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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Example #6
Getting Exchange Mailbox
and enumerate items (messages) in each folder
In the preceding example we saw the structure (tree) of our MailBox. Now we will try to show the contents of each folder.
Most people think of e-mails as messages.
However, MAPI perceives each element in a folder as a message. The calendar, letters, contacts – all these are messages of different classes. But we will discuss this later.
Now, let’s get to what we want to do – visualize the contents of a folder. When we select a folder in the MailBox, we will show its contents in the right-hand window. This task will be performed by the EnumThisFolder function….
How to:
- Enumerate messages in MAPI Folder
- Get Message Subject
- How to get Message properties
- etc..
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unit MainUnit; (* In the preceding example we saw the structure (tree) of our MailBox. Now we will try to show the contents of each folder. Most people think of e-mails as messages. However, MAPI perceives each element in a folder as a message. The calendar, letters, contacts - all these are messages of different classes. But we will discuss this later. Now, let's get to what we want to do - visualize the contents of a folder. When we select a folder in the MailBox, we will show its contents in the right-hand window. This task will be performed by the EnumThisFolder function. Legal comment of the new MAPI functions. No functions that we have used in the previous examples are explained. This example requires connection with Exchange Server for efficient implementation. *) interface { Please add "..\Library" to project search path } {$I IMI.INC} uses Classes, Controls, Forms, Graphics, Buttons, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, ImgList, StdCtrls, Windows, ExtendedMAPI, System.ImageList; type PMessageProperties = ^TMessageProperties; TMessageProperties = record HASATTACH: boolean; SUBJECT: PChar; MESSAGE_SIZE: ULONG; CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME: TDateTime; end; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) plTOP: TPanel; btLogOn: TSpeedButton; btLogOff: TSpeedButton; rgProfile: TRadioGroup; MailboxTreeView: TTreeView; ilMailboxes: TImageList; Splitter1: TSplitter; lvMailbox: TListView; StatusBar1: TStatusBar; rbStore: TRadioGroup; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure btLogOnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btLogOffClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure MailboxTreeViewClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lvMailboxData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem); procedure lvMailboxColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn); private { Private declarations } hr: HRESULT; FMapiSession: IMAPISession; FMDB: IMsgStore; FFolderListMessages: TList; FNode: TTreeNode; procedure ClearMAPIInterfaces; procedure MAPILocalInit(Flag: cardinal); procedure MapiInternalLogOff; procedure OpenPrivateIS; procedure GetFolderRoot; procedure ClearViewList; procedure EnumFolders(ParentFolder: IMAPIFolder; ParentNode: TTreeNode); procedure EnumThisFolder(Value: PSBinary); function ShellItem(Index: integer): PMessageProperties; public { Public declarations } end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation uses {$IFDEF DELPHI2011XE2} UITypes, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Variants, DateUtils, StrUtils, Dialogs, EDK, MAPIMacros, MAPIUtils, MAPIVariantProp, MAPIFldUtils; var ColumnToSort: integer; {$R *.DFM} {$I XE.INC} procedure ClearFIMList(var Value: TList); var I: integer; V: PMessageProperties; begin try for I := 0 to (Value.Count - 1) do begin V := Value[I]; if Assigned(V^.SUBJECT) then FreeMem(V^.SUBJECT); V^.SUBJECT := nil; FreeMem(V); Value[I] := nil; end; finally if (Value.Count > 0) then Value.Clear; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.ClearMAPIInterfaces; begin FMDB := nil; FMapiSession := nil; end; procedure TfrmMain.MAPILocalInit(Flag: cardinal); begin ClearTTreeBinary(MailboxTreeView); hr := MAPILogonEx(Application.Handle, nil, nil, MAPI_EXTENDED or MAPI_NEW_SESSION or MAPI_NO_MAIL or Flag, FMapiSession); if Failed(hr) then begin case hr of MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED: MessageDlg(WrapText( 