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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Included Helper Classes & Objects
A restriction is a way to limit the number of rows in a view to only those rows with values for columns that match specific criteria. There are many different opportunities for using restrictions with tables. Client applications can use restrictions, for example, to filter a contents table for messages sent by a particular person, to search for rows that either do not support a property or have set a property to a specific value, or to look for duplicate recipients within a message.
Type of restriction:
Value | Type of restriction | MAPI structure | TRestriction subclass |
resAND | AND |
_SAndRestriction | TRestrictionAnd |
resAND – Performs a logical AND operation on two or more restrictions. | |||
resOR | OR |
_SOrRestriction | TRestrictionOr |
resOR – Performs a logical OR operation on two or more restrictions. | |||
resNOT | NOT |
_SNotRestriction | TRestrictionNot |
resNOT – Performs a logical NOT operation on two or more restrictions. | |||
resCONTENT | Content | _SContentRestriction | TRestrictionContent |
resCONTENT – Locates specified data. | |||
resPROPERTY | Property | _SPropertyRestriction | TRestrictionProperty |
resPROPERTY – Specifies a particular property value as criteria for matching. Can be used, for example, to search for a particular type of attachment. |
resCOMPAREPROPS | Compare MAPI property | _SComparePropsRestriction | TRestrictionCompare |
resCOMPAREPROPS – Compares two properties of the same type. | |||
resBITMASK | Bitmask | _SBitMaskRestriction | TRestrictionBitMask |
resBITMASK – Applies a bitmask to a PT_LONG property, typically to determine if particular flags are set. | |||
reSize | Size | _SSizeRestriction | TRestrictionSize |
reSize – Tests the size of a property using standard relational operators. | |||
resEXIST | Exist | _SExistRestriction | TRestrictionExist |
resEXIST – Tests whether or not an object has a value for a property. |
_SSubRestriction | TRestrictionSub |
resSUBRESTRICTION – Used for searching through subobjects, or objects that cannot be accessed with an entry identifier (recipients and attachments). Can be used, for example, to look for messages for a particular recipient. |
TRestrictionRelation = (prLess, prLessEqual, prGreater, prGreaterEqual, prEqual, prNotEqual, prLike);
Value | Meaning |
prLess | The comparison is made based on a lesser first value. |
prLessEqual | The comparison is made based on a lesser or equal first value. |
prGreater | The comparison is made based on a greater first value. |
prGreaterEqual | The comparison is made based on a greater or equal first value. |
prEqual | The comparison is made based on equal values. |
prNotEqual | The comparison is made based on unequal values. |
prLike | The comparison is made based on LIKE (regular expression) values. Not supported. |
Classes & Objects
The base class for restriction objects.
Delphi wrapper object for _SRestriction.
Note: Do not create instances of TRestriction. Use a descendant of TRestriction, such as TRestrictionContent.
unit: MAPIRestriction.pas
file path: ..\Library\Helpers
version: 2018.хх
uses Windows, Contnrs, ExtendedMAPI;
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TObject |
// Base class TRestriction = class(TObject) protected ... public destructor Destroy; override; property ResType: TRestrictionType read GetRestrictionType; procedure Apply; procedure ResetTable; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description | MAPI Reference |
ResType | RO | TRestrictionType | Type of restriction | _SRestriction |
Name | Description |
Apply | Applies a filter to a table, reducing the row set to only those rows matching the specified criteria. |
ResetTable | Discard the current table restriction without creating a new one. |
TRestrictionAnd = class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionAnd implements an AND restriction, which is used to join a group of restrictions using a logical AND operation.
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionAnd = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; property Count: Integer read GetCount; function Add(const ResType: TRestrictionType): TRestriction; overload; function Add(const Restriction: TRestriction): Integer; overload; function Remove(const Restriction: TRestriction): Integer; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description | MAPI Reference |
Count | RO | Integer | Count of joined restrictions |
Name | Description |
Add | Add a new TRestriction.
function Add(const ResType: TRestrictionType): TRestriction; overload; |
Remove | Delete an existing TRestriction.
function Remove(const Restriction: TRestriction): Integer; |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where Message Subject exists AND Message Subject contains phrase “test me”
Restriction:= TRestrictionAnd.Create(FContentTable); try With Restriction.Add(resEXIST) do PropTag:= PR_SUBJECT; With Restriction.Add(resCONTENT) do begin PropTag:= PR_SUBJECT; SubString:=True; IgnoreCase:=True; Value:=’test me’; end; Restriction.Apply; finally FreeAndNil(Restriction); end;
TRestrictionOr = class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionOr implements an OR restriction, which is used to join a group of restrictions using a logical OR operation..
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionOr = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; property Count: Integer read GetCount; function Add(const ResType: TRestrictionType): TRestriction; overload; function Add(const Restriction: TRestriction): Integer; overload; function Remove(const Restriction: TRestriction): Integer; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description | MAPI Reference |
Count | RO | Integer | Count of joined restrictions |
Name | Description |
Add | Add a new TRestriction.
function Add(const ResType: TRestrictionType): TRestriction; overload; |
Remove | Delete an existing TRestriction.
function Remove(const Restriction: TRestriction): Integer; |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where Message is Unread OR Message Size is => 2048 bytes.
