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Request # 18
Signed Extended MAPI messages (digitally signed email)
This example shows how you can decode digitally signed email.
Code snip:
Function GetIsSigned(const MAPIMessage: ExtendedMAPI.IMessage): boolean; var hr: hresult; Named: TMAPINAMEID; PropTags: PSPropTagArray; PropNamed: Array [0 .. 0] Of PMAPINAMEID; PropTag: ULONG; MessageClass: string; const SecGUID: TGUID = '{41F28F13-83F4-4114-A584-EEDB5A6B0BFF}'; Begin Result := False; Named.lpguid := @SecGUID; Named.ulKind := MNID_STRING; Named.Kind.lpwstrName := PWideChar(WideString('IsSigned')); PropNamed[0] := @Named; PropTags := nil; try hr := MAPIMessage.GetIDsFromNames(1, @PropNamed, 0, PropTags); if (hr <> S_OK) or not Assigned(PropTags) or (PropTags.cValues <> 1) then Exit; PropTag := CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(PropTags.aulPropTag[0], PT_BOOLEAN); Result := GetPropBoolean(MAPIMessage, PropTag); finally if Assigned(PropTags) then MAPIFreeBuffer(PropTags); if not Result then begin MessageClass := GetPropString(MAPIMessage, PR_MESSAGE_CLASS); Result := AnsiContainsText(MessageClass, '.SMIME') or AnsiContainsText(MessageClass, '.SECURE.SIGN') end; end; End; procedure TfrmMain.btGetSignedStreamClick(Sender: TObject); var Table: IMAPITable; Restriction: TSRestriction; RestrictionOne: array [0 .. 1] of TSRestriction; KeyPropOne: TSPropValue; Count: ULONG; RowSet: PSRowSet; ATTACH_NUM: Integer; PropValue: PSPropValue; Atachment: IAttach; Stream: IStream; OleStream: TOleStream; P: PByte; VarBArray: OleVariant; MemoryStream: TMemoryStream; oST: OleVariant; // ADODB.Stream const TableColumn: record cValues: ULONG; aulPropTag: array [0 .. 5] of ULONG; end = (cValues: 6; aulPropTag: ( PR_ATTACH_NUM, PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID, PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, PR_ATTACH_FILENAME, PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_W, PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_LOCATION); ); begin Table := nil; RowSet := nil; OleStream := nil; Stream := nil; MemoryStream := nil; try // Process attach hr := FMAPIMessage.GetAttachmentTable(0, Table); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(FMAPIMessage, hr); hr := Table.SetColumns(@TableColumn, TBL_BATCH); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(Table, hr); KeyPropOne.ulPropTag := PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_W; // application/pkcs7-mime // multipart/signed KeyPropOne.Value.lpszW := PWideChar(WideString('multipart/signed')); RestrictionOne[0].rt := RES_EXIST; RestrictionOne[0].res.resExist.ulPropTag := PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG; RestrictionOne[0].res.resExist.ulReserved1 := 0; RestrictionOne[0].res.resExist.ulReserved2 := 0; RestrictionOne[1].rt := RES_PROPERTY; RestrictionOne[1].res.resProperty.relop := RELOP_EQ; RestrictionOne[1].res.resProperty.ulPropTag := PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_W; RestrictionOne[1].res.resProperty.lpProp := @KeyPropOne; Restriction.rt := RES_AND; Restriction.res.resAnd.cRes := 2; Restriction.res.resAnd.lpRes := @RestrictionOne; // apply restriction hr := Table.Restrict(@Restriction, 0); if failed(hr) and (hr <> MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(Table, hr); hr := Table.GetRowCount(0, Count); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(Table, hr); if Integer(Count) <> 1 then // There should be only One signed attachement Exit; hr := Table.QueryRows(1, 0, RowSet); If failed(hr) or (Assigned(RowSet) and (RowSet.cRows = 0)) Then Exit; // Get ATTACH_NUM PropValue := PpropFindProp(RowSet.aRow[0].lpProps, RowSet.aRow[0].cValues, PR_ATTACH_NUM); if not Assigned(PropValue) then Exit; ATTACH_NUM := PropValue.Value.L; // Open Attachment hr := FMAPIMessage.OpenAttach(ATTACH_NUM, @IID_IAttachment, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, Atachment); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(FMAPIMessage, hr); hr := Atachment.OpenProperty(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, @IID_IStream, 0, 0, IUnknown(Stream)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(Atachment, hr); OleStream := TOleStream.Create(Stream); // where FStream is IStream Memo.Lines.LoadFromStream(OleStream); OleStream.Position := 0; // you can open eml file with Outlook Express! (* with TMemoryStream.Create do begin LoadFromStream(OleStream); SaveToFile('c:\test.eml'); free end; *) OleStream.Position := 0; oCDO := CreateOleObject('CDO.Message'); oST := CreateOleObject('ADODB.Stream'); oST := oCDO.GetStream; oST.Type := 1; MemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create; MemoryStream.LoadFromStream(OleStream); MemoryStream.Position := 0; VarBArray := VarArrayCreate([0, MemoryStream.Size - 1], varByte); P := VarArrayLock(VarBArray); try Move(MemoryStream.Memory^, P^, MemoryStream.Size); finally VarArrayUnlock(VarBArray); end; oST.Write(VarBArray); oST.Flush; btShowMIMEMessage.Enabled := True; finally if Assigned(OleStream) then FreeAndNil(OleStream); if Assigned(MemoryStream) then FreeAndNil(MemoryStream); if Assigned(RowSet) then FreeProws(RowSet); Stream := nil; Atachment := nil; end; end;
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