'The logon did not succeed, either because one or more of the parameters to Profile were invalid or because there were too many sessions open already.' , #13#10, ['.', ' '], 42), mtError, [mbOK], 0); MAPI_E_TIMEOUT: MessageDlg(WrapText('MAPI serializes all logons through a mutex. This is returned if the another thread held the mutex.', #13#10, ['.', ' '], 42), mtError, [mbOK], 0); MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL: ShowMessage(WrapText('The user canceled the operation, typically by choosing the Cancel button in a dialog box.', #13#10, ['.', ' '], 42)); MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS: MessageDlg(WrapText('The user had too many sessions open simultaneously. No session handle was returned.', #13#10, ['.', ' '], 42), mtError, [mbOK], 0); MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED: MessageDlg(WrapText('A service provider has not been configured, and therefore the operation did not complete.', #13#10, ['.', ' '], 42), mtError, [mbOK], 0); else MessageDlg(WrapText('The logon did not succeed', #13#10, ['.', ' '], 42), mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; end; if Failed(hr) then begin FMapiSession := nil; end; btLogOn.Enabled := not Assigned(FMapiSession); btLogOff.Enabled := Assigned(FMapiSession); if Assigned(FMapiSession) then OpenPrivateIS; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var ErrorString: string; MAPIINIT: TMAPIINIT; // MAPI Init Structure begin {$IF DEFINED (WIN64)} Self.Caption := Self.Caption + ' - WIN64'; {$ELSE} Self.Caption := Self.Caption + ' - WIN32'; {$IFEND} FNode := nil; FFolderListMessages := TList.Create; ClearMAPIInterfaces; MAPIINIT.ulVersion := MAPI_INIT_VERSION; MAPIINIT.ulFlags := 0; hr := MapiInitialize(@MAPIINIT); if Failed(hr) then begin case hr of MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER or MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS: ErrorString := 'Invalid parameter or flag!'; MAPI_E_TOO_COMPLEX: ErrorString := 'The keys required by MAPI could not be initialized.'; MAPI_E_VERSION: ErrorString := 'The version of OLE installed on the workstation is not compatible with this version of MAPI.'; MAPI_E_SESSION_LIMIT: ErrorString := 'MAPI sets up context specific to the current process.' + #13 + 'Failures may occur on Win16 if the number of processes exceeds a certain number,' + #13 + 'or on any system if available memory is exhausted.'; MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES: ErrorString := 'Not enough system resources were available to complete the operation.'; MAPI_E_INVALID_OBJECT: ErrorString := 'May fail if system resources are exhausted.'; MAPI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED: ErrorString := 'The MAPI profile provider has encountered an error.'; else ErrorString := 'The MAPI Error!' end; Raise Exception.Create(ErrorString); end; end; procedure TfrmMain.ClearViewList; var Count: integer; P: PSBinary; begin if lvMailbox.Items.Count < 1 then exit; lvMailbox.Items.BeginUpdate; try for Count := 0 to lvMailbox.Items.Count - 1 do begin P := PSBinary(lvMailbox.Items[Count].Data); FreePSBinary(P); lvMailbox.Items[Count].Data := nil; end; finally lvMailbox.Items.Clear; lvMailbox.Items.EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.MapiInternalLogOff; var Flags: ULONG; begin ClearTTreeBinary(MailboxTreeView); ClearViewList; Application.ProcessMessages; Flags := LOGOFF_NO_WAIT; if Assigned(FMDB) then begin FMDB.StoreLogoff(Flags); FMDB := nil; end; if Assigned(FMapiSession) then begin FMapiSession.Logoff(Application.Handle, MAPI_LOGOFF_UI, 0); FMapiSession := nil; end; StatusBar1.Panels.Clear; end; procedure TfrmMain.btLogOnClick(Sender: TObject); begin case rgProfile.ItemIndex of 0: MAPILocalInit(MAPI_USE_DEFAULT or MAPI_PASSWORD_UI); 1: MAPILocalInit(MAPI_LOGON_UI); end; end; procedure TfrmMain.btLogOffClick(Sender: TObject); begin MapiInternalLogOff; btLogOn.Enabled := True; btLogOff.Enabled := False; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin ClearFIMList(FFolderListMessages); FFolderListMessages.Free; MapiInternalLogOff; MAPIUninitialize; end; procedure TfrmMain.OpenPrivateIS; var Flags: ULONG; ENTRYID: TSBinary; begin Flags := LOGOFF_NO_WAIT; FMDB := nil; if rbStore.ItemIndex = 0 then hr := HrOpenExchangePrivateStore(FMapiSession, FMDB) else begin ENTRYID.cb := 0; ENTRYID.lpb := nil; (* We