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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Example #8
How to create AdviseSink to message store.
Event Notification in MAPI
The purpose of this example is to show the possible ways to get notification, when an event occurs with our Mailbox Store. E.g. a new e-mail receipt, deleting, changing objects, etc.
Why do we need this?
Sometimes the incoming messages have to be stored as archive, e.g. in SQL DataBase, by a defined property – sender, message subject, words in the e-mail text.
This may be performed automatically namely in this manner.
In other cases, when we have an incoming e-mail, its contents or part of it will be redirected to another outlet – e.g. SMS* gateway, or FAX Service.
Or, you have to update your TlistView when a MAPI object has been deleted, changed, copied, created.
For this purpose MAPI provides an IMAPIAdviseSink interface as well as several functions for the creation of an AdviseSink object and for its attachment to the MAPI SubSystem.
In the general case the AdviseSink object is attached to MAPI tables and traces the occurrence of any of the following events:
- fnevCriticalError – A global error has occurred, such as a session shut down in progress.
- fnevNewMail – A message has been delivered to the appropriate receive folder for the message class and is waiting to be processed
- fnevObjectCreated – A MAPI object has been created
- fnevObjectDeleted – A MAPI object has been deleted
- fnevObjectModified – A MAPI object has changed
- fnevObjectCopied – A MAPI object has been copied
- fnevSearchComplete – A search operation has finished and the results are available
- fnevTableModified – Information in a table has changed
- fnevExtended – An internal event defined by a particular service provider has occurred
When an event occurs, the MAPI Subsystem informs the AdviseSink object via its „callback“ function IMAPIAdviseSink.OnNotify
We will build our own COM object that implements IMAPIAdviseSink, we will inform the COM subsystem of its presence upon starting the program, and we will connect to MsgStore and monitor for a new message.
The Delphi code that performs this is in the IMIMailNotifier.pas file.
We have implemented in it
TMAPIAdviseSink = class (TCOMObject, IMAPIAdviseSink)
TMailNotifier = class (TObject)
The code that we will implement is based on COM technologies and the IMAPIAdviseSink object, and it eliminates any usage of TTimer components.
If used profile is connected to Exchange Server, you no need to start the Outlook.
If you use IMO (internet mode only) Outlook, then Outlook, should be running (somebody should receive e-mails).
- Implements an Advise method to receive notification registrations.
- Implements an Unadvise method to receive notification cancellations.
- Generates notifications of the appropriate type to the appropriate advise sink objects that have registered by calling their IMAPIAdviseSink.OnNotify methods.
- Implementing Advise Sink Object
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Source Code: In package
unit IMIMailNotifier; interface {$I IMI.INC} uses Comobj, Windows, ExtendedMAPI; const (* To get a unique COM object, you have to generate our own GUID. You can do this with the Ctrl+Shift+G buttons in Delphi. *) CLSID_MAPIAdviseSink: TGUID = '{B9197B72-6070-11D4-9E24-0000B45AB267}'; (* As you can see, the declaration of our COM object is very simple but sufficient *) type TMAPIAdviseSink = class(TCOMObject, IMAPIAdviseSink) function OnNotify(cbNotif: ULONG; lpNotifications: PNOTIFICATION): ULONG; stdcall; end; (* The entire performance of the MAPI session, the registration of AdviseSink for notification will be performed by the TMailNotifier object *) TMailNotifier = class(TObject) private FMAPIInitialized, FMAPILoged, FRegistered: boolean; hr: HRESULT; private MsgStoreTable: IMsgStore; Inbox: IMAPIFolder; ContentsTable: IMapiTable; MAPISession: IMAPISession; NewMailSink: IMAPIAdviseSink; NewMailConnection: ULONG_PTR; public function Logon: boolean; procedure Logoff; function Register: boolean; function UnRegister: boolean; destructor Destroy; override; end; var MailNotifier: TMailNotifier = nil; implementation uses ActiveX, Comserv, SysUtils, Forms, EDK, MAPIUtils, MAPIMacros; (* CallBack function through which the MAPI SubSystem notifies our program of the events that have occurred. The function has two parameters: cbNotif that contains the number of received notification, and lpNotifications - a Pointer containing a structure with the information of the changes that have occurred. Since we will look for new messages, we will define a variable of the Imessage type that we will study. *) function TMAPIAdviseSink.OnNotify(cbNotif: ULONG; lpNotifications: PNOTIFICATION): ULONG; var hr: HRESULT; ObjType: ULONG; MAPIMessage: IMessage; MessagePropTagArray: PSPropTagArray; MessagePropValueArray: PSPropValue; StringMessage: string; iCount: Integer; begin MAPIMessage := nil; hr := HRSUCCESS; Result := hr; (* We have registered to receive notifications of the receipt of new messages. In other words, we will be interested in the NEWMAIL_NOTIFICATION version part of the lpNotifications - Part of what the NEWMAIL_NOTIFICATION structure provides is cbEntryID - number of bytes in ENTRYID ENTRYID - unique identifier of the incoming message cbParentID - number of bytes in ParentID ParentID - unique identifier of the folder into which the message is received. There are two options - to get an interface to the MAPI folder into which the incoming message is received and from there to get an interface to IMessage, or to directly "force" the MAPISession object to provide us with access to the IMessage object. Since we are not interested in which folder the incoming message is received and we won't do