMailBox: IMAPIProp; FUserPropTagArray: PSPropTagArray; FUserPropValue: PSPropValue; hr: HRESULT; procedure GetMAPIProp(ActivePage: integer); procedure RetrieveMAPIProp(TagArray: PSPropTagArray; ActivePage: integer); procedure ShowMAPIError(Value: HRESULT); procedure UpdateMAPI; public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; const Mailbox: IMAPIProp); reintroduce; end; var fmClientPr: TfmClientPr; procedure InitializeGeneralPageArray; implementation uses {$IFDEF DELPHI2011XE2} UITypes, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Windows, Dialogs, EDK, MAPIUtils, MAPIMacros, MAPIVariantProp; {$R *.DFM} type TItemProp = record PropID: ULONG; Changed: Bool; Value: String; end; var InChange: Bool; GeneralPage: array [0 .. 11] of TItemProp; constructor TfmClientPr.Create(AOwner: TComponent; const Mailbox: IMAPIProp); begin inherited Create(AOwner); btApply.Enabled := False; FMailBox := Mailbox; FUserPropTagArray := nil; FUserPropValue := nil; lbWhenCreated.Caption := ''; lbWhentModified.Caption := ''; lbhSite.Caption := ''; lbhServer.Caption := ''; lbAccount.Caption := ''; pcInfo.ActivePage := tsGeneral; InChange := True; GetMAPIProp(pcInfo.ActivePage.TabIndex); self.Caption := ' ' + ebDisplayName.Text + ' Properies'; InChange := False; end; procedure TfmClientPr.GetMAPIProp(ActivePage: integer); begin if Assigned(FUserPropTagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(FUserPropTagArray); FUserPropTagArray := nil; case ActivePage of 0: begin // GENERAL InitializeGeneralPageArray; hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_GIVEN_NAME, PR_INITIALS, PR_SURNAME, PR_ACCOUNT, PR_STREET_ADDRESS, PR_LOCALITY, PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE, PR_POSTAL_CODE, PR_COUNTRY, PR_TITLE, PR_COMPANY_NAME, PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME, PR_OFFICE_LOCATION, PR_ASSISTANT, PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_CREATION_TIME, PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME, PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MTA], FUserPropTagArray); if Failed(hr) then raise Exception.Create('MAPI Memory Error!'); RetrieveMAPIProp(FUserPropTagArray, ActivePage); end; end; if Assigned(FUserPropTagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(FUserPropTagArray); FUserPropTagArray := nil; end; procedure InitializeGeneralPageArray; var I: integer; begin GeneralPage[0].PropID := PR_INITIALS; GeneralPage[1].PropID := PR_STREET_ADDRESS; GeneralPage[2].PropID := PR_LOCALITY; GeneralPage[3].PropID := PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE; GeneralPage[4].PropID := PR_POSTAL_CODE; GeneralPage[5].PropID := PR_COUNTRY; GeneralPage[6].PropID := PR_TITLE; GeneralPage[7].PropID := PR_COMPANY_NAME; GeneralPage[8].PropID := PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME; GeneralPage[9].PropID := PR_OFFICE_LOCATION; GeneralPage[10].PropID := PR_ASSISTANT; GeneralPage[11].PropID := PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; for I := 0 to High(GeneralPage) do GeneralPage[I].Changed := False; end; procedure TfmClientPr.RetrieveMAPIProp(TagArray: PSPropTagArray; ActivePage: integer); var cCount, cValues: ULONG; begin if Assigned(FUserPropValue) then MAPIFreeBuffer(FUserPropValue); FUserPropValue := nil; hr := FMailBox.GetProps(TagArray, fMapiUnicode, cValues, FUserPropValue); if Failed(hr) or (FUserPropValue = nil) then begin ShowMAPIError(hr); exit; end; if (cValues > 0) and Assigned(FUserPropValue) then case ActivePage of 0: for cCount := 0 to cValues - 1 do case PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].ulPropTag of PR_DISPLAY_NAME: begin lbAccount.Caption := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; ebDisplayName.Text := lbAccount.Caption; end; PR_GIVEN_NAME: ebGivenName.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_INITIALS: ebInitials.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_SURNAME: ebSurname.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_ACCOUNT: ebMailNickname.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_STREET_ADDRESS: memoAddress.Lines.Add(PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz); PR_LOCALITY: ebLocalityName.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE: ebStateOrProvinceName.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_POSTAL_CODE: ebPostalCode.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_COUNTRY: ebTextCountry.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_TITLE: ebTitle.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_COMPANY_NAME: ebCompany.