may not restrict ourselves to Exchage Server only. EDK provides us with a function that "finds" Default mailbox associated with our MAPI profile. Thus we won't have to think about whether our application will connect to a server or use Private Store *) hr := HrMAPIFindDefaultMsgStore(FMapiSession, ENTRYID.cb, PENTRYID(ENTRYID.lpb)); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('I cannot find "Default MsgStore"' + CRLF + GETMAPIError(FMapiSession, hr)); exit; end; hr := FMapiSession.OpenMsgStore(Application.Handle, ENTRYID.cb, PENTRYID(ENTRYID.lpb), @IID_IMsgStore, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MDB_ONLINE , FMDB); if hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS then hr := FMapiSession.OpenMsgStore(Application.Handle, ENTRYID.cb, PENTRYID(ENTRYID.lpb), @IID_IMsgStore, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, FMDB); if Assigned(ENTRYID.lpb) then MAPIFreeBuffer(ENTRYID.lpb); end; if Failed(hr) then begin if Assigned(FMDB) then FMDB.StoreLogoff(Flags); FMDB := nil; ShowMessage('I can''t open "Store"' + CRLF + GETMAPIError(FMapiSession, hr)); exit; end else GetFolderRoot; end; procedure TfrmMain.GetFolderRoot; var RootFolder: IMAPIFolder; RowCount, ObjType: ULONG; iCount: integer; HierarchyTable: IMAPITable; PropTagArray: PSPropTagArray; PRows: PSRowSet; SlaveFolder: IMAPIFolder; Node: TTreeNode; begin RootFolder := nil; HierarchyTable := nil; PropTagArray := nil; PRows := nil; SlaveFolder := nil; try hr := FMDB.OpenEntry(0, // use 0 for root folder nil, // use NIL for root folder @IID_IMAPIFolder, // use NULL for interface ID MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, // use this flag if you plan to make changes ObjType, IUnknown(RootFolder)); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(FMDB, hr)); exit; end; hr := RootFolder.GetHierarchyTable(CONVENIENT_DEPTH, HierarchyTable); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(RootFolder, hr)); exit; end; hr := HierarchyTable.GetRowCount(0, RowCount); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(HierarchyTable, hr)); exit; end; hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_ENTRYID], PropTagArray); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('MAPIError'); exit; end; hr := HierarchyTable.SetColumns(PropTagArray, 0); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(HierarchyTable, hr)); exit; end; hr := HierarchyTable.QueryRows(RowCount, 0, PRows); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(HierarchyTable, hr)); exit; end; if Assigned(PRows) and (PRows.cRows > 0) then for iCount := 0 to PRows.cRows - 1 do if (PSPropValueArray(PRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[0].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME) and Assigned (PSPropValueArray(PRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[0].Value.lpsz) then if (AnsiContainsText(StrPas(PSPropValueArray(PRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[0].Value.lpsz), 'Top of ') or AnsiContainsText(StrPas(PSPropValueArray(PRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[0].Value.lpsz), 'IPM_SUBTREE')) then begin hr := FMDB.OpenEntry(PSPropValueArray(PRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[1].Value.bin.cb, PENTRYID(PSPropValueArray(PRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[1].Value.bin.lpb), @IID_IMAPIFolder, MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, ObjType, IUnknown(SlaveFolder)); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(FMDB, hr)); exit; end; ClearTTreeBinary(MailboxTreeView); MailboxTreeView.Items.BeginUpdate; Node := MailboxTreeView.Items.AddFirst(nil, 'Mailbox'); Node.ImageIndex := 0; EnumFolders(SlaveFolder, Node); SlaveFolder := nil; MailboxTreeView.Items.EndUpdate; break; end; // Use the GetTopFolder function !!! if MailboxTreeView.Items.Count = 0 then begin SlaveFolder := GetTopFolder(FMDB, True); if not Assigned(SlaveFolder) then Exit; ClearTTreeBinary(MailboxTreeView); MailboxTreeView.Items.BeginUpdate; Node := MailboxTreeView.Items.AddFirst(nil, 'Mailbox'); Node.ImageIndex := 0; (* our recursion function *) EnumFolders(SlaveFolder, Node); SlaveFolder := nil; MailboxTreeView.Items.EndUpdate; end; finally if Assigned(RootFolder) then RootFolder := nil; if Assigned(PRows) then FreePRows(PRows); if Assigned(PropTagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(PropTagArray); if