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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Example #4
Writing a small Hierarchy Viewer
MAPI Address Book Viewer
So far in the previous examples we learned how to connect to Exchange Server, how to display our Properties in Address Book, to obtain the GAL contents, and see the embedded containers.
We learned how to work with Content and Hierarchy Table, as well as with basic interfaces.
Now we will try to include all this in one example that will be a GAL Viewer. In this example we will write small GAL/MAPIAddressBookHierarchy Viewer. What should do it:
- show GAL
- show Hierarchy
- show Organization
- show Organization default properties
- show Sites
- show it properties
- show Containers in each Site
- show it properties
- show recipients in each container
- show default properties for each recipient.
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Source Code: In package
unit MAPIAddressBook; (* So far in the previous examples we learned how to connect to Exchange Server, how to display our Properties in Address Book, to obtain the GAL contents, and see the embedded containers. We learned how to work with Content and Hierarchy Table, as well as with basic interfaces. Now we will try to include all this in one example that will be a GAL Viewer. There will be few or no code comments since this code was explained in the previous examples. This example requires connection to Microsoft Exchange Server for effective implementation. *) interface { Please add "..\Library" to project search path } {$I IMI.INC} uses Controls, Forms, Graphics, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, ImgList, Menus, StdCtrls, ToolWin, Classes, ExtendedMAPI; type POwnMAPIContainer = ^TOwnMAPIContainer; TOwnMAPIContainer = record DisplayName: String; Path: String; HierarPath: String; EntryID: String; PEntryID: String; DEPTH: byte; end; type TfrmMAPI = class(TForm) ToolBar1: TToolBar; btLogOn: TToolButton; ToolButton2: TToolButton; btGetTree: TToolButton; ToolButton1: TToolButton; btLogOff: TToolButton; ToolButton3: TToolButton; ToolButton4: TToolButton; Panel1: TPanel; GALTreeView: TTreeView; ImageList: TImageList; Splitter1: TSplitter; ListViewRecipients: TListView; Splitter2: TSplitter; PanelHid: TPanel; ListViewProperites: TListView; ObjectHeaderControl: THeaderControl; PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu; DefaultMAPIProfile1: TMenuItem; ChoiseMAPIProfile1: TMenuItem; tbBreak: TToolButton; ToolButton6: TToolButton; procedure btLogOffClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btGetTreeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure ListViewRecipientsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure DefaultMAPIProfile1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ChoiseMAPIProfile1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure GALTreeViewChanging(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean); procedure tbBreakClick(Sender: TObject); procedure GALTreeViewChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } hr: HRESULT; FMAPISession: IMAPISession; FAdrBook: IAddrBook; OrgFound: Boolean; OrgNode, SiteNode, ContNode: TTreeNode; BreakMe, InEnum: Boolean; SelectedNode: TTreeNode; SelectedItem: TListItem; strSite: string; procedure MAPILocalInit(Flag: Cardinal); procedure BuildTree(Value: PSRowSet); procedure AddOrgNodes(Value: POwnMAPIContainer); procedure GetObjectProperties(Value: POwnMAPIContainer); procedure GetContainerContent(Value: POwnMAPIContainer); procedure ClearListView; public { Public declarations } end; var frmMAPI: TfrmMAPI; implementation uses {$IFDEF DELPHI2011XE2} UITypes, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Windows, Dialogs, Variants, ActiveX, EDK, MAPIUtils, MAPIVariantProp, MAPIMacros, uAbout; {$R *.DFM} procedure TfrmMAPI.ClearListView; var Count: Integer; begin if ListViewRecipients.Items.Count < 1 then Exit; ListViewRecipients.Items.BeginUpdate; try for Count := 0 to ListViewRecipients.Items.Count - 1 do if Assigned(ListViewRecipients.Items[Count].Data) then