anything with this folder, e.g. deleting the message or moving it to another location, we will chose the second option - force the MAPISession. *) for iCount := 0 to Integer(cbNotif) - 1 do if (PNOTIFICATIONArray(lpNotifications)[iCount].ulEventType = fnevNewMail) then begin try hr := MailNotifier.MAPISession.OpenEntry(PNOTIFICATIONArray(lpNotifications)[iCount].info.newmail.cbEntryID, PNOTIFICATIONArray(lpNotifications)[iCount].info.newmail.EntryID, @IID_IMessage, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjType, IUnknown(MAPIMessage)); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar(GetMAPIError(MailNotifier.MAPISession, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; MessagePropTagArray := nil; ObjType := 0; (* We will take only two of the incoming message properties - SUBJECT and sender. There is no restriction as to the number of properties that you can require, however, for our simple example we will enter only the above two properties, since a PopUp MessageBox pops up. We will construct a PropTagArray with these Properties. *) hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_SUBJECT, PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS], MessagePropTagArray); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar(GetMAPIError(nil, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; MessagePropValueArray := nil; (* Taking the properties *) hr := MAPIMessage.GetProps(MessagePropTagArray, 0, ObjType, MessagePropValueArray); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; StringMessage := 'Any post was there!'; if Assigned(MessagePropValueArray) then begin if PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[0].ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT then if Assigned(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[0].Value.lpsz) then StringMessage := StringMessage + #13#10 + 'Subject:' + StrPas(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[0].Value.lpsz); if PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[1].ulPropTag = PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS then if Assigned(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[1].Value.lpsz) then StringMessage := StringMessage + #13#10 + 'From:' + StrPas(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[1].Value.lpsz); end; MessageBox(Application.Handle, PChar(StringMessage), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION); finally (* Freeing memory that we have allocated *) if Assigned(MessagePropValueArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(MessagePropValueArray); if Assigned(MessagePropTagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(MessagePropTagArray); if Assigned(MAPIMessage) then MAPIMessage := nil; Result := hr; end; end; end; destructor TMailNotifier.Destroy; begin Logoff; inherited Destroy; end; function TMailNotifier.Logon: boolean; begin Result := False; (* We will use a very simple code a new Session with MAPI SubSystems *) try FMAPIInitialized := Succeeded(MAPIInitialize(nil)); if not FMAPIInitialized then begin MessageBox(0, 'I cannot initialize MAPI Session!', 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; FMAPILoged := Succeeded(MAPILogonEx(Application.Handle, nil, nil, MAPI_LOGON_UI or MAPI_EXTENDED or MAPI_NEW_SESSION, MAPISession)); if not FMAPILoged then MessageBox(0, 'I can''t open the MAPI Session!', 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); finally Result := FMAPILoged; end; end; procedure TMailNotifier.Logoff; var flag: ULONG; begin try if FRegistered then UnRegister; if Assigned(MsgStoreTable) then begin flag := LOGOFF_NO_WAIT; MsgStoreTable.StoreLogoff(flag); MsgStoreTable := nil; end; if FMAPILoged then MAPISession.Logoff(Application.Handle, MAPI_LOGOFF_UI, 0); MAPISession := nil; if FMAPIInitialized then MAPIUninitialize; finally FMAPILoged := False; FMAPIInitialized := False; end; end; (* In the next function we will perform the basic steps of IMAPIAdviseSink registration *) function TMailNotifier.Register: boolean; var MessageStoreENTRYID: TSBinary; cbEID: Integer; TagArray: PSPropTagArray; cValues: ULONG; ValueArray: PSPropValue; SortCriteria: TSSortOrderSet; // RowSet: PSRowSet; Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 bug-bug ?? begin Result := False; hr := ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; if FRegistered then Exit; // Creating our Delphi MAPIAdviseSink object NewMailSink := TMAPIAdviseSink.Create; ZeroMemory(@MessageStoreENTRYID, SizeOf(MessageStoreENTRYID)); (* We can look for the incoming New Mail in a defined folder or in the entire Mailbox. We will choose the second option. Not because it is more specific, but simply because we chose to do it this way. Using the EDK function HrMAPIFindDefaultMsgStore, we will take EntryID of the Default MsgStor�, and we will get an interface to the MsgStor� object via MapiSession *) hr := HrMAPIFindDefaultMsgStore(MAPISession, MessageStoreENTRYID.cb, PENTRYID(MessageStoreENTRYID.lpb)); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(Application.Handle, PChar('I cannot find Store!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(MAPISession, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; hr := MAPISession.OpenMsgStore(Application.Handle, MessageStoreENTRYID.cb, PENTRYID(MessageStoreENTRYID.lpb), @IID_IMsgStore, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MDB_NO_DIALOG or MAPI_NO_CACHE, MsgStoreTable); if (hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS) or (MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER=hr) then hr := MAPISession.OpenMsgStore(Application.Handle, MessageStoreENTRYID.cb, PENTRYID(MessageStoreENTRYID.lpb), @IID_IMsgStore, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MDB_NO_DIALOG, MsgStoreTable); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(Application.Handle, PChar('I cannot open Store!