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Request # 19
How to resolve display name to e-mail address and bind the Global Address List (GAL) to TClientDataSet/TDataSource/TDBNavigator/etc..
Code snip:
procedure TfrmMain.btLogOnClick(Sender: TObject); var IsANSI: Boolean; TagArray: PSPropTagArray; uCount: ULONG; RowSet: PSRowSet; iCount, jCount: Integer; PropValue: PSPropValue; Proxy: String; Cursor: TCursor; const GALColumnsA: record cValues: ULONG; aulPropTag: array [0 .. 4] of ULONG; end = (cValues: 5; aulPropTag: (PR_ENTRYID, PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS_A, PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES_A); ); GALColumnsW: record cValues: ULONG; aulPropTag: array [0 .. 4] of ULONG; end = (cValues: 5; aulPropTag: (PR_ENTRYID, PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS_W, PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME_W, PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES_W); ); begin RowSet := nil; Cursor := Screen.Cursor; try Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; GetGAL; // Open GAL Contents Table hr := FGAL.GetContentsTable(MAPI_UNICODE, FContentsTable); // Table supports UNICODE ?? if hr = MAPI_E_BAD_CHARWIDTH then begin hr := FGAL.GetContentsTable(0, FContentsTable); IsANSI := True; end else IsANSI := False; if failed(hr) then raise EMapiError.CreateMAPI(FGAL, hr); if IsANSI then TagArray := @GALColumnsA else TagArray := @GALColumnsW; // Set Fields hr := FContentsTable.SetColumns(TagArray, TBL_BATCH); if failed(hr) then raise EMapiError.CreateMAPI(FContentsTable, hr); uCount := 0; hr := FContentsTable.GetRowCount(0, uCount); if failed(hr) then raise EMapiError.CreateMAPI(FContentsTable, hr); // Empty GAL ???? if Int64(uCount) < 1 then Exit; // Set/Clear ClientDataSet ClientDataSet.DisableControls; ClientDataSet.EmptyDataSet; while True do begin RowSet := nil; // We will Query Table by 25 records hr := FContentsTable.QueryRows(25, 0, RowSet); if failed(hr) then raise EMapiError.CreateMAPI(FContentsTable, hr); if not Assigned(RowSet) or (RowSet.cRows < 1) then break; for iCount := 0 to RowSet.cRows - 1 do begin // Look for EntryID PropValue := PpropFindProp(RowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps, RowSet.aRow[iCount].cValues, PR_ENTRYID); if not Assigned(PropValue) then Continue; // Add a new record(GAL user) ClientDataSet.Append; // PR_ENTRYID {$IF NOT DEFINED(DELPHI2009)} SetAsBytes( TBinaryField(ClientDataSet.FieldByName('EntryID')), BinaryToBytes(PSPropValueArray(RowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[0].Value.bin)); {$ELSE} ClientDataSet.FieldByName('EntryID').AsBytes := BinaryToBytes(PSPropValueArray(RowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[0].Value.bin); {$IFEND} // PR_DISPLAY_NAME PropValue := PpropFindProp(RowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps, RowSet.aRow[iCount].cValues, CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PT_UNSPECIFIED) ); if Assigned(PropValue) and (PROP_TYPE(PropValue.ulPropTag) <> PT_ERROR) then ClientDataSet.FieldByName('DisplayName').AsString := MAPIUtils.GetPropString(PropValue); // PR_SMTP_ADDRESS PropValue := PpropFindProp(RowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps, RowSet.aRow[iCount].cValues, CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS, PT_UNSPECIFIED) ); if Assigned(PropValue) and (PROP_TYPE(PropValue.ulPropTag) <> PT_ERROR) then ClientDataSet.FieldByName('SMTP').AsString := MAPIUtils.GetPropString(PropValue); // PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME PropValue := PpropFindProp(RowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps, RowSet.aRow[iCount].cValues, CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME, PT_UNSPECIFIED) ); if Assigned(PropValue) and (PROP_TYPE(PropValue.ulPropTag) <> PT_ERROR) then ClientDataSet.FieldByName('Department').AsString := MAPIUtils.GetPropString(PropValue); // PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES PropValue := PpropFindProp(RowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps, RowSet.aRow[iCount].cValues, CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES, PT_UNSPECIFIED)); if Assigned(PropValue) and (PROP_TYPE(PropValue.ulPropTag) <> PT_ERROR) then begin Proxy := ''; if PROP_TYPE(PropValue.ulPropTag) = PT_MV_UNICODE then begin for jCount := 0 to PropValue.Value.MVszW.cValues - 1 do Proxy := Proxy + PWideCharArray(PropValue.Value.MVszW.lppszW)[jCount] + #10; end else for jCount := 0 to PropValue.Value.MVszA.cValues - 1 do Proxy := Proxy + String(PAnsiCharArray(PropValue.Value.MVszA.lppszA)[jCount]) + #10; ClientDataSet.FieldByName('ProxyAddr').AsString := Proxy; end; end; if Assigned(RowSet) then FreePRows(RowSet); end; finally if Assigned(RowSet) then FreePRows(RowSet); RowSet := nil; if ClientDataSet.Active then begin ClientDataSet.EnableControls; ClientDataSet.First; lbRecords.Caption := 'Record Count:' + IntToStr(ClientDataSet.RecordCount); end; Screen.Cursor := Cursor; btLogOn.Enabled := not Assigned(FMAPISession); btLogOff.Enabled := not btLogOn.Enabled; end; end;
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