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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Experimental # 7
Ole Attachments inside RTF?
„How to render Microsoft Office Excel Table or Microsoft Office Word document inside RTF Body?“
Embedded OLE attachments are valid only inside RTF formatted messages.
This example application is trying to answer all these questions.
Procedure TfrmMain.LoadRTFBody; Var OleStreamC, OleStreamU: IStream; Stream: TMemoryStream; StreamBuffer: Array [0 .. 4095] Of Byte; iBytesRead: Longint; Begin RichEdit.Lines.Clear; If Not FPropExists(FMessage, PR_RTF_COMPRESSED) Then Begin RichEdit.Lines.Add('There is not PR_RTF_COMPRESSED Body!'); Exit; End; Stream := nil; Try hr := FMessage.OpenProperty(PR_RTF_COMPRESSED, @IID_IStream, 0, 0, IUnknown(OleStreamC)); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(FMessage, hr); hr := WrapCompressedRTFStream(OleStreamC, 0, OleStreamU); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(nil, hr); Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; hr := OleStreamU.Read(@StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer) - 1, @iBytesRead); Repeat Stream.WriteBuffer(StreamBuffer, iBytesRead); hr := OleStreamU.Read(@StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer), @iBytesRead); Until iBytesRead <= 0; Stream.Position := 0; RichEdit.Lines.LoadFromStream(Stream); LoadAttachments; Finally If Assigned(Stream) Then FreeAndNil(Stream); OleStreamU := nil; OleStreamC := nil; End; End; Procedure TfrmMain.LoadAttachments; Var AttachmentTable: IMAPITable; AttCount: ULONG; iCount: Integer; Attachment: IAttach; RowSet: PSRowSet; PropValue: PSPropValue; ListItem: TListItem; NUM: ULONG; Const AttachmentPropTagArray: Record cValues: ULONG; aulPropTag: Array [0 .. 2] Of ULONG; end = (cValues: 3; aulPropTag: (PR_ATTACH_NUM, PR_ATTACH_METHOD, PR_RENDERING_POSITION); ); SortOrderSet: TSSortOrderSet = (cSorts: 1; cCategories: 0; cExpanded: 0; aSort: ( (ulPropTag: PR_RENDERING_POSITION; ulOrder: TABLE_SORT_ASCEND) ); ); Begin ListView.Items.Clear; If Not FPropExists(FMessage, PR_HASATTACH) Or Not GetPropBoolean(FMessage, PR_HASATTACH) Then Exit; AttachmentTable := nil; RowSet := nil; Attachment := nil; Try hr := FMessage.GetAttachmentTable(fMapiUnicode, AttachmentTable); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(FMessage, hr); hr := AttachmentTable.GetRowCount(0, AttCount); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(AttachmentTable, hr); If AttCount < 1 Then Exit; // Retrieves all rows of a table. hr := HrQueryAllRows(AttachmentTable, @AttachmentPropTagArray, nil, @SortOrderSet, 0, RowSet); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(AttachmentTable, hr); If Not Assigned(RowSet) Or (RowSet.cRows < 1) Then Exit; For iCount := 0 To RowSet.cRows - 1 Do Begin ListItem := ListView.Items.Add; // PR_ATTACH_NUM PropValue := PpropFindProp(RowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps, RowSet.aRow[iCount].cValues, PR_ATTACH_NUM); If Assigned(PropValue) Then Begin NUM := ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(PropValue); ListItem.Caption := IntToStr(NUM); hr := FMessage.OpenAttach(NUM, nil, 0, Attachment); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(FMessage, hr); End Else Continue; // PR_ATTACH_METHOD PropValue := PpropFindProp(RowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps, RowSet.aRow[iCount].cValues, PR_ATTACH_METHOD); If Assigned(PropValue) Then ListItem.SubItems.Add(GetMAPIPascalString('AttachMethod', ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(PropValue))) Else ListItem.SubItems.Add(''); // PR_RENDERING_POSITION PropValue := PpropFindProp(RowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps, RowSet.aRow[iCount].cValues, PR_RENDERING_POSITION); If Assigned(PropValue) Then ListItem.SubItems.Add(ConvertMAPIPropValueToVariant(PropValue)) Else ListItem.SubItems.Add(''); ProcessAttachmentForRTF(RichEdit.Handle, Attachment); Attachment := nil; End; Finally If Assigned(RowSet) Then FreePRows(RowSet); Attachment := nil; AttachmentTable := nil; End; End;