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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Example #2
Retrieve Microsoft Exchange GAL (Global Address List)
This example will show you how to get access to GAL (Global Address List)
The GAL is a single address list that contains all addresses defined at a Microsoft Exchange Server.
GAL was presented for the first time in Microsoft Mail postoffice – one of Microsoft’s first attempts to provide to users an option allowing them to exchange messages and files not by simply using shared directories and files.
For Mail users, the GAL’s main purpose is to provide a single list where users can find all the addresses they can send mail to.
Users do not need to know the location of the user to whom they want to send mail.
Global Address List is a MAPI address book container that holds recipient entries for an entire organization and is available to all e-mail users in that organization.
We will learn how to use the following interfaces:
IAddrBook – The IAddrBook interface supports access to the MAPI address book and includes operations such as displaying common dialog boxes, opening containers, messaging users, and distribution lists, and performing name resolution.
IABContainer – The IABContainer interface provides access to address book containers.
MAPI and client applications call the methods of IABContainer to perform name resolution and to create, copy, and delete recipients.
IMAPITable – The IMAPITable interface is used to provide a read-only view of a table.
IMAPITable is used by clients and service providers to manipulate the way a table appears.
We will study in more details the following memory management functions –
MAPIAllocateBuffer, MAPIAllocateMore, MAPIFreeBuffer, FreePRows.
These functions are used actively in all applications using MAPI.
We will study the way MAPI Hierarchy Table and MAPI Content Table are used.
We will focus our attention on the ENTRYID structure and how to work with binary MAPI objects, as well as how to work with MAPI Rows and Columns.
We will not forget the restrictions we can apply.
Include some steps from Example #1 and
How to
- Open Address Book
- Work with ENTRYID
- Find Exchange GAL
- Open Exchange GAL
- Work with PropTagArray structture
- Work with RowSet structture
- Use IAddrBook
- Use IABContainer
- Use IMAPITable
- Work with Restriction structure
- Work with PropValue structure
- Work with MAPI Hierarchy Table
- Work with MAPI Content Table
- Use MAPI Table Columns
- Query MAPI Rows
- etc…
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unit MainUnit; interface { Please add "..\Library" to project search path } {$I IMI.INC} uses Controls, Forms, Buttons, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ImgList, Classes, ExtendedMAPI, System.ImageList; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) plTOP: TPanel; btLogOn: TSpeedButton; btLogOff: TSpeedButton; rgProfile: TRadioGroup; TreeViewGAL: TTreeView; Panel1: TPanel; ImageList: TImageList; lbUsers: TLabel; lbUserCount: TLabel; ProgressBar: TProgressBar; btStop: TButton; Label1: TLabel; ExportedLabel: TLabel; rgGAL: TRadioGroup; procedure btLogOnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btLogOffClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure TreeViewGALClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btStopClick(Sender: TObject); procedure rgGALClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FMapiSession: IMAPISession; FAddressBook: IAddrBook; FGAL: IABContainer; FDefaultDir: IABContainer; FContentsTable: IMAPITable; hr: HRESULT; FStopExport: Boolean; procedure InitializeMAPI; procedure MAPILocalInit(Flag: cardinal); procedure MapiInternalLogOff; procedure GetExchangeAddressBook; procedure GetContainer(const ABContainer: IABContainer); procedure GetDefaultABContainer; public { Public declarations } end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation uses {$IFDEF DELPHI2011XE2} UITypes, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Windows, Dialogs, EDK, MAPIUtils; {$R *.DFM} procedure TfrmMain.InitializeMAPI; var MAPIINIT: TMAPIINIT; // MAPI Init Structure QMess: string; begin FContentsTable := nil; FGAL := nil; FAddressBook := nil; FMapiSession := nil; FDefaultDir := nil; MAPIINIT.ulVersion := MAPI_INIT_VERSION; MAPIINIT.ulFlags := 0; hr := MapiInitialize(@MAPIINIT); if failed(hr) then begin case hr of MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER or MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS: QMess := 'Invalid parameter or flag!'; MAPI_E_TOO_COMPLEX: QMess := 'The