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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
„Light“ RAW Extended MAPI Glossary
Term | Explanation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MAPI Property | A property is an attribute of a MAPI object. Properties describe something about the object, such as the subject line of a message or the address type of a messaging user. Property tags are used to identify MAPI properties and every property must have one. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PropTag | Property tag for the property. Property tags are codes expressed as 32-bit unsigned integers, that contain the property’s unique identifier (PropID) in the high-order 16 bits, and the property’s type (PropType) in the low-order 16 bits. For example, consider the „Importance“ message envelope property. Its Property ID (PropID) is $0017, and its Data Type (PropType) is PT_LONG (which maps to a hexadecimal value of $0003). Its Property Tag (PropTag) is a combination of these two: $00170003. This hexadecimal value is defined as the constant PR_IMPORTANCE. |
PropID | A property identifier (PropID) is a number that is used to indicate what a property is used for and who is responsible for it. The range of property identifiers runs from $0001 through $FFFF. Property identifiers $0001 and $FFFF are reserved. PropID is high 16 bits from PropTag.
The following table shows the Property ID ranges in which properties in similar categories are grouped.
The following table shows how this particular range is further subdivided into smaller ranges, to make assigning new Property IDs easier.
The MAPI uses the _A and _W additives to signify if the property is an ASCII (single byte character, AnsiString) or a Wide (multiple byte character, WideString) string. This document does not bother with this distinction. The additive _O is used for some types, it refers to the direct use of embedded object instead of data types. |
PropType | Property types (PropType) are constants defined by MAPI that indicate the underlying data type of a property value. All properties, whether they are defined by MAPI, by client applications, or by service providers, use one of these types. PropType is low 16 bits from PropTag. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PropNamed | Property identifiers are a set of hexadecimal values that range from $0001 to $FFFF. This allows for 65,534 properties. These properties are divided into the following groups, known as ranges:
In addition to these ranges, there is one other range. This range is the largest and represents all properties that are at $8000 and above. The properties in this range are known as named properties. Named properties provide a way for vendors to extend the standard MAPI property set by adding their own properties. Named properties are made up of the following two main types:
In addition to a name, each of these properties has an associated GUID. This allows developers to divide named properties into property sets. Because the named properties do not have specific IDs assigned, MAPI provides a facility to dynamically create unique IDs for named properties and to maintain a persistent mapping between a named property and its unique ID. However, the dynamic creation of these IDs means that the property IDs for named properties can vary from computer to computer. To support named properties, MAPI implements two methods thru IMAPIProp interface — IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames and IMAPIProp::GetNamesFromIDs — to translate between names and identifiers and to allow its IMAPIProp::GetProps and IMAPIProp::SetProps methods to retrieve and modify properties with identifiers in the named property range. The range for named property identifiers (PropID) is between $8000 and $FFFE. To define a named property, a client or service provider makes up a name and stores it in a MAPINAMEID structure. |
MAPINAMEID | To define a named property, a client or service provider makes up a name and stores it in a MAPINAMEID structure.
type PMAPINAMEID = ^TMAPINAMEID; _MAPINAMEID = record lpguid: PGUID; // Pointer to a GUID structure defining a particular property set; this member cannot be NULL. ulKind: ULONG; // Value describing the type of value in the Kind member. Valid values are: MNID_ID or MNID_STRING. Kind: record case Integer of 1: (lID: Longint; ); // The name is an integer value, stored in lID. ulKind = MNID_ID 2: (lpwstrName: LPWSTR; ); // The name is an Unicode string (PWideChar), stored in lpwstrName. ulKind = MNID_STRING end; end; TMAPINAMEID = _MAPINAMEID; MSDN: |
SPropValue | Describes a RAW MAPI property.
