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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Included Helper Classes & Objects
TMAPIPropFields – represents a collection of MAPI property values.
Delphi wrapper object for SPropValue array.
unit: MAPIPropFields.pas
file path: ..\Library\Helpers
version: 2018.хх
uses Classes, Windows, Types, SysUtils, Contnrs, ExtendedMAPI, MapiUtils, IMIEMTypes
Unit: | MAPIPropFields.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TMAPIBase |
TMAPIPropFields = class(TMAPIBase) private ... protected ... public constructor Create(const oMAPIObject: IMAPIProp); overload; constructor Create(cValues: ULONG; PropValues: PSPropValue); overload; destructor Destroy; override; property Count: ULONG read GetCount; property Item[const Index: Integer]: TMAPIPropField Read GetItem; default; property ItemOf[const PropTag: ULONG]: TMAPIPropField Read GetItemOf; property ItemOfNamed[const NameID: Variant; const PropSetID: TGUID]: TMAPIPropField Read GetItemOfNamed; property Tags: TCardinalDynArray read GetTags; property Modified: Boolean read GetModified; function PropExists(const PropTag: ULONG): Boolean; overload; function PropExists(const NameID: Variant; const PropSetID: TGUID; out PropTag: ULONG): Boolean; overload; function IndexOf(const PropTag: ULONG): Integer; procedure Refresh; procedure SaveChanges; function AddNew(const PropTag: ULONG): TMAPIPropField; overload; function AddNew(const NameID: Variant; const PropSetID: TGUID; const PropType: ULONG): TMAPIPropField; overload; procedure Delete(const PropTag: ULONG); end;
Name | Description |
Create(const oMAPIObject: IMAPIProp) | Creates and initializes object instance from IMAPIProp |
Create(cValues: ULONG; PropValues: PSPropValue) | Creates and initializes object instance from PSPropValue |
Name | Access | Type | Description |
Count | RO | Integer | The Count property returns the total number of MAPI Properties. |
Item | RO | TMAPIPropField | Represent a single MAPI Property. |
ItemOf | RO | TMAPIPropField | Represent a single MAPI Property accessed by PropTag |
ItemOfNamed | RO | TMAPIPropField | Represent a single MAPI NAMED Property accessed by NameID and PropSetID |
Tags | RO | TCardinalDynArray | Returns an array (PropTags) of existing MAPI Properties inside IMAPIProp object or PSPropValue |
Modified | RO | Boolean | Indicates whether the object is changed |
Name | Description |
PropExists | Returns TRUE if property specified by PropTag exists. |
PropExists | Returns TRUE if property specified as named property (PropNamed) exists. |
IndexOf | Returns the index of the TMAPIPropField object with a specified PropTag. |
Refresh | Clear internal cache. |
Delete | Delete a single MAPI property with a specified PropTag from object. |
AddNew | Add a new property with a specified PropTag. |
AddNew | Add a new named property with a specified MAPINAMEID structure. |
SaveChanges | Makes permanent any changes that were made. |
procedure TRecurrencePatternExceptionDlg.btPropertiClick(Sender: TObject); var PropFields: TMAPIPropFields; begin if not Assigned(FExceptionMessage) then ShowMessage('There is no selected object!') else begin PropFields := TMAPIPropFields.Create(FExceptionMessage.MAPIObject); try with TFrmMAPIPropFields.Create(Self) do begin try SetPropFields(PropFields); ShowModal; finally Free; end; end; finally FreeAndNil(PropFields); end; end; end;