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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Included Helper Classes & Objects
The TMAPIPropField – Delphi SPropValue wrapper object.
unit: MAPIPropFields.pas
file path: ..\Library\Helpers
version: 2018.хх
uses Classes, Windows, Types, SysUtils, Contnrs, ExtendedMAPI, MapiUtils, IMIEMTypes
Unit: | MAPIPropFields.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TMAPIBase |
TMAPIPropField = class(TMAPIBase) private ... protected ... public constructor Create(const aPropTag: ULONG; const oMAPIProp: IMAPIProp); destructor Destroy; override; property PropName: String read GetPropName; property PropTag: ULONG read GetPropTag; property PropType: ULONG read GetPropType; property PropID: ULONG read GetPropID; property IsMultiValued: Boolean read GetIsMultiValued; property IsNamed: Boolean read GetIsNamed; property PropSetID: PGUID read GetPropGUID; property CustomName: String read GetPropNamedName; property AsString: String read GetAsString write SetAsString; property AsBoolean: Boolean read GetAsBoolean write SetAsBoolean; property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsInteger write SetAsInteger; property AsInt64: Int64 read GetAsInt64 write SetAsInt64; property AsSingle: Single read GetAsSingle write SetAsSingle; property AsDouble: Double read GetAsDouble write SetAsDouble; property AsCurrency: Currency read GetAsCurrency write SetAsCurrency; property AsDateTime: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime write SetAsDateTime; property AsGUID: TGUID read GetAsGUID write SetAsGUID; property AsBytes: TBytes read GetAsBytes write SetAsBytes; property Value: Variant read GetVarValue write SetVarValue; property RawData: PSPropValue read GetRawData; property MV: TMAPIMultiValue read GetMV; // function SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Int64; function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream): Int64; // procedure Delete; procedure Update(const Permanent: Boolean = True); end;
Name | Description |
Create(const aPropTag: ULONG; const oMAPIProp: IMAPIProp); | Creates and initializes object instance from IMAPIProp |
Name | Access | Type | Description |
PropName | RO | String | The PropName property returns the property name as a string (PropTag). |
PropTag | RO | ULONG | Returns property PropTag |
PropType | RO | ULONG | Returns property type (PropType). Low 16 bits from PropTag. |
PropID | RO | ULONG | A property identifier (PropID). High 16 bits from PropTag. |
IsMultiValued | RO | Boolean | Indicates that property is Multivalued. |
IsNamed | RO | Boolean | Indicates that property is PropNamed. |
PropSetID | RO | PGUID | If property is named, returns pointer to a GUID property set. Otherwise it is nil. |
CustomName | RO | String | If property is named, returns custom name. If named property have number for name, returns string representation of number, formatted as ‘$%.04x’. |
AsString | RW | String | Get/Set property value as a string. if IsMultiValued is TRUE, Get AsString uses as delimiter global variable MV_DELIM = #13#10. You can Set AsString only if PropType is PT_STRING8 or PT_UNICODE |
AsBoolean | RW | Boolean | Get/Set PT_BOOLEAN value. If PropType is not PT_BOOLEAN, exception is raised. |
AsInteger | RW | Integer | Get/Set PT_I2 or PT_LONG value. If PropType is not PT_I2 or PT_LONG, exception is raised. |
AsInt64 | RW | Int64 | Get/Set PT_I8 value. If PropType is not PT_I2 or PT_LONG or PT_I8 on Get, and PT_I8 on Set, exception is raised. |
AsSingle | RW | Single | Get/Set PT_R4 value. If PropType is not PT_R4, exception is raised. |
AsDouble | RW | Double | Get/Set PT_DOUBLE value. If PropType is not PT_R4 or PT_DOUBLE or PT_CURRENCY or PT_APPTIME on Get, and PT_DOUBLE or PT_APPTIME on Set, exception is raised. |
AsCurrency | RW | Currency | Get/Set PT_CURRENCY value. If PropType is not PT_CURRENCY, exception is raised. |
AsDateTime | RW | TDateTime | Get/Set PT_APPTIME or PT_SYSTIME value. If PropType is not PT_APPTIME or PT_SYSTIME, exception is raised. Note: PT_SYSTIME is converted from UTC to Local DateTime on Get, and from Local DateTime to UTC on Set. |
AsGUID | RW | TGUID | Get/Set PT_CLSID value. If PropType is not PT_CLSID, exception is raised. |
AsBytes | RW | TBytes | Get/Set property value as a TBytes. If value cannot be converted from/to TBytes, exception is raised. |
Value | RW | Variant | Get/Set property value as a Variant. If Property value cannot be converted to/from Variant, exception is raised. |
RawData | RO | PSPropValue | Returns a RAW (native) MAPI property value structure (SPropValue). |
MV | RO | TMAPIMultiValue | Returns TMAPIMultiValue object if IsMultiValued is TRUE. |
Name | Description |
SaveToStream | Save property value to TStream, if property value can be accessed as IStream, otherwise raises exception. |
LoadFromStream | Update property value from TStream, if property value can be accessed as IStream, otherwise raises exception. |
Delete | Marks property for deleting from MAPI Object. Calling Update is need for real Delete operation. |
Update | Commit changes to MAPI Object. if Permanent parameter is TRUE, IMAPIProp.SaveChanges is called, otherwise only IMAPIProp.SetProps is called. You can also call TMAPIPropFields.SaveChanges to save changes to MAPI IMAPIProp object. |