type PSPropValue = ^TSPropValue; _SPropValue = record ulPropTag: ULONG; // Property tag (PropTag) for the property. dwAlignPad: ULONG; // Reserved for MAPI. Used as padding to make sure proper alignment on computers that require 8-byte alignment for 8-byte values. Value: _PV; // Union of data values, the specific value dictated by the property type (PropType). end; TSPropValue = _SPropValue; Value member:
PT_MV_XXXXX means MultiValued property. _XXXXXXXArray = record cValues: ULONG; // Count of values in the array pointed to by the lpXXX member. lpXXX: YYYY; // Pointer to an array of YYYY type end; Example: type _SDoubleArray = record cValues: ULONG; // Count of values in the array pointed to by the lpdbl member. lpdbl: PDouble; // Pointer to an array of Double type end; SDoubleArray = _SDoubleArray; TSDoubleArray = SDoubleArray; Demo code: CountOfValues:=MyMVDouble.MVdbl.cValues; // MyMVDouble is TSPropValue of property type PT_MV_DOUBLE Index:=1; SecondDoubleValueInArray:=_PDoubleArray(MyMVDouble.MVdbl.lpdbl)[Index]; Demo code: MessageSubject := StrPas(MyAnsiStringValue.lpszA); // MyAnsiValue is TSPropValue of property type PT_STRING8 MSDN: |
SRowSet | Contains an array of SRow structures. Each SRow structure describes a row from a table.
type PSRowSet = ^TSRowSet; _SRowSet = record cRows: ULONG; { Count of rows } aRow: array [0 .. 0] of TSRow; { Array of rows } end; TSRowSet = _SRowSet; MSDN: |
SRow | Describes a row from a table that contains selected properties for a specific object.
type PSRow = ^TSRow; _SRow = record ulAdrEntryPad: ULONG; { Pad so SRow's can map to ADRENTRY's } cValues: ULONG; { Count of property values } lpProps: PSPropValue; { Property value array } end; TSRow = _SRow; MSDN: |
MAPIUID | A byte-order independent version of a GUID structure that is used to uniquely identify a service provider.
type PMAPIUID = ^TMAPIUID; _MAPIUID = record ab: array [0 .. 15] of byte; end; TMAPIUID = _MAPIUID; MSDN: |
One-Off Addresses | One-off addresses are used to send messages to one-off recipients, recipients that do not have a corresponding entry in any of the session’s address book containers. The one-off address format is defined by MAPI as follows: Display name[Address type:E-mail address]
TSRestriction | Describes a filter for limiting the view of a table to particular rows.
type PSRestriction = ^TSRestriction; _SRestriction = record rt: ULONG; { Restriction type } RES: record case Integer of 1: (resCompareProps: TSComparePropsRestriction; ); // RES_COMPAREPROPS 2: (resAnd: TSAndRestriction; ); // RES_AND 3: (resOr: TSOrRestriction; ); // RES_OR 4: (resNot: TSNotRestriction; ); // RES_NOT 5: (resContent: TSContentRestriction; ); // RES_CONTENT 6: (resProperty: TSPropertyRestriction; ); // RES_PROPERTY 7: (resBitMask: TSBitMaskRestriction; ); // RES_BITMASK 8: (resSize: TSSizeRestriction; ); // RES_SIZE 9: (resExist: TSExistRestriction; ); // RES_EXIST 10: (resSub: TSSubRestriction; ); // RES_SUBRESTRICTION 11: (resComment: TSCommentRestriction; ); // RES_COMMENT 12: (resAnnotation: TSAnnotationRestriction; ); // RES_ANNOTATION 13: (resCount: TSCountRestriction; ); // RES_COUNT end; end; TSRestriction = _SRestriction; Members:
RES: Union of restriction structures describing the filter to be applied. The specific structure included in the res member depends on the value of the rt member. See above table. |
TSPropTagArray | Contains an array of property tags.