Restriction:= TRestrictionOr.Create(FContentTable); Try With Restriction.Add(resBITMASK) do Begin PropTag:= PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS; EqualToZero:=True; Mask:= MSGFLAG_READ; End; With Restriction.Add(resPROPERTY) do Begin PropTag:= PR_MESSAGE_SIZE; Relation:= prGreaterEqual; Value:= 2048; End; Restriction.Apply; Finally FreeAndNil(Restriction); End;
TRestrictionNot = class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionNot implements a NOT restriction, which is used to apply a logical NOT operation to a restriction.
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionNot = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; function Add(const ResType: TRestrictionType): TRestriction; overload; procedure Add(const Restriction: TRestriction); overload; property Restriction: TRestriction read FRestriction; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description | MAPI Reference |
Restriction | RO | TRestriction | TRestriction, which is used to apply a logical NOT operation. |
Name | Description |
Add | Add a new TRestriction.
function Add(const ResType: TRestrictionType): TRestriction; overload; |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where Message do NOT have a PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS.
Restriction:= TRestrictionNot.Create(FContentTable); Try With Restriction.Add(resEXIST) do PropTag:= PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS; Restriction.Apply; Finally FreeAndNil(Restriction); End;
TRestrictionContent = class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionContent implements a content restriction, which is used to limit a table view to only those rows that include a column with contents matching a search string.
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionContent = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; property PropTag: ULONG read FPropTag write FPropTag; property FullString: Boolean index 0 read GetFuzzyLevel write SetFuzzyLevel; property SubString: Boolean index 1 read GetFuzzyLevel write SetFuzzyLevel; property Prefix: Boolean index 2 read GetFuzzyLevel write SetFuzzyLevel; property IgnoreCase: Boolean index 3 read GetFuzzyLevel write SetFuzzyLevel; property IgnoreNonSpace: Boolean index 4 read GetFuzzyLevel write SetFuzzyLevel; property Loose: Boolean index 5 read GetFuzzyLevel write SetFuzzyLevel; property Value: WideString read GetPropValue write SetPropValue; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description |
PropTag | RW | ULONG | Property tag identifying the string property to be checked for occurrence of the search string. |
FullString | RW | Boolean | The search string must be completely contained in the property identified by PropTag. |
SubString | RW | Boolean | To match, the search string can be contained anywhere within the property identified by PropTag. |
Prefix | RW | Boolean | To match, the search string must appear at the beginning of the property identified by PropTag. The two strings should be compared only up to the length of the search string indicated by Value. |
IgnoreCase | RW | Boolean | The comparison should be made without considering case. |
IgnoreNonSpace | RW | Boolean | The comparison should ignore Unicode-defined nonspacing characters such as diacritical marks. |
Loose | RW | Boolean | The comparison should result in a match whenever possible, ignoring case and nonspacing characters. |
Value | RW | Variant | The string value to use as the search string. |
Note: FullString, SubString and Prefix are mutually exclusive. Only one of them can be set, and one of them must be set. |
Name | Description |
none | none |
TRestrictionProperty = class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionProperty implements a property restriction which is used to match a constant with the value of a property.
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionProperty = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; property PropTag: ULONG read FPropTag write FPropTag; property Relation: TRestrictionRelation read GetRelation write SetRelation; property Value: Variant read GetPropValue write SetPropValue; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description |
PropTag | RW | ULONG | Property tag identifying the string property to be checked for occurrence of the search string. |
Relation | RW | TRestrictionRelation | Relational operator to be used in the search. |
Value | RW | string | The value to use as the search. |
Name | Description |
none | none |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where Message is Unread OR Message Size is => 2048 bytes.
TRestrictionCompare= class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionCompare implements compare property restriction, which tests two properties using a relational operator..
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionCompare = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; property Relation: TRestrictionRelation read GetRelation write SetRelation; property PropTag1: ULONG read FPropTag write FPropTag; property PropTag2: ULONG read FPropTag2 write FPropTag2; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description |
Relation | RW | TRestrictionRelation | Relational operator to be used in the comparison. |
PropTag1 | RW | ULONG | Property tag of the first property to be compared. |
PropTag2 | RW | ULONG | Property tag of the second property to be compared. |
Name | Description |
none | none |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where Sender (PR_SENDER_NAME) is not equal to PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME. This would mean that the e-mal was sent by someone else (on behalf of).
Restriction:= TRestrictionCompare.Create(FContentTable); Try Restriction.Relation:= prNotEqual; Restriction.PropTag1:= PR_SENDER_NAME; Restriction.PropTag2:= PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME; Restriction.Apply; Finally FreeAndNil(Restriction); End;
TRestrictionBitMask = class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionBitMask implements a bitmask restriction, which is used to perform a bitwise AND operation and test the result.