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(MAPISession, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; if Assigned(MessageStoreENTRYID.lpb) then MAPIFreeBuffer(MessageStoreENTRYID.lpb); (* Since some MAPI MsgStore cache the query to the MAPI, we will have to force MsgStore. This means that an application cannot simply call Advise and wait for notifications to appear. It must call Advise and then, for example, call IMAPIProps.GetProps on a property known not to be cached on the client. This GetProps call can be executed on any object, such as the information store itself. An RPC can initiate the return of notifications, but an Advise call itself does not force an RPC. We should to force notification. For this, we will create some RPC trafic *) hr := MsgStoreTable.OpenEntry(0, nil, @IID_IMAPIFolder, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_NO_CACHE, cValues, IUnknown(Inbox)); if (hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS) or (MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER=hr) then hr := MsgStoreTable.OpenEntry(0, nil, @IID_IMAPIFolder, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, cValues, IUnknown(Inbox)); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(Application.Handle, PChar(GetMAPIError(MsgStoreTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; hr := Inbox.GetContentsTable(0, ContentsTable); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(Application.Handle, PChar(GetMAPIError(Inbox, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; hr := ContentsTable.GetRowCount(0, cValues); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(Application.Handle, PChar(GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; (* Well, let's hope that the above rows have generated enough RPC traffic Now we will perform the "hooking" to the MsgStore and we will wait for a New Mail notification. For this purpose we set the fnevNewMail as an "EventMask" property. Defining 0 and NIL in the first two parameters, we will force the notification to be for the entire MsgStore. If we set a valid ENTRYID of a folder as a parameter, we may monitor the changes in it. As a fourth parameter "AdviseSink" we set our DELPHI AdviseSink object. In the last parameter - "Connection", in case of a successful connection, MAPI SubSystem will produce a unique number of the connection. If we use the same AdviseSink object to look for other changes and/or objects, we may identify from which object the notification comes from by this unique number. *) NewMailConnection := 0; hr := MsgStoreTable.Advise(0, nil, fnevNewMail, NewMailSink, NewMailConnection); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar(GetMAPIError(MsgStoreTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; (* In order to "wake up" the MAPI Subsystem, and ignore the caching, we will again force RPC traffic, this time a little more intensely. All this is necessary when our MsgStore is on an Exchange Server. When we have a local MsgStore, it will suffice to only take some property through the function HrGetOneProp(lpMapiProp: IMAPIPROP; ulPropTag: ULONG; out lppProp: PSPropValue): HResult that generates the necessary RPC traffic *) hr := Inbox.GetPropList(0, TagArray); if Failed(hr) then begin if Assigned(TagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(TagArray); TagArray := nil; if Assigned(ValueArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(ValueArray); ValueArray := nil; Exit; end; hr := Inbox.GetProps(TagArray, 0, cValues, ValueArray); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar(GetMAPIError(Inbox, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); NewMailSink := nil; Exit; end; if Assigned(TagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(TagArray); TagArray := nil; if Assigned(ValueArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(ValueArray); ValueArray := nil; hr := MAPIAllocateBuffer(CbNewSPropTagArray(2), Pointer(TagArray)); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar(GetMAPIError(nil, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); NewMailSink := nil; Exit; end; TagArray.cValues := 2; TagArray.aulPropTag[0] := PR_ENTRYID; TagArray.aulPropTag[TagArray.cValues - 1] := PR_PRIORITY; hr := ContentsTable.SetColumns(TagArray, TBL_BATCH); MAPIFreeBuffer(TagArray); SortCriteria.cSorts := 1; SortCriteria.cCategories := 0; SortCriteria.cExpanded := 0; SortCriteria.aSort[0].ulPropTag := PR_ENTRYID; SortCriteria.aSort[0].ulOrder := TABLE_SORT_ASCEND; hr := ContentsTable.SortTable(@SortCriteria, TBL_BATCH); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar(GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); NewMailSink := nil; Exit; end; cbEID := 0; hr := ContentsTable.SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, cbEID); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar(GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); NewMailSink := nil; Exit; end; hr := ContentsTable.GetRowCount(0, cValues); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar(GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); NewMailSink := nil; Exit; end; (* End of forcing *) Result := hr = HRSUCCESS; FRegistered := Result; end; function TMailNotifier.UnRegister: boolean; var hr: HRESULT; begin Result := True; if not FRegistered then Exit; if Assigned(ContentsTable) then ContentsTable := nil; if Assigned(Inbox) then Inbox := nil; hr := MsgStoreTable.Unadvise(NewMailConnection); FRegistered := Failed(hr); Result := Succeeded(hr); if Result then NewMailSink := nil; end; initialization CoInitialize(nil); TCOMObjectFactory.Create(ComServer, TMAPIAdviseSink, CLSID_MAPIAdviseSink, 'IMINewMailAS', 'IMIBO New Mail Advise Sink', ciMultiInstance); finalization CoUnInitialize; end.