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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Example #7
Now, we will get a message from folder and…
In this example we’ll not only show the contents of a folder,
but we will also be able to open each element in it.
Since MAPI perceives each entry in the Content Table as a Message,
we will not take into consideration the Message object class.
How to:
- Get Message class (ex. IPM.Note, IPM.Contact, IPM.Task….)
- Get Message Subject
- Get some other message properties
- Get Message BODY
- Get Attachment table
- Enumerate Attachments
- Get embedded attachment (ex: Microsoft Word Document)
- Get ICON of embedded attachment
- …
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Source Code: In package
unit unfrmmessage; (* In this unit we will do the following: - When we are given Msgstore and ENTRYID of a Message, we will get an interface to the Imessage object. - We will require the following properties of the Imessage: PR_MESSAGE_CLASS - property contains a text string that identifies t he sender-defined message class, such as IPM.Note PR_SUBJECT - property contains the full subject of a message PR_BODY - property contains the message text PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS - property contains the message sender's e-mail address PR_HASATTACH - property contains TRUE if a message contains at least one attachment PR_RTF_COMPRESSED- property contains the Rich Text Format version of the message text, usually in compressed form PR_RTF_IN_SYNC - property contains TRUE if PR_RTF_COMPRESSED has the same text content as PR_BODY for this message - We will visualize the message text - If there are Attachments, we will find out their number and will define them - We will require the following attachment properties: PR_ATTACH_RENDERING - property contains a Microsoft Windows metafile with rendering information for an attachment PR_ATTACH_NUM - property contains a number that uniquely identifies the attachment within its parent message PR_RENDERING_POSITION - property contains an offset, in characters, to use in rendering an attachment within the main message text PR_ATTACH_METHOD - property contains a MAPI-defined constant representing the way the contents of an attachment can be accessed PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME - property contains an attachment's long filename and extension, excluding path PR_ATTACH_FILENAME - property contains an attachment's base filename and extension, excluding path PR_ATTACH_SIZE - property contains the sum, in bytes, of the sizes of all properties on an attachment *) interface {$I IMI.INC} uses Classes, Controls, Forms, Graphics, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtendedMAPI; type TfrmMessage = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; Label1: TLabel; lbMessageClass: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; lbMessageSubject: TLabel; MessageBody: TRichEdit; Label3: TLabel; lbMessageSender: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; lbMessageAttachments: TLabel; Panel2: TPanel; lbAttachments: TListBox; Label5: TLabel; AttachmentImage: TImage; procedure lbAttachmentsClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } HR: HRESULT; public { Public declarations } procedure OpenMessage(MsgStore: ImsgStore; MessageENTRYID: PSBinary); end; var frmMessage: TfrmMessage; implementation uses Dialogs, Windows, SysUtils, ActiveX, MAPIUtils, MAPIMacros, EDK; {$R *.DFM} {$I XE.INC} procedure TfrmMessage.OpenMessage(MsgStore: ImsgStore; MessageENTRYID: PSBinary); var BytesRead, BytesRead2, ObjType: ULONG; MAPIMessage: IMessage; AttachmentPropTagArray, MessagePropTagArray: PSPropTagArray; MessagePropValueArray: PSPropValue; IsUpdated: BOOL; HasAttachments: boolean; RTFStreamCompressed, RTFStreamUncompressed, MetafileStream: IStream; StreamOle: IStream; AttachmentTable: IMAPITable; Prows: PSRowSet; Atachment: IAttach; StreamBuffer: array [0 .. 4095] of byte; DestinationStream: TStream; BodyStream: TStringStream; CurSeekPos: {$IFDEF DELPHI2015XE8} UINT64 {$ELSE} Largeint {$ENDIF} ; cb: ULONG; Metafile: TMetafile; MetafileHandle: THandle; MetaFilePict: TMetafilePict; Canvas: TCanvas; notUsed: HWND; AttachementName: String; PAttachement: PChar; i: ULONG; begin AttachmentImage.Picture.Graphic := nil; DestinationStream := nil; MessagePropTagArray := nil; MessagePropValueArray := nil; RTFStreamCompressed := nil; RTFStreamUncompressed := nil; AttachmentTable := nil; AttachmentPropTagArray := nil; Prows := nil; Atachment := nil; MetafileStream := nil; StreamOle := nil; (* We get an interface to the MAPI Message object *) try HR := MsgStore.OpenEntry(MessageENTRYID.cb, PENTRYID(MessageENTRYID.lpb), @IID_IMessage, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjType, IUnknown(MAPIMessage)); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MsgStore, HR)); Exit; end; (* We will build a PropTagArray containing the MAPI Message properties that we require *) HR := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_MESSAGE_CLASS, PR_SUBJECT, CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(PR_BODY, PT_UNSPECIFIED), PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_HASATTACH, PR_RTF_COMPRESSED, PR_RTF_IN_SYNC], MessagePropTagArray); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(nil, HR)); Exit; end; ObjType := 0; (* We take the required properties *) HR := MAPIMessage.GetProps(MessagePropTagArray, 0, ObjType, MessagePropValueArray); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, HR)); Exit; end; // We assign each property that we take to label, memo, etc... if Assigned(MessagePropValueArray) then begin if (PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[0].ulPropTag = PR_MESSAGE_CLASS) and Assigned(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[0].Value.lpsz) then lbMessageClass.Caption := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[0].Value.lpsz) else lbMessageClass.Caption := 'Not Defined'; lbMessageClass.Hint := lbMessageClass.Caption; if (PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[1].ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT) and Assigned(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[1].Value.lpsz) then lbMessageSubject.Caption := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[1].Value.lpsz) else lbMessageSubject.Caption := 'No Subject'; lbMessageSubject.Hint := lbMessageSubject.Caption; MessageBody.Lines.Clear; if (PROP_TYPE(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[2].ulPropTag) <> PT_ERROR) // PR_BODY then begin if PROP_TYPE(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[2].ulPropTag) = PT_STRING8 then MessageBody.Lines.LoadFromStream(TStringStream.Create(AnsiString(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[2].Value.lpszA))); if PROP_TYPE(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[2].ulPropTag) = PT_UNICODE then MessageBody.Lines.LoadFromStream(TStringStream.Create(WideString(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[2].Value.lpszW))); end else begin if PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[2].Value.Err = MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY then begin hr := MAPIMessage.OpenProperty(PR_BODY_A, @IID_IStream, // interface ID reference STGM_READ, // interface flags MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, // reduces RPCs IUnknown(StreamOle)); if not Failed(hr) then begin BodyStream := TStringStream.Create(''{$IFDEF DELPHI2009}, TEncoding.ascii {$ENDIF}); try IStreamToStream(StreamOle, BodyStream); BodyStream.Position := 0; MessageBody.Lines.LoadFromStream(BodyStream); finally FreeAndNil(BodyStream); end; end; end; end; if (PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[3].ulPropTag = PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS) and Assigned(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[3].Value.lpsz) then lbMessageSender.Caption := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[3].Value.lpsz) else lbMessageSender.Caption := ''; lbMessageSender.Hint := lbMessageSender.Caption; HasAttachments := False; if (PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[4].ulPropTag = PR_HASATTACH) then HasAttachments := boolean(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[4].Value.b); if HasAttachments then lbMessageAttachments.Caption := 'True' else lbMessageAttachments.Caption := 'False'; // If FORMATED RTF BODY exists, we will visualize it. if (PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[5].ulPropTag = PR_RTF_COMPRESSED) then begin // RTFSync // Ensures that the rich text format (RTF) body of a message // matches the plain text body. // It is necessary to call this function before reading the RTF body // and after modifying the RTF body. if (PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[6].ulPropTag = PR_RTF_IN_SYNC) and (BOOL(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[6].Value.b) = False) then begin HR := RTFSync(MAPIMessage, RTF_SYNC_BODY_CHANGED, IsUpdated); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Error on RTFSync'); Exit; end; // If the value of the isUpdated parameter is set to TRUE, // then IMAPIProp.SaveChanges should be called for the message. // RTFSync does not call SaveChanges as part of its implementation. // If SaveChanges is not called the modifications will not be saved in the message. if IsUpdated then HR := MAPIMessage.SaveChanges(0); // KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, HR)); Exit; end; end; // Opening compressed RTF HR := MAPIMessage.OpenProperty(PR_RTF_COMPRESSED, @IID_IStream, 0, MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, IUnknown(RTFStreamCompressed)); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, HR)); Exit; end; // WrapCompressedRTFStream returns a stream containing the uncompressed // RTF body of a message. HR := WrapCompressedRTFStream(RTFStreamCompressed, 0, RTFStreamUncompressed); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(nil, HR) + #13#10 + 'Error in the execution of WrapCompressedRTFStream'); Exit; end; ZeroMemory(@StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer)); BytesRead := 0; DestinationStream := TMemoryStream.Create; HR := RTFStreamUncompressed.Read(@StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer) - 1, @BytesRead); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage('Error in the execution of RTFStreamUncompressed'); Exit; end; repeat DestinationStream.WriteBuffer(StreamBuffer, BytesRead); HR := RTFStreamUncompressed.Read(@StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer), @BytesRead); until BytesRead <= 0; DestinationStream.Position := 0; MessageBody.Lines.LoadFromStream(DestinationStream); DestinationStream.Free; DestinationStream := nil; end; // PR_RTF_COMPRESSED // �If there are Attachments, we need to open the Attachment Table if HasAttachments then begin HR := MAPIMessage.GetAttachmentTable(0, AttachmentTable); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, HR)); Exit; end; (* We build PropTagArray for the Attachments Properties that we are interested in *) HR := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_ATTACH_RENDERING, PR_ATTACH_NUM, PR_RENDERING_POSITION, PR_ATTACH_METHOD, PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, PR_ATTACH_FILENAME, PR_ATTACH_SIZE], AttachmentPropTagArray); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage('Error