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Request # 30
How to send HTML message with embedded image, encoding, code tables?
A simple example of how to send using Delphi and MAPI HTML formatted messages.
Code snip:
function TWebBrowserProxy.ConstructMSG(const MAPIMessage: IMessage): Boolean; var Document: IHTMLDocument2; Images: THTMLElements; iCount: Integer; ImgPath, FileName: string; FileStream: TStream; AttachName: String; Stream: TStream; Charset: String; SmartNoAttach: Boolean; HTML: WideString; const imgfile = 'file:///'; LOCALE_ALLOW_NEUTRAL_NAMES = $08000000; begin // Result := False; if not Assigned(FWebBrowser.Document) then CheckDocument; if not Supports(FWebBrowser.Document, IHTMLDocument2, Document) then raise Exception.Create('Invalid HTML document'); SmartNoAttach := False; try Images := GetImgElements; for iCount := 0 to Length(Images) - 1 do begin ImgPath := {$IF not Declared(UTF8ToWideString)} UTF8Decode{$ELSE} UTF8ToWideString{$IFEND} (HTTPDecode(AnsiString(String(Images[iCount].getAttribute('SRC', 0))))); if AnsiStartsText(imgfile, ImgPath) then begin Try FileName := Copy(ImgPath, Length(imgfile) + 1, Length(ImgPath)); FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); AttachName := AddMsgEmbImgAttachment(MAPIMessage, FileStream, 'image' + IntToStr(iCount) + ExtractFileExt(FileName)); AttachName := 'cid:' + AttachName; Images[iCount].setAttribute('SRC', AttachName, 0); SmartNoAttach := True; Finally FreeAndNil(FileStream) End; end; end; // Set SmartNoAttach if SmartNoAttach then SetNamedPropBoolean(MAPIMessage, PSETID_Common, $8514, True); Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; HTML := GetHTML; Stream.Position := 0; if HTML <> '' then Stream.WriteBuffer(HTML[1], Length(HTML) * SizeOf(HTML[1])); Charset := UpperCase(Document.Charset); try NormalizeHTMLStream(Stream, MAPIMessage, GetInternetCodepage(Charset)); SetMsgBodyHtml(MAPIMessage, Stream); finally Stream.Free(); end; Result := True; except Result := False; end; end;
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