keys required by MAPI could not be initialized.'; MAPI_E_VERSION: QMess := 'The version of OLE installed on the workstation is not compatible with this version of MAPI.'; MAPI_E_SESSION_LIMIT: QMess := 'MAPI sets up context specific to the current process.' + #13 + 'Failures may occur on Win16 if the number of processes exceeds a certain number,' + #13 + 'or on any system if available memory is exhausted.'; MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES: QMess := 'Not enough system resources were available to complete the operation.'; MAPI_E_INVALID_OBJECT: QMess := 'May fail if system resources are exhausted.'; MAPI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED: QMess := 'The MAPI profile provider has encountered an error.'; else QMess := 'The MAPI Error!' end; raise Exception.Create(WrapText(QMess, 80)); end; end; procedure TfrmMain.MAPILocalInit(Flag: cardinal); begin hr := MAPILogonEx(Application.Handle, nil, nil, MAPI_EXTENDED or // MAPI_NEW_SESSION or // MAPI_NO_MAIL or // MAPI_ALLOW_OTHERS or Flag, // FMapiSession); if failed(hr) then begin case hr of MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED: MessageDlg (WrapText( 'The logon did not succeed, either because one or more of the parameters to Profile were invalid or because there were too many sessions open already.', 80), mtError, [mbOK], 0); MAPI_E_TIMEOUT: MessageDlg(WrapText('MAPI serializes all logons through a mutex. This is returned if the another thread held the mutex.', 80), mtError, [mbOK], 0); MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL: ShowMessage(WrapText('The user canceled the operation, typically by choosing the Cancel button in a dialog box.', 80)); MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS: MessageDlg(WrapText('The user had too many sessions open simultaneously. No session handle was returned.', 80), mtError, [mbOK], 0); MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED: MessageDlg(WrapText('A service provider has not been configured, and therefore the operation did not complete.', 80), mtError, [mbOK], 0); else MessageDlg(WrapText('The logon did not succeed', 80), mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; Exit; end; btLogOn.Enabled := not Assigned(FMapiSession); btLogOff.Enabled := not btLogOn.Enabled; (* We will check whether there is an interface to the MAPI Session object and if it is valid, we will try to get Exchange Address Book. We will use one of our auxiliary function that we have named GetExchangeAddressBook *) btStop.Enabled := btLogOff.Enabled; if Assigned(FMapiSession) then case rgGAL.ItemIndex of 0: GetExchangeAddressBook; 1: GetDefaultABContainer; end; btStop.Enabled := False; end; procedure TfrmMain.MapiInternalLogOff; begin lbUserCount.Caption := '0'; ProgressBar.Position := 0; ExportedLabel.Caption := '0'; ClearTTree(TreeViewGAL); if Assigned(FContentsTable) then FContentsTable := nil; if Assigned(FGAL) then FGAL := nil; if Assigned(FDefaultDir) then FDefaultDir := nil; if Assigned(FAddressBook) then FAddressBook := nil; if Assigned(FMapiSession) then begin FMapiSession.Logoff(Application.Handle, MAPI_LOGOFF_UI, 0); FMapiSession := nil; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.btLogOnClick(Sender: TObject); begin case rgProfile.ItemIndex of 0: MAPILocalInit(MAPI_USE_DEFAULT or MAPI_PASSWORD_UI); 1: MAPILocalInit(MAPI_LOGON_UI); end; end; procedure TfrmMain.btLogOffClick(Sender: TObject); begin MapiInternalLogOff; btLogOn.Enabled := True; btLogOff.Enabled := False; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin InitializeMAPI; {$IF DEFINED (WIN64)} Self.Caption := Self.Caption + ' - WIN64'; {$ELSE} Self.Caption := Self.Caption + ' - WIN32'; {$IFEND} end; procedure TfrmMain.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin MapiInternalLogOff; MAPIUninitialize; end; procedure TfrmMain.GetDefaultABContainer; var ObjectType, CbENTRYID: ULONG; // Count of PENTRYID; ENTRYID: PENTRYID; // Pointer to ENTRYID of AddressBook begin // see procedure GetExchangeAddressBook below for comments; CbENTRYID := 0; ENTRYID := nil; hr := 0; try if not Assigned(FAddressBook) then begin hr := FMapiSession.OpenAddressBook(0, nil, 0 { AB_NO_DIALOG } , FAddressBook); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FMapiSession, hr)); Exit; end; end; // The IAddrBook.GetDefaultDir method returns the entry identifier // for the address book container that is initially made available. if not Assigned(FDefaultDir) then begin hr := FAddressBook.GetDefaultDir(CbENTRYID, ENTRYID); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FAddressBook, hr)); Exit; end; hr := FAddressBook.OpenEntry(CbENTRYID, ENTRYID, @IID_IABContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_NO_CACHE, ObjectType, IUnknown(FDefaultDir)); if (hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS) or (MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER = hr) then hr := FAddressBook.OpenEntry(CbENTRYID, ENTRYID, @IID_IABContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjectType, IUnknown(FDefaultDir)); if ((failed(hr)) or (ObjectType <> MAPI_ABCONT) or (FDefaultDir = nil)) then if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FAddressBook, hr)); ShowMessage('The Default AB Container is NOT available!'); Exit; end else begin ShowMessage('The Default AB Container is NOT available!'); Exit; end; end; finally if Assigned(ENTRYID) then MAPIFreeBuffer(ENTRYID); if Assigned(FDefaultDir) and Succeeded(hr) then GetContainer(FDefaultDir); end; end; procedure TfrmMain.GetExchangeAddressBook; var ObjectType, CbENTRYID: ULONG; // Count of PENTRYID; ENTRYID: PENTRYID; // Pointer to ENTRYID of Exchange GAL begin CbENTRYID := 0; ENTRYID := nil; hr := 0; try if not Assigned(FAddressBook) then begin hr := FMapiSession.OpenAddressBook(0, nil, 0 { AB_NO_DIALOG } , FAddressBook); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FMapiSession, hr)); Exit; end; end; (* function HrFindExchangeGlobalAddressList Returns the entry identifier (ENTRYID) of the global address list (GAL) container in the address book. The MAPI OpenEntry method is then used to open the GAL. This function is part of EDK (Microsoft� Exchange Server Software Development Kit) that we have provided here for you. *) if not Assigned(FGAL) then begin hr := HrFindExchangeGlobalAddressList(FAddressBook, CbENTRYID, ENTRYID); (* If the execution of this function results in an error or due to some reason the number of bytes in ENTRYID is zero, or ENTRYID is nil, we will show that there is an error and will stop the code execution. *) if failed(hr) or (CbENTRYID = 0) or not Assigned(ENTRYID) then if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FAddressBook, hr)); ShowMessage('The GAL (Global Address List) is NOT available!'); Exit; end else begin ShowMessage('The GAL (Global Address List) is NOT available!'); Exit; end; FGAL := nil; ObjectType := 0; (* Having gotten up to here means that we have a valid ENTRYID, and now we will make the AddressBook provide an interface to it. The IAddrBook.OpenEntry method opens an address book entry and returns a pointer to an interface that can be used to access the entry. *) hr := FAddressBook.OpenEntry(CbENTRYID, ENTRYID, @IID_IABContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_NO_CACHE, ObjectType, IUnknown(FGAL)); if (hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS) or (MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER = hr) then hr := FAddressBook.OpenEntry(CbENTRYID, ENTRYID, @IID_IABContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjectType, IUnknown(FGAL)); if ((failed(hr)) or (ObjectType <> MAPI_ABCONT) or (FGAL = nil)) then if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FAddressBook, hr)); ShowMessage('The GAL (Global Address List) is NOT available!'); Exit; end else begin ShowMessage('The GAL (Global Address List) is NOT available!'); Exit; end; end; finally (* If you have reviewed the HrFindExchangeGlobalAddressList function, then you must have noticed that there the MAPIAllocateBuffer function is used to get part of the memory where to copy the ENTRYID. To avoid any Memory Leak, we should free the occupied memory through MAPIFreeBuffer. *) if Assigned(ENTRYID) then MAPIFreeBuffer(ENTRYID); (* In case we have been provided with an interface to Exchange Global Address Book, we will take GAL Content Table. This read-only table contains all e-mail users and their properties such as e-mail address, user type - Mail user, DL, etc. *) if Assigned(FGAL) and Succeeded(hr) then GetContainer(FGAL); end; end; procedure TfrmMain.GetContainer(const ABContainer: IABContainer); var TagArray: PSPropTagArray; // Pointer to an array of property tags identifying // properties to be included iCount: integer; // Counter cRows: ULONG; // Number of rows FContentsTablePSRowSet: PSRowSet; // Pointer to an SRowSet structure holding the table rows UserName: string; // Hold PR_DISPLAY_NAME value UserAddress: PChar; // Hold E-MAIL Address GALTreeNode: TTreeNode; // Root Node UserNode: TTreeNode; // User Node DisplayType: integer; cbProp: ULONG; Prop: Pointer; ContainerName: String; ContainerDisplayType: ULONG; errCount: integer; begin