Assigned(HierarchyTable) then HierarchyTable := nil; if Assigned(SlaveFolder) then SlaveFolder := nil; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.EnumFolders(ParentFolder: IMAPIFolder; ParentNode: TTreeNode); var SubFolder: IMAPIFolder; SubNode: TTreeNode; HierarchyTable: IMAPITable; ObjType, Count, RowCount: ULONG; RowSet: PSRowSet; PropTagArray: TSPropTagArray; FolderPropTagArray: PSPropTagArray; MAPIProp: IMAPIProp; ValueArray: PSPropValue; ENTRYID: PSBinary; begin HierarchyTable := nil; RowSet := nil; FolderPropTagArray := nil; MAPIProp := nil; try if Assigned(ParentFolder) then begin hr := ParentFolder.GetHierarchyTable(0, HierarchyTable); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(ParentFolder, hr)); exit; end; hr := HierarchyTable.GetRowCount(0, RowCount); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(HierarchyTable, hr)); exit; end; PropTagArray.cValues := 1; PropTagArray.aulPropTag[0] := PR_ENTRYID; hr := HierarchyTable.SetColumns(@PropTagArray, 0); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(HierarchyTable, hr)); exit; end; hr := HierarchyTable.QueryRows(RowCount, 0, RowSet); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(HierarchyTable, hr)); exit; end; if Assigned(RowSet) and (RowSet.cRows > 0) then begin hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_ENTRYID, PR_SUBFOLDERS], FolderPropTagArray); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Error'); exit; end; for Count := 0 to RowSet.cRows - 1 do begin Application.ProcessMessages; hr := ParentFolder.OpenEntry(PSPropValueArray(RowSet.aRow[Count].lpProps)[0].Value.bin.cb, PENTRYID(PSPropValueArray(RowSet.aRow[Count].lpProps)[0].Value.bin.lpb), @IID_IMAPIProp, 0, ObjType, IUnknown(MAPIProp)); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(ParentFolder, hr)); exit; end; hr := MAPIProp.GetProps(FolderPropTagArray, 0, ObjType, ValueArray); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(MAPIProp, hr)); exit; end; (* In order to be able to then open the folder and take its contents we will require ENTRYID. Since it is a Pointer we will store it in the TtreeNode and then we will use it to get an interface to the IMAPIFolder *) MakePSBinary(PSPropValueArray(ValueArray)[1].Value.bin, ENTRYID); SubNode := MailboxTreeView.Items.AddChildObject(ParentNode, StrPas(PSPropValueArray(ValueArray)[0].Value.lpsz), ENTRYID); SubNode.ImageIndex := 1; SubNode.SelectedIndex := 1; if BOOL(PSPropValueArray(ValueArray)[2].Value.B) and Assigned(SubNode.Data) then begin hr := ParentFolder.OpenEntry(PSBinary(SubNode.Data).cb, PENTRYID(PSBinary(SubNode.Data).lpb), @IID_IMAPIFolder, MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, ObjType, IUnknown(SubFolder)); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(ParentFolder, hr)); exit; end; EnumFolders(SubFolder, SubNode); SubFolder := nil; end; MAPIFreeBuffer(ValueArray); ValueArray := nil; MAPIProp := nil; end; // for iCount:=0 MAPIFreeBuffer(FolderPropTagArray); FolderPropTagArray := nil; FreePRows(RowSet); RowSet := nil; end; // if Assigned(PRows) HierarchyTable := nil; end; // if Assigned(ParentFolder) finally if Assigned(ValueArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(ValueArray); ValueArray := nil; if Assigned(FolderPropTagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(FolderPropTagArray); FolderPropTagArray := nil; if Assigned(RowSet) then FreePRows(RowSet); RowSet := nil; if Assigned(MAPIProp) then MAPIProp := nil; if Assigned(HierarchyTable) then HierarchyTable := nil; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.MailboxTreeViewClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(MailboxTreeView.Selected) then if FNode <> MailboxTreeView.Selected then begin FNode := MailboxTreeView.Selected; (* If you remember, our Pointer containing TtreeNode was an EntryID of the masked as a TSBinary *) Self.Enabled := False; try if Assigned(FNode.Data) then EnumThisFolder(PSBinary(FNode.Data)); finally Self.Enabled := True; end; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.EnumThisFolder(Value: PSBinary); var ContentTablePropTagArray: PSPropTagArray; SortOrderSet: TSSortOrderSet; MAPIFolder: IMAPIFolder; iCount, MessageSizeCount, ContentTableRowCount, ObjType: ULONG; ContentTable: IMAPITable; ContentTableRows: PSRowSet; MessageProperty: PMessageProperties; ProgresBar: TProgressBar; begin