FreeMem(ListViewRecipients.Items[Count].Data); finally ListViewRecipients.Items.Clear; ListViewRecipients.Items.EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.btLogOffClick(Sender: TObject); begin if InEnum then Exit; BreakMe := True; InEnum := True; Sleep(100); ClearTTree(GALTreeView); ClearListView; Application.ProcessMessages; ListViewProperites.Items.BeginUpdate; try ListViewProperites.Items.Clear; finally ListViewProperites.Items.EndUpdate; end; Application.ProcessMessages; if Assigned(FAdrBook) then FAdrBook := nil; if Assigned(FMAPISession) then begin FMAPISession.Logoff(Application.Handle, MAPI_LOGOFF_UI, 0); FMAPISession := nil; end; OrgFound := False; strSite := EmptyStr; btLogOff.Enabled := Assigned(FMAPISession); btGetTree.Enabled := Assigned(FMAPISession); btLogOn.Enabled := not Assigned(FMAPISession); GALTreeView.Refresh; InEnum := False; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.btGetTreeClick(Sender: TObject); var ObjType: ULONG; HierarchyTable: IMAPITable; UnkObject: IMAPIContainer; TagArray: PSPropTagArray; Rows: PSRowSet; Count: ULONG; begin ClearTTree(GALTreeView); TagArray := nil; UnkObject := nil; HierarchyTable := nil; ClearListView; InEnum := False; try hr := FAdrBook.OpenEntry(0, nil, @IID_IABContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_NO_CACHE, ObjType, IUnknown(UnkObject)); if (hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS) or (MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER=hr) then hr := FAdrBook.OpenEntry(0, nil, @IID_IABContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjType, IUnknown(UnkObject)); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FAdrBook, hr)); Exit; end; hr := UnkObject.GetHierarchyTable(CONVENIENT_DEPTH, HierarchyTable); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(UnkObject, hr)); Exit; end; hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_ENTRYID, PR_DEPTH], TagArray); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(nil, hr)); Exit; end; hr := HierarchyTable.SetColumns(TagArray, TBL_BATCH); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(HierarchyTable, hr)); Exit; end; hr := HierarchyTable.GetRowCount(0, Count); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(HierarchyTable, hr)); Exit; end; hr := HierarchyTable.QueryRows(Count, TBL_NOADVANCE, Rows); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(HierarchyTable, hr)); Exit; end; finally if not failed(hr) and Assigned(Rows) then BuildTree(Rows); if Assigned(Rows) then FreePRows(Rows); Rows := nil; if Assigned(TagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(TagArray); TagArray := nil; if Assigned(UnkObject) then UnkObject := nil; if Assigned(HierarchyTable) then HierarchyTable := nil; btGetTree.Enabled := False; end; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin btLogOffClick(nil); MAPIUninitialize; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.BuildTree(Value: PSRowSet); var Count, Values: Integer; ObjType, cValues: ULONG; Container: IABContainer; TagArray: PSPropTagArray; PropArray: PSPropValue; MAPIContainer: POwnMAPIContainer; OrdPropID: byte; begin try for Count := 0 to Value.cRows - 1 do begin hr := FAdrBook.OpenEntry(PSPropValueArray(Value.aRow[Count].lpProps)[0].Value.bin.cb, PEntryID(PSPropValueArray(Value.aRow[Count].lpProps)[0].Value.bin.lpb), @IID_IABContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_NO_CACHE, ObjType, IUnknown(Container)); if (hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS) or (MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER=hr) then hr := FAdrBook.OpenEntry(PSPropValueArray(Value.aRow[Count].lpProps)[0].Value.bin.cb, PEntryID(PSPropValueArray(Value.aRow[Count].lpProps)[0].Value.bin.lpb), @IID_IABContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjType, IUnknown(Container)); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FAdrBook, hr)); Exit; end; hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_ENTRYID, PR_DISPLAY_NAME], TagArray); hr := Container.GetProps(TagArray, fMapiUnicode, cValues, PropArray); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(Container, hr)); Exit; end; GetMem(MAPIContainer, SizeOf(TOwnMAPIContainer)); ZeroMemory(MAPIContainer, SizeOf(TOwnMAPIContainer)); OrdPropID := 0; if PSPropValueArray(Value.aRow[Count].lpProps)[OrdPropID + 1].ulPropTag = PR_DEPTH then MAPIContainer.DEPTH := PSPropValueArray(Value.aRow[Count].lpProps)[OrdPropID + 1].Value.l; for Values := 0 to cValues - 1 do case PSPropValueArray(PropArray)[Values].ulPropTag of // PR_ENTRYID: // MAPIContainer.EntryID := // EntryIdToString(PSPropValueArray(PropArray)[Values].Value.bin); PR_DISPLAY_NAME: MAPIContainer.DisplayName := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(PropArray)[Values].Value.lpsz); end; MAPIContainer.EntryID := BinaryToHex(PSPropValueArray(Value.aRow[Count].lpProps)[0].Value.bin); AddOrgNodes(MAPIContainer); MAPIFreeBuffer(PropArray); PropArray := nil; MAPIFreeBuffer(TagArray); TagArray := nil; Container := nil; end; finally if Assigned(PropArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(PropArray); PropArray := nil; if Assigned(TagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(TagArray); TagArray := nil; Container := nil; GALTreeView.FullExpand; end; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.AddOrgNodes(Value: POwnMAPIContainer); var Count: Integer; begin begin if (Value.DEPTH = 0) then begin OrgNode := GALTreeView.Items.AddObject(nil, Value.DisplayName, Value); OrgNode.ImageIndex := 0; OrgNode.SelectedIndex := 0; Exit; end; if (Value.DEPTH = 1) then begin strSite := Value.HierarPath; SiteNode := GALTreeView.Items.AddChildObject(OrgNode, Value.DisplayName, Value); SiteNode.ImageIndex := 1; SiteNode.SelectedIndex := 1; Exit; end; if (Value.DEPTH > 1) then begin for Count := 0 to GALTreeView.Items.Count - 1 do if AnsiSameText(POwnMAPIContainer(GALTreeView.Items[Count].Data).EntryID, Value.PEntryID) then begin ContNode := GALTreeView.Items[Count]; break; end; ContNode := GALTreeView.Items.AddChildObject(ContNode, Value.DisplayName, Value); ContNode.ImageIndex := 2; ContNode.SelectedIndex := 2; end; end; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.GetObjectProperties(Value: POwnMAPIContainer); var cbEntryID, ObjType, Values: ULONG; EntryID: PEntryID; CurrentMAPIObject: IMAPIProp; TagArray: PSPropTagArray; PropValue: PSPropValue; ListItem: TListItem; Count: Integer; strTemp: string; FTempVariant: variant; begin if not Assigned(FAdrBook) then Exit; CurrentMAPIObject := nil; PropValue := nil; TagArray := nil; EntryID := nil; ListViewProperites.Items.BeginUpdate; try ListViewProperites.Items.Clear; StringToENTRYID(Value.EntryID, cbEntryID, EntryID); ObjectHeaderControl.Sections[0].Text := 'Properties for: ' + Value.DisplayName; hr := FAdrBook.OpenEntry(cbEntryID, EntryID, @IID_IMAPIProp, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjType, IUnknown(CurrentMAPIObject)); if hr = MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER then hr := FAdrBook.OpenEntry(cbEntryID, EntryID, nil, 0, ObjType, IUnknown(CurrentMAPIObject)); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FAdrBook, hr)); Exit; end; hr := CurrentMAPIObject.GetProps(nil, fMapiUnicode, ObjType, PropValue); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(CurrentMAPIObject, hr)); Exit; end; ObjectHeaderControl.Sections[1].Text := '# of Properties: ' + IntToStr(ObjType); for Values := 0 to ObjType - 1 do begin ListItem := ListViewProperites.Items.Add; ListItem.Caption := SzGetPropTag(PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values].ulPropTag); ListItem.SubItems.Add(IntToHEX(HiWord(PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values].ulPropTag), 4)); case PROP_TYPE(PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values].ulPropTag) of PT_SHORT, PT_LONG, PT_FLOAT, PT_DOUBLE, PT_BOOLEAN, PT_APPTIME, PT_SYSTIME, PT_STRING8, PT_UNICODE: begin ListItem.SubItems.Add(SzGetPropType(PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values].ulPropTag)); ListItem.SubItems.Add(ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(@PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values])); end; PT_BINARY: begin ListItem.SubItems.Add(SzGetPropType(PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values].ulPropTag)); strTemp := ''; FTempVariant := ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(@PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values]); for Count := 0 to VarArrayHighBound(FTempVariant, 1) do strTemp := strTemp + IntToHEX(byte(FTempVariant[Count]), 2); strTemp := Trim(strTemp); ListItem.SubItems.Add(strTemp); end; PT_MV_STRING8, PT_MV_UNICODE: begin FTempVariant := ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(@PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values]); for Count := 0 to VarArrayHighBound(FTempVariant, 1) do begin if Count > 0 then begin ListItem := ListViewProperites.Items.Add; ListItem.Caption := SzGetPropTag(PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values].ulPropTag); ListItem.SubItems.Add(IntToHEX(HiWord(PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values].ulPropTag), 4)); end; ListItem.SubItems.Add(SzGetPropType(PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values].ulPropTag)); ListItem.SubItems.Add(FTempVariant[Count]); end; end else begin ListItem.SubItems.Add(SzGetPropType(PSPropValueArray(PropValue)[Values].ulPropTag) + ' - Not implemented'); ListItem.SubItems.Add('A MAPI Value'); end end; end; finally if Assigned(CurrentMAPIObject) then CurrentMAPIObject := nil; if Assigned(PropValue) then MAPIFreeBuffer(PropValue); if Assigned(TagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(TagArray); if Assigned(EntryID) then FreeMem(EntryID); ListViewProperites.Items.EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.GetContainerContent(Value: POwnMAPIContainer); var cbEntryID, ObjType, Count: ULONG; EntryID: PEntryID; AddressBookContainer: IABContainer; ContentsMAPITable: IMAPITable; TagArray: PSPropTagArray; Rows: PSRowSet; MAPIContainer: POwnMAPIContainer; ListRecipient: TListItem; ContainerDisplayType: ULONG; Cursor: TCursor; type PropEnum = (eENTRYID, eDisplayName, eEmailAddress, eDisplayType); begin if not Assigned(FAdrBook) then Exit; ClearListView; EntryID := nil; AddressBookContainer := nil; ContentsMAPITable := nil; Rows := nil; TagArray := nil; Cursor := Screen.Cursor; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; InEnum := True; Application.ProcessMessages; try StringToENTRYID(Value.EntryID, cbEntryID, EntryID); hr := FAdrBook.OpenEntry(cbEntryID, EntryID, @IID_IABContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_NO_CACHE, ObjType, IUnknown(AddressBookContainer)); if (hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS) or (MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER=hr) then hr := FAdrBook.OpenEntry(cbEntryID, EntryID, @IID_IABContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjType, IUnknown(AddressBookContainer)); if hr = MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER then hr := FAdrBook.OpenEntry(cbEntryID, EntryID, @IID_IABContainer, 0, ObjType, IUnknown(AddressBookContainer)); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FAdrBook, hr)); Exit; end; hr := AddressBookContainer.GetContentsTable(0, ContentsMAPITable); if failed(hr) then begin if (hr <> MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT) and (hr <> MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED) then ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(AddressBookContainer, hr)); Exit; end; // Get Container type hr := HrMAPIGetPropLong(AddressBookContainer, PR_DISPLAY_TYPE, ContainerDisplayType); if failed(hr) then ContainerDisplayType := DT_NOT_SPECIFIC; if ContainerDisplayType <> DT_NOT_SPECIFIC then hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_ENTRYID, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS, PR_DISPLAY_TYPE], TagArray) else hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_ENTRYID, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_DISPLAY_TYPE], TagArray); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('Cannot perform the MAPIAllocateBuffer function'); Exit; end; hr := ContentsMAPITable.SetColumns(TagArray, TBL_BATCH); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(ContentsMAPITable, hr)); Exit; end; Application.ProcessMessages; Count := 0; hr := ContentsMAPITable.GetRowCount(0, Count); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(ContentsMAPITable, hr)); Exit; end; ObjectHeaderControl.Sections[2].Text := '# of Recipients in ' + Value.DisplayName + ':' + IntToStr(Count); if Count < 1 then Exit; BreakMe := False; while True do begin Rows := nil; Application.ProcessMessages; if BreakMe then Exit; // We will Query Table by 25 records if Assigned(ContentsMAPITable) then hr := ContentsMAPITable.QueryRows(25, 0, Rows); if Assigned(Rows) then if Rows.cRows = 0 then begin (* let's not forget to free the memory taken by the SrowSet returned by the execution of the FContentsTable.QueryRows(), using the FreePRows function FreeProws The FreeProws function destroys an SRowSet structure and frees associated memory, including memory allocated for all member arrays and structures. As part of its implementation of FreeProws, MAPI calls the MAPIFreeBuffer function to free every entry in the SRowSet structure before freeing the complete structure. Therefore all such entries must have followed the allocation rules for the SRowSet structure, using an individual MAPIAllocateBuffer call for each member array and structure. *) FreePRows(Rows); Rows := nil; break; end else begin for Count := 0 to Rows.cRows - 1 do begin Application.ProcessMessages; if BreakMe then Exit; GetMem(MAPIContainer, SizeOf(TOwnMAPIContainer)); ZeroMemory(MAPIContainer, SizeOf(TOwnMAPIContainer)); BinaryToHex(PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(eENTRYID)].Value.bin.cb, PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(eENTRYID)].Value.bin.lpb, MAPIContainer.EntryID); MAPIContainer.DisplayName := ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(@PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(eDisplayName)]); if PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(eEmailAddress)].ulPropTag = _PCardinalArray(@TagArray.aulPropTag)[Ord(eEmailAddress)] then MAPIContainer.Path := ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(@PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(eEmailAddress)]); MAPIContainer.DEPTH := ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(@PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(eDisplayType)]); ListRecipient := ListViewRecipients.Items.Add; ListRecipient.Caption := MAPIContainer.DisplayName; ListRecipient.SubItems.Add(MAPIContainer.Path); case MAPIContainer.DEPTH of DT_MAILUSER: ListRecipient.ImageIndex := 3; DT_DISTLIST, DT_PRIVATE_DISTLIST: ListRecipient.ImageIndex := 4; DT_FORUM: ListRecipient.ImageIndex := 7; DT_AGENT: ListRecipient.ImageIndex := 8; DT_REMOTE_MAILUSER: ListRecipient.ImageIndex := 5; end; ListRecipient.Data := MAPIContainer; end; if Assigned(Rows) then begin FreePRows(Rows); Rows := nil; end; end; end; finally if Assigned(ContentsMAPITable) then ContentsMAPITable := nil; if Assigned(TagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(TagArray); if Assigned(AddressBookContainer) then AddressBookContainer := nil; if Assigned(Rows) then FreePRows(Rows); if Assigned(EntryID) then FreeMem(EntryID); BreakMe := False; InEnum := False; Screen.Cursor := Cursor; end; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.ListViewRecipientsClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(ListViewRecipients.Selected) and (SelectedItem <> ListViewRecipients.Selected) then begin if Assigned(ListViewRecipients.Selected.Data) then GetObjectProperties(POwnMAPIContainer(ListViewRecipients.Selected.Data)); SelectedItem := ListViewRecipients.Selected; end; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.ToolButton4Click(Sender: TObject); begin with TAboutBox.Create(Self) do begin ShowModal; Free; end; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.DefaultMAPIProfile1Click(Sender: TObject); begin MAPILocalInit(MAPI_USE_DEFAULT or MAPI_PASSWORD_UI); end; procedure TfrmMAPI.MAPILocalInit(Flag: DWORD); begin FMAPISession := nil; FAdrBook := nil; BreakMe := False; SelectedNode := nil; SelectedItem := nil; try hr := MAPILogonEx(Application.Handle, nil, nil, MAPI_EXTENDED or MAPI_NEW_SESSION or MAPI_ALLOW_OTHERS or MAPI_NO_MAIL or Flag, FMAPISession); if failed(hr) then begin case hr of MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED: MessageDlg(WrapText( 'The logon did not succeed, either because one or more of the parameters to Profile were invalid or because there were too many sessions open already.' , 80), mtError, [mbOK], 0); MAPI_E_TIMEOUT: MessageDlg(WrapText('MAPI serializes all logons through a mutex. This is returned if the another thread held the mutex.', 80), mtError, [mbOK], 0); MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL: ShowMessage(WrapText('The user canceled the operation, typically by choosing the Cancel button in a dialog box.', 80)); MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS: MessageDlg(WrapText('The user had too many sessions open simultaneously. No session handle was returned.', 80), mtError, [mbOK], 0); MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED: MessageDlg(WrapText('A service provider has not been configured, and therefore the operation did not complete.', 80), mtError, [mbOK], 0); else MessageDlg(WrapText('The logon did not succeed', 80), mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; Exit; end; hr := FMAPISession.OpenAddressBook(0, nil, 0 { AB_NO_DIALOG } , FAdrBook); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FMAPISession, hr)); Exit; end; finally if failed(hr) then begin FAdrBook := nil; if Assigned(FMAPISession) then begin FMAPISession.Logoff(0, 0, 0); FMAPISession := nil; end; end; btLogOff.Enabled := Assigned(FMAPISession); btGetTree.Enabled := Assigned(FMAPISession); btLogOn.Enabled := not Assigned(FMAPISession); end; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.ChoiseMAPIProfile1Click(Sender: TObject); begin MAPILocalInit(MAPI_LOGON_UI); end; procedure TfrmMAPI.GALTreeViewChanging(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean); begin AllowChange := (BreakMe = False) and (InEnum = False); end; procedure TfrmMAPI.tbBreakClick(Sender: TObject); begin BreakMe := True; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.GALTreeViewChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin if InEnum then Exit; tbBreak.Enabled := True; try if Assigned(Node) and (Node <> SelectedNode) then begin if Assigned(Node.Data) then begin BreakMe := True; GetObjectProperties(POwnMAPIContainer(Node.Data)); GetContainerContent(POwnMAPIContainer(Node.Data)); end; end; finally SelectedNode := Node; tbBreak.Enabled := False; end; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); begin CanClose := not InEnum; end; procedure TfrmMAPI.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var ErrorString: string; begin {$IF DEFINED (WIN64)} Self.Caption := Self.Caption + ' - WIN64'; {$ELSE} Self.Caption := Self.Caption + ' - WIN32'; {$IFEND} hr := MapiInitialize(nil); if failed(hr) then begin case hr of MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER or MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS: ErrorString := 'Invalid parameter or flag!'; MAPI_E_TOO_COMPLEX: ErrorString := 'The keys required by MAPI could not be initialized.'; MAPI_E_VERSION: ErrorString := 'The version of OLE installed on the workstation is not compatible with this version of MAPI.'; MAPI_E_SESSION_LIMIT: ErrorString := 'MAPI sets up context specific to the current process.' + #13 + 'Failures may occur on Win16 if the number of processes exceeds a certain number,' + #13 + 'or on any system if available memory is exhausted.'; MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES: ErrorString := 'Not enough system resources were available to complete the operation.'; MAPI_E_INVALID_OBJECT: ErrorString := 'May fail if system resources are exhausted.'; MAPI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED: ErrorString := 'The MAPI profile provider has encountered an error.'; else ErrorString := 'The MAPI Error!' end; raise Exception.Create(WrapText(ErrorString, 80)); end; end; end.