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionBitMask = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; property PropTag: ULONG read FPropTag write FPropTag; property Mask: ULONG read FMask write FMask; property EqualToZero: Boolean read GetEqualToZero write SetEqualToZero; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description |
PropTag | RW | ULONG | Property tag of the property to which the bitmask is applied. |
Mask | RW | ULONG | Bitmask to apply to the property identified by PropTag. |
EqualToZero | RW | Boolean | True – Perform a bitwise AND operation of the mask in the Mask member with the property represented by the PropTag member and test for being equal to zero. False – Perform a bitwise AND operation of the mask in the Mask member with the property represented by the PropTag member and test for being not equal to zero. |
Name | Description |
none | none |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where Message is Unread OR Message Size is => 2048 bytes.
TRestrictionSize = class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionSize implements a size restriction which is used to test the size of a property value.
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionSize = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; property PropTag: ULONG read FPropTag write FPropTag; property Relation: TRestrictionRelation read GetRelation write SetRelation; property Size: ULONG read FSize write FSize; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description |
PropTag | RW | ULONG | Property tag of the property to which the bitmask is applied. |
Relation | RW | TRestrictionRelation | Relational operator used in the size comparison. |
Size | RW | ULONG | Count of bytes in the property value. |
Name | Description |
none | none |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where Message body is => 2048 bytes.
Restriction:= TRestrictionSize.Create(FContentTable); Try Restriction.PropTag:= PR_BODY; Restriction.Relation:= prGreaterEqual; Restriction.Size:= 2048; Restriction.Apply; Finally FreeAndNil(Restriction); End;
TRestrictionExist= class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionExist implements an exist restriction which is used to test whether or not a particular property exists as a column in the table.
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionExist = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; property PropTag: ULONG read FPropTag write FPropTag; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description |
PropTag | RW | ULONG | Property tag identifying the column to be tested for existence in each row. |
Name | Description |
none | none |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where Message do NOT have a PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS.
TRestrictionBitMask = class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionBitMask implements a bitmask restriction, which is used to perform a bitwise AND operation and test the result.
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionBitMask = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; property PropTag: ULONG read FPropTag write FPropTag; property Mask: ULONG read FMask write FMask; property EqualToZero: Boolean read GetEqualToZero write SetEqualToZero; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description |
PropTag | RW | ULONG | Property tag of the property to which the bitmask is applied. |
Mask | RW | ULONG | Bitmask to apply to the property identified by PropTag. |
EqualToZero | RW | Boolean | True – Perform a bitwise AND operation of the mask in the Mask member with the property represented by the PropTag member and test for being equal to zero. False – Perform a bitwise AND operation of the mask in the Mask member with the property represented by the PropTag member and test for being not equal to zero. |
Name | Description |
none | none |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where Message is Unread OR Message Size is => 2048 bytes.
TRestrictionSize = class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionSize implements a size restriction which is used to test the size of a property value.
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionSize = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; property PropTag: ULONG read FPropTag write FPropTag; property Relation: TRestrictionRelation read GetRelation write SetRelation; property Size: ULONG read FSize write FSize; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description |
PropTag | RW | ULONG | Property tag of the property to which the bitmask is applied. |
Relation | RW | TRestrictionRelation | Relational operator used in the size comparison. |
Size | RW | ULONG | Count of bytes in the property value. |
Name | Description |
none | none |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where Message body is => 2048 bytes.
Restriction:= TRestrictionSize.Create(FContentTable); Try Restriction.PropTag:= PR_BODY; Restriction.Relation:= prGreaterEqual; Restriction.Size:= 2048; Restriction.Apply; Finally FreeAndNil(Restriction); End;
TRestrictionSub= class(TRestriction)
TRestrictionSub implements a subObject restriction which is used to filter the rows of a message’s attachment or recipient table.
Unit: | MAPIRestriction.pas |
Type: | Class |
Inherited from: | TRestriction |
TRestrictionSub = class(TRestriction) protected ... public constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; property SubObject: TSubjRestriction read GetSubObjectRestriction write SetSubObjectRestriction; property Restriction: TRestriction read FRestriction; function Add(const ResType: TRestrictionType): TRestriction; overload; procedure Add(const Restriction: TRestriction); overload; end;
Name | Access | Type | Description |
SubObject | RW | TSubjRestriction | Type of subobject to serve as the target for the restriction. |
Restriction | RW | TRestriction | TRestriction, which is used to apply a search. |
Name | Description |
none | none |
Example: Restrict Folder Content Table to messages where recipient e-mail address like “”.
Restriction:= TRestrictionSub.Create(FContentTable); Restriction.SubObject:= rsRecipient; Try With Restriction.Add(resCONTENT) do begin PropTag:= PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS; SubString:=True; IgnoreCase:=True; Loose:=True; Value:=’’; end; Restriction.Apply; Finally FreeAndNil(Restriction); End;