in the building of Attachments PropTagArray'); Exit; end; lbAttachments.Items.Clear; (* We assume that the number of attachments in the message will not be extremely large, so we will use the HrQueryAllRows function *) cb := 0; HR := HrQueryAllRows(AttachmentTable, AttachmentPropTagArray, nil, nil, cb, Prows); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage('Error in the execution of HrQueryAllRows'); Exit; end; (* If the attachment is inbuilt in the body of the text (e.g. when you "drag and drop" MS WORD file into message) we will visualize the icon associated to the file. *) if Assigned(Prows) and (Prows.cRows > 0) then begin lbMessageAttachments.Caption := IntToStr(Prows.cRows); Metafile := nil; for cb := 0 to Prows.cRows - 1 do begin if (PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 5].ulPropTag = PR_RENDERING_POSITION) and (PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 5].Value.L <> -1) and (PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 7].ulPropTag = PR_ATTACH_RENDERING) and (PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 7].Value.bin.cb > 0) then begin Atachment := nil; HR := MAPIMessage.OpenAttach(PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 6].Value.L, @IID_IAttachment, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, Atachment); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, HR)); Exit; end; MetafileStream := nil; // We will request metafile with rendering information for an attachment HR := Atachment.OpenProperty(PR_ATTACH_RENDERING, @IID_IStream, 0, MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, IUnknown(MetafileStream)); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(Atachment, HR)); Exit; end; ZeroMemory(@StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer)); BytesRead := 0; HR := MetafileStream.Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, CurSeekPos); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Error'); Exit; end; BytesRead2 := 0; repeat HR := MetafileStream.Read(@StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer), @BytesRead); if Failed(HR) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Error'); Exit; end; BytesRead2 := BytesRead2 + BytesRead; until BytesRead <= 0; Canvas := TCanvas.Create; Canvas.Handle := GetDeviceContext(notUsed); MetafileHandle := SetWinMetaFileBits(BytesRead2, @StreamBuffer, GetDC(Canvas.Handle), MetaFilePict); Metafile := TMetafile.Create; Metafile.ReleaseHandle; Metafile.Handle := MetafileHandle; MetafileStream := nil; AttachementName := ''; HR := HrMAPIGetPropString(Atachment, PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, i, Pointer(PAttachement)); if not Failed(HR) then begin AttachementName := String(PAttachement); MAPIFreeBuffer(PAttachement); end; if AttachementName = '' then HR := HrMAPIGetPropString(Atachment, PR_ATTACH_FILENAME, i, Pointer(PAttachement)); if not Failed(HR) then begin AttachementName := String(PAttachement); MAPIFreeBuffer(PAttachement); end; Atachment := nil; end; // Attachments begin Atachment := nil; HR := MAPIMessage.OpenAttach(PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 6].Value.L, @IID_IAttachment, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, Atachment); AttachementName := ''; HR := HrMAPIGetPropString(Atachment, PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, i, Pointer(PAttachement)); if not Failed(HR) then begin AttachementName := String(PAttachement); MAPIFreeBuffer(PAttachement); end; if AttachementName = '' then begin HR := HrMAPIGetPropString(Atachment, PR_ATTACH_FILENAME, i, Pointer(PAttachement)); if not Failed(HR) then begin AttachementName := String(PAttachement); MAPIFreeBuffer(PAttachement); end; end; Atachment := nil; end; if (AttachementName = '') and (PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 3].ulPropTag = PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME) then AttachementName := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 3].Value.lpsz); if (AttachementName = '') and (PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 2].ulPropTag = PR_ATTACH_FILENAME) then AttachementName := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 2].Value.lpsz); if (AttachementName <> '') and (PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 1].ulPropTag = PR_ATTACH_SIZE) then lbAttachments.Items.AddObject(AttachementName + ' -> ' + FormatFloat('###' + ThousandSeparator + '###' + ThousandSeparator + '##0', ((PSPropValueArray(Prows.aRow[cb].lpProps)[AttachmentPropTagArray.cValues - 1].Value.L) div 1024)) + ' K', Metafile); end; end; end; // if HasAttachments then end; // if Assigned(MessagePropValueArray) then finally if Assigned(DestinationStream) then DestinationStream.Free; if Assigned(MessagePropTagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(MessagePropTagArray); MessagePropTagArray := nil; if Assigned(MessagePropValueArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(MessagePropValueArray); MessagePropValueArray := nil; RTFStreamCompressed := nil; RTFStreamUncompressed := nil; AttachmentTable := nil; AttachmentPropTagArray := nil; Prows := nil; Atachment := nil; MetafileStream := nil; end; end; procedure TfrmMessage.lbAttachmentsClick(Sender: TObject); var iCount: integer; begin for iCount := 0 to (lbAttachments.Items.Count - 1) do if lbAttachments.Selected[iCount] then if Assigned(lbAttachments.Items.Objects[iCount]) then AttachmentImage.Picture.Graphic := TMetafile(lbAttachments.Items.Objects[iCount]); end; end.