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME: ebDepartment.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_OFFICE_LOCATION: ebPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_ASSISTANT: ebAssistantName.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: ebTelephoneOffice1.Text := PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz; PR_CREATION_TIME: lbWhenCreated.Caption := ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(@PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount]); PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME: lbWhentModified.Caption := ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(@PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount]); PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MTA: begin lbhServer.Caption := GetExchServerName(PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz); lbhSite.Caption := GetExchSiteName(PSPropValueArray(FUserPropValue)[cCount].Value.lpsz); end; end; end; if Assigned(FUserPropValue) then MAPIFreeBuffer(FUserPropValue); FUserPropValue := nil; if lbhServer.Caption = '~~' then // PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MTA IS OBSOLETE AFTER EXCHANGE 2007 begin MessageDlg('You do not have connection to' + #13#10 + 'Microsoft Exchange Server', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); ModalResult := mrOk; abort; end; end; procedure TfmClientPr.ShowMAPIError(Value: HRESULT); begin MessageDlg(GetMAPIError(FMailBox, Value), mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; procedure TfmClientPr.btOKClick(Sender: TObject); begin if btApply.Enabled then UpdateMAPI; ModalResult := mrOk; end; procedure TfmClientPr.btCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin ModalResult := mrCancel; end; procedure TfmClientPr.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if Assigned(FUserPropTagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(FUserPropTagArray); if Assigned(FUserPropValue) then MAPIFreeBuffer(FUserPropValue); FUserPropTagArray := nil; FUserPropValue := nil; end; procedure TfmClientPr.pcInfoChange(Sender: TObject); begin InChange := True; btApply.Enabled := False; GetMAPIProp(pcInfo.ActivePage.TabIndex); InChange := False; end; procedure TfmClientPr.ChangeMAPIValue(Sender: TObject); begin if ((InChange = False) and (TCustomEdit(Sender).Modified)) then begin GeneralPage[TComponent(Sender).Tag].Changed := True; GeneralPage[TComponent(Sender).Tag].Value := TCustomEdit(Sender).Text; btApply.Enabled := True; end; end; procedure TfmClientPr.btApplyClick(Sender: TObject); begin UpdateMAPI; end; procedure TfmClientPr.UpdateMAPI; var PropValueForUpdate: PSPropValue; iCount, cCount, cCountUpd: integer; begin cCount := 0; for iCount := 0 to High(GeneralPage) do if GeneralPage[iCount].Changed then Inc(cCount); if cCount > 0 then begin PropValueForUpdate := nil; MAPIAllocateBuffer(SizeOf(TSPropValue) * cCount, Pointer(PropValueForUpdate)); cCountUpd := 0; (* Here we will use a small trick. When the field's value is empty, i.e. we have EmptyStr, and we update the attributes, MAPI will decide that we want to erase this attribute, rather than update it. This is reasonable, because if an attribute does not have any value, this should mean that we do not need it. Because we DO NOT HAVE rights to ERASE, an error will be generated that will notify us that we do not have rights. Because of this we will try to CHEAT by typing a space. This is not right, data is distorted, however it will work for the purpose of our example. Otherwise we will have to assign special rights to an even lower level for each user. *) for iCount := 0 to High(GeneralPage) do if GeneralPage[iCount].Changed then begin PSPropValueArray(PropValueForUpdate)[cCountUpd].ulPropTag := GeneralPage[iCount].PropID; if GeneralPage[iCount].Value <> '' then PSPropValueArray(PropValueForUpdate)[cCountUpd].Value.lpsz := PChar(GeneralPage[iCount].Value) else PSPropValueArray(PropValueForUpdate)[cCountUpd].Value.lpsz := ' '; PSPropValueArray(PropValueForUpdate)[cCountUpd].dwAlignPad := 0; Inc(cCountUpd); end; hr := FMailBox.SetProps(cCountUpd, PropValueForUpdate, PSPropProblemArray(nil^)); if Failed(hr) then ShowMAPIError(hr) else begin hr := FMailBox.SaveChanges(KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE); if Failed(hr) then ShowMAPIError(hr) else ShowMessage('The Mailbox is Updated!'); end; if Assigned(PropValueForUpdate) then MAPIFreeBuffer(PropValueForUpdate); PropValueForUpdate := nil; end; btApply.Enabled := False; end; procedure TfmClientPr.Panel2Click(Sender: TObject); begin fmClientPr.ActiveControl := Panel2; end; end.