ProgresBar := nil; MessageSizeCount := 0; ClearViewList; lvMailbox.Items.BeginUpdate; try ProgresBar := nil; MessageSizeCount := 0; StatusBar1.Panels.Clear; (* If you remember, our Pointer containing TtreeNode was an EntryID of the masked as a TSBinary. We will get an interface to the folder by making our Message Store open it. *) hr := FMDB.OpenEntry(Value.cb, PENTRYID(Value.lpb), @IID_IMAPIFolder, MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, // or MAPI_BEST_ACCESS ObjType, IUnknown(MAPIFolder)); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(FMDB, hr)); exit; end; try ClearFIMList(FFolderListMessages); lvMailbox.Items.Count := FFolderListMessages.Count; Application.ProcessMessages; lvMailbox.Repaint; except ShowMessage('Error'); hr := E_UNEXPECTED; exit; end; (* We will define the initial sorting of the table containing the messages. We will require sorting by "time of sending" of e-mails. We don't have to do it by all means, however it is a good opportunity to show how you can sort the contents in the Content Table *) SortOrderSet.cSorts := 1; SortOrderSet.cCategories := 0; SortOrderSet.cExpanded := 0; SortOrderSet.aSort[0].ulPropTag := PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME; SortOrderSet.aSort[0].ulOrder := TABLE_SORT_ASCEND; (* We will define the features that we would like to know about each object in the Content Table. These will be: Do they have an attachment, the subject, e-mail size and time of receipt. *) hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_HASATTACH, PR_SUBJECT, PR_MESSAGE_SIZE, PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME], ContentTablePropTagArray); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Error'); exit; end; hr := MAPIFolder.GetContentsTable(0, ContentTable); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(MAPIFolder, hr)); exit; end; (* We will restrict the number of returned columns *) hr := ContentTable.SetColumns(ContentTablePropTagArray, 0); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(ContentTable, hr)); exit; end; (* Freeing memory *) MAPIFreeBuffer(ContentTablePropTagArray); ContentTablePropTagArray := nil; hr := ContentTable.SortTable(@SortOrderSet, 0); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(ContentTable, hr)); exit; end; ContentTableRowCount := 0; hr := ContentTable.GetRowCount(0, ContentTableRowCount); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(ContentTable, hr)); exit; end; (* A little bit of "make-up". We will visualize the contents rendering of the Content Table using Progres Bar *) ProgresBar := TProgressBar.Create(Self); ProgresBar.Max := ContentTableRowCount; ProgresBar.Step := 1; ProgresBar.Parent := StatusBar1; ProgresBar.Left := StatusBar1.Left + 3; ProgresBar.Top := 3; ProgresBar.Height := StatusBar1.Height - 4; ProgresBar.Width := 300; while True do begin ContentTableRows := nil; hr := ContentTable.QueryRows(25, 0, ContentTableRows); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GETMAPIError(ContentTable, hr)); exit; end; if Assigned(ContentTableRows) then if ContentTableRows.cRows < 1 then begin FreePRows(ContentTableRows); ContentTableRows := nil; break; end else begin for iCount := 0 to ContentTableRows.cRows - 1 do begin Application.ProcessMessages; ProgresBar.StepIt; (* Since we require several properties per object, we will use a structure of our own to store them in. In this structure we will store each object in a TList rather than putting it in TListView We will use the OnData event of the TlistView to take this structure from our TList in order to visualize it. In other words, we will implement Virtual ListView *) (* Allocating memory for our structure *) GetMem(MessageProperty, SizeOf(TMessageProperties)); if (PSPropValueArray(ContentTableRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[0].ulPropTag = PR_HASATTACH) then MessageProperty^.HASATTACH := PSPropValueArray(ContentTableRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[0].Value.B; MessageProperty^.SUBJECT := nil; if (PSPropValueArray(ContentTableRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[1].ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT) then if Assigned(PSPropValueArray(ContentTableRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[1].Value.lpsz) then begin GetMem(MessageProperty^.SUBJECT, StrLen(PSPropValueArray(ContentTableRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[1].Value.lpsz) * SizeOf(Char) + 1); StrCopy(MessageProperty^.SUBJECT, PSPropValueArray(ContentTableRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[1].Value.lpsz); end; if (PSPropValueArray(ContentTableRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[2].ulPropTag = PR_MESSAGE_SIZE) then begin MessageProperty^.MESSAGE_SIZE := ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(@PSPropValueArray(ContentTableRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[2]); MessageSizeCount := MessageSizeCount + MessageProperty^.MESSAGE_SIZE; end; if (PSPropValueArray(ContentTableRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[3].ulPropTag = PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME) then MessageProperty^.CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME := ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(@PSPropValueArray(ContentTableRows.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[3]) else MessageProperty^.CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME := 0; FFolderListMessages.Add(MessageProperty); end; // for iCount:=0 if Assigned(ContentTableRows) then FreePRows(ContentTableRows); ContentTableRows := nil; end; // if Assigned(ContentTableRows) and ContentTableRows.cRows<1 end; ContentTable := nil; MAPIFolder := nil; if Assigned(ProgresBar) then ProgresBar.Free; ProgresBar := nil; StatusBar1.Panels.Add; StatusBar1.Panels.Add; StatusBar1.Panels[0].Style := psText; StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := IntToStr(ContentTableRowCount) + ' Messages'; StatusBar1.Panels[0].Width := 130; StatusBar1.Panels[1].Style := psText; StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := 'Total used size: ' + FormatFloat('###' + ThousandSeparator + '###' + ThousandSeparator + '##0', (MessageSizeCount div 1024)) + ' K'; Application.ProcessMessages; lvMailbox.Items.Count := FFolderListMessages.Count; lvMailbox.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; except if Assigned(ProgresBar) then ProgresBar.Free; StatusBar1.Panels.Add; StatusBar1.Panels.Add; StatusBar1.Panels[0].Style := psText; StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := IntToStr(ContentTableRowCount) + ' Messages'; StatusBar1.Panels[0].Width := 130; StatusBar1.Panels[1].Style := psText; StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := 'Total used size: ' + FormatFloat('###' + ThousandSeparator + '###' + ThousandSeparator + '##0', (MessageSizeCount div 1024)) + ' K'; lvMailbox.Items.Count := FFolderListMessages.Count; end; lvMailbox.Items.Count := FFolderListMessages.Count; lvMailbox.Items.EndUpdate; lvMailbox.Repaint; end; function TfrmMain.ShellItem(Index: integer): PMessageProperties; begin Result := PMessageProperties(FFolderListMessages.Items[Index]); end; procedure TfrmMain.lvMailboxData(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem); begin if FFolderListMessages.Count = 0 then exit; if (Item.Index > FFolderListMessages.Count) then exit; with ShellItem(Item.Index)^ do begin try if HASATTACH then Item.ImageIndex := 8; Item.SubItems.Add(StrPas(SUBJECT)); if ((MESSAGE_SIZE div 1024) > 0) then Item.SubItems.Add(FormatFloat('###' + ThousandSeparator + '###' + ThousandSeparator + '##0', (MESSAGE_SIZE div 1024)) + 'K') else Item.SubItems.Add(IntToStr(1) + 'K'); Item.SubItems.Add(VarToStr(CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME)); except end; end; end; function CustomSortProc(Item1, Item2: Pointer): integer; var Y, Z: integer; begin case ColumnToSort of 0: begin if PMessageProperties(Item1)^.HASATTACH then Y := 1 else Y := 0; if PMessageProperties(Item2)^.HASATTACH then Z := 1 else Z := 0; Result := -(Y - Z); end; 1: Result := CompareText(PMessageProperties(Item1)^.SUBJECT, PMessageProperties(Item2)^.SUBJECT); 2: Result := PMessageProperties(Item1)^.MESSAGE_SIZE - PMessageProperties(Item2)^.MESSAGE_SIZE; 3: Result := CompareDateTime(PMessageProperties(Item1)^.CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME, PMessageProperties(Item2)^.CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME); else Result := 0; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.lvMailboxColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn); begin ColumnToSort := Column.Index; if (ColumnToSort in [0 .. 3]) then FFolderListMessages.Sort(CustomSortProc); lvMailbox.Repaint; end; end.