Assert(Assigned(ABContainer)); TagArray := nil; Prop := nil; FContentsTablePSRowSet := nil; (* The IMAPIContainer.GetContentsTable method returns a pointer to the container's contents table. Parameters Flags - [in] Bitmask of flags that controls how the contents table is returned. The following flags can be set: MAPI_ASSOCIATED - The container's associated contents table should be returned rather than the standard contents table. This flag is used only with folders. The messages that are included in the associated contents table were created with the MAPI_ASSOCIATED flag set in the call to IMAPIFolder::CreateMessage. Clients typically use the associated contents table to retrieve forms and views. MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS - GetContentsTable can return successfully, possibly before the table is made accessible to the caller. If the table is not accessible, making a subsequent table call can result in an error. MAPI_UNICODE - Requests that the columns containing string data be returned in the Unicode format. If the MAPI_UNICODE flag is not set, the strings should be returned in the ANSI format. Table - [out] Pointer to a pointer to the contents table. *) FContentsTable := nil; GALTreeNode := nil; TreeViewGAL.Items.BeginUpdate; try hr := ABContainer.GetContentsTable(0, FContentsTable); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FGAL, hr)); Exit; end; // Get Container name hr := HrMAPIGetPropString(ABContainer, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, cbProp, Prop); if not failed(hr) and (cbProp > 0) then begin ContainerName := PChar(Prop); MAPIFreeBuffer(Prop); end else ContainerName := 'Unknown AB Container'; // Get Container type hr := HrMAPIGetPropLong(ABContainer, PR_DISPLAY_TYPE, ContainerDisplayType); if failed(hr) then ContainerDisplayType := DT_NOT_SPECIFIC; (* Messaging users and distribution lists have a set of five properties that are known as the base address properties. These are required properties and are briefly described as follows. PR_ADDRTYPE - Type of address for the recipient. Each address type follows a particular format and is used with a particular messaging system. PR_DISPLAY_NAME - Displayable name for the recipient. PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Address of the recipient. PR_ENTRYID - Entry identifier used to access the recipient. PR_SEARCH_KEY - Binary comparable key used to identify the recipient. We allocate buffer for user properties We will get only 3 properties - PR_DISPLAY_NAME - E-mail Address ($39FE001E) - PR_DISPLAY_TYPE (Mailbox, Distribution List,Remoute) *) hr := MAPIAllocateBuffer(SizeOf(TSPropTagArray) + SizeOf(ULONG) * 2, Pointer(TagArray)); if failed(hr) then Exit; TagArray.cValues := 3; TagArray.aulPropTag[TagArray.cValues - 3] := PR_DISPLAY_NAME; if ContainerDisplayType = DT_GLOBAL then TagArray.aulPropTag[TagArray.cValues - 2] := PR_SMTP_ADDRESS else TagArray.aulPropTag[TagArray.cValues - 2] := PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS; TagArray.aulPropTag[TagArray.cValues - 1] := PR_DISPLAY_TYPE; (* The IMAPITable.GetRowCount method returns the total number of rows in the table. Parameters Flags - Reserved; must be zero. Count - [out] The number of rows in the table. *) errCount := 0; hr := FContentsTable.GetRowCount(0, cRows); while (hr = MAPI_E_END_OF_SESSION) and (errCount < 5) do begin hr := FContentsTable.GetRowCount(0, cRows); Inc(errCount); end; if failed(hr) then begin cRows := 0; ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FContentsTable, hr)); Exit; end; (* The IMAPITable.SetColumns method defines the particular properties and order of properties to appear as columns in the table. Parameters PropTagArray - [in] Pointer to an array of property tags identifying properties to be included as columns in the table. The property type portion of each tag can be set to a valid type or to PR_NULL to reserve space for subsequent additions. The lpPropTagArray parameter cannot be set to NULL; every table must have at least one column. Flags - [in] Bitmask of flags that controls the return of an asynchronous call to SetColumns, for example when SetColumns is used in notification. The following flags can be set: TBL_ASYNC - Requests that the column setting operation be performed asynchronously causing SetColumns to potentially return before the operation has fully completed. TBL_BATCH - Permits the table to postpone the column setting operation until the data is actually required. *) hr := FContentsTable.SetColumns(TagArray, TBL_BATCH); if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FContentsTable, hr)); Exit; end; lbUserCount.Caption := IntToStr(cRows); ProgressBar.Max := cRows; FStopExport := False; ClearTTree(TreeViewGAL); GALTreeNode := TreeViewGAL.Items.AddFirst(nil, ContainerName); GALTreeNode.ImageIndex := 0; GALTreeNode.SelectedIndex := 0; GALTreeNode.StateIndex := 0; cRows := 0; while True do begin FContentsTablePSRowSet := nil; // We will Query Table by 25 records errCount := 0; hr := FContentsTable.QueryRows(25, 0, FContentsTablePSRowSet); while (hr = MAPI_E_END_OF_SESSION) and (errCount < 5) do begin hr := FContentsTable.QueryRows(25, 0, FContentsTablePSRowSet); Inc(errCount); end; // ProgressBar.Max:=ProgressBar.Max+25; if failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(FContentsTable, hr)); Exit; end; if not Assigned(FContentsTablePSRowSet) then break; if Assigned(FContentsTablePSRowSet) then begin if FContentsTablePSRowSet.cRows = 0 then begin FreePRows(FContentsTablePSRowSet); FContentsTablePSRowSet := nil; break; end else begin for iCount := 0 to FContentsTablePSRowSet.cRows - 1 do begin Application.ProcessMessages; if FStopExport then begin Inc(cRows, iCount); TreeViewGAL.Items.EndUpdate; Exit; end; Inc(cRows); UserName := 'Unknown'; DisplayType := -1; (* We will use the value of PR_DISPLAY_NAME as a Text property for the TTreeNode object that will be an entry from the table *) if PSPropValuearray(FContentsTablePSRowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[0].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME then UserName := PSPropValuearray(FContentsTablePSRowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[0].Value.lpsz; (* We will use the value of PR_SMTP_ADDRESS or PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS as a Hint property for the TTreeNode object that will show us the e-mail address *) if PSPropValuearray(FContentsTablePSRowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[TagArray.cValues - 2].ulPropTag = TagArray.aulPropTag [TagArray.cValues - 2] then begin GetMem(UserAddress, StrLen(PSPropValuearray(FContentsTablePSRowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[TagArray.cValues - 2].Value.lpsz) * SizeOf(Char) + 1); StrCopy(UserAddress, PSPropValuearray(FContentsTablePSRowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[TagArray.cValues - 2].Value.lpsz); UserName := UserName + ' - ' + StrPas(UserAddress); end else UserAddress := nil; (* Each entry in this Contents is a certain mail user. They may be different from Mail user. E.g. distribution list, Public folder to which you send letters, automated agent and many other. You can find the full list in MSDN. Using the PR_DISPLAY_TYPE value we will be able to visualize the objects in different ways. For each object type we will use a different icon for TTreeNode *) if PSPropValuearray(FContentsTablePSRowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[TagArray.cValues - 1].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_TYPE then case PSPropValuearray(FContentsTablePSRowSet.aRow[iCount].lpProps)[TagArray.cValues - 1].Value.l of DT_MAILUSER: DisplayType := 1; DT_DISTLIST, DT_PRIVATE_DISTLIST: DisplayType := 2; DT_REMOTE_MAILUSER: DisplayType := 3; DT_FORUM: DisplayType := 4; DT_AGENT: DisplayType := 5; end; UserNode := TreeViewGAL.Items.AddChildObject(GALTreeNode, UserName, Pointer(UserAddress)); UserNode.ImageIndex := DisplayType; UserNode.SelectedIndex := DisplayType; ProgressBar.StepIt; end; ExportedLabel.Caption := IntToStr(cRows); (* We should not forget to free the memory of the returned RowSet *) if Assigned(FContentsTablePSRowSet) then begin FreePRows(FContentsTablePSRowSet); FContentsTablePSRowSet := nil; end; end end end; finally if Assigned(FContentsTablePSRowSet) then begin FreePRows(FContentsTablePSRowSet); FContentsTablePSRowSet := nil; end; if Assigned(TagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(TagArray); ProgressBar.Position := 0; ExportedLabel.Caption := IntToStr(cRows); TreeViewGAL.Items.EndUpdate; if Assigned(GALTreeNode) then GALTreeNode.Expand(True); end; end; procedure TfrmMain.TreeViewGALClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(TreeViewGAL.Selected) then if Assigned(TreeViewGAL.Selected.Data) then TreeViewGAL.Hint := StrPas(PChar(TreeViewGAL.Selected.Data)) else TreeViewGAL.Hint := 'Unknown Email Address'; end; procedure TfrmMain.btStopClick(Sender: TObject); begin FStopExport := True; end; procedure TfrmMain.rgGALClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FMapiSession) then case rgGAL.ItemIndex of 0: GetExchangeAddressBook; 1: GetDefaultABContainer; end; end; end.