type PSPropTagArray = ^TSPropTagArray; _SPropTagArray = record cValues: ULONG; // Count of property tags in the array indicated by the aulPropTag member aulPropTag: array [0 .. MAPI_DIM - 1] of ULONG; // Array of property tags. end; TSPropTagArray = _SPropTagArray; MSDN: |
TSBinary | Describes a property of type PT_BINARY.
type PSBinary = ^TSBinary; _SBinary = record cb: ULONG; // Count of bytes in the lpb member. lpb: PBYTE; // Pointer to the PT_BINARY property value. end; SBinary = _SBinary; TSBinary = SBinary; MSDN: |
TDTCTL | Describes a control that will be used in a dialog box built from a display table.
type DTCTL = record ulCtlType: ULONG; ulCtlFlags: ULONG; lpbNotif: PBYTE; cbNotif: ULONG; lpszFilter: LPTSTR; ulItemID: ULONG; case Integer of 0: (lpv: pointer); 1: (lplabel: PDTBLLABEL); 2: (lpedit: PDTBLEDIT); 3: (lplbx: PDTBLLBX); 4: (lpcombobox: PDTBLCOMBOBOX); 5: (lpddlbx: PDTBLDDLBX); 6: (lpcheckbox: PDTBLCHECKBOX); 7: (lpgroupbox: PDTBLGROUPBOX); 8: (lpbutton: PDTBLBUTTON); 9: (lpradiobutton: PDTBLRADIOBUTTON); 10: (lpmvlbx: PDTBLMVLISTBOX); 11: (lpmvddlbx: PDTBLMVDDLBX); 12: (lppage: PDTBLPAGE); end; end; TDTCTL = DTCTL; PDTCTL = ^TDTCTL; MSDN: |
TOPTIONDATA | Describes properties supported by a transport provider.
type _OPTIONDATA = record ulFlags: ULONG; {MAPI_RECIPIENT, MAPI_MESSAGE} lpRecipGUID: PGUID; {Same as returned by AddressTypes()} lpszAdrType: PChar; {Same as returned by AddressTypes()} lpszDLLName: PChar; {Options DLL} ulOrdinal: ULONG; {Ordinal in that DLL} cbOptionsData: ULONG; {Count of bytes in lpbOptionsData} lpbOptionsData: PBYTE; {Providers per [recip|message] option data} cOptionsProps: ULONG; {Count of Options default prop values} lpOptionsProps: PSPropValue; {Default Options property values} end; TOPTIONDATA = _OPTIONDATA; POPTIONDATA = ^TOPTIONDATA; MSDN: |
TSSortOrder | Defines how to sort the rows of a table, what column to use as the sort key, and the direction of the sort.
type PSSortOrder = ^TSSortOrder; // Defines how to sort the rows of a table, what column to use as the sort key, and the direction of the sort. _SSortOrder = record ulPropTag: ULONG; {Column to sort on} ulOrder: ULONG; {Ascending, descending, combine to left} end; { Possible values for ulOrder member are as follow: TABLE_SORT_ASCEND – The table should be sorted in ascending order. TABLE_SORT_COMBINE – The sort operation should create a category that combines the property identified as the sort key column in the ulPropTag member with the sort key column specified in the previous SSortOrder structure. Rem: TABLE_SORT_COMBINE can only be used when the SSortOrder structure is being used as an entry in an SSortOrderSet structure to specify multiple sort orders for a categorized sort. TABLE_SORT_COMBINE cannot be used in the first SSortOrder structure in an SSortOrderSet structure. TABLE_SORT_DESCEND – The table should be sorted in descending order. TABLE_SORT_CATEG_MAX – The table should be sorted on the maximum value of the ulPropTag member for the data rows in the categories specified by the previous sort order in the SSortOrderSet structure. TABLE_SORT_CATEG_MIN – The table should be sorted on the minimum value of the ulPropTag member for the data rows in the categories specified by the previous sort order in the in SSortOrderSet structure. } MSDN: |
TSSortOrderSet | Defines a collection of sort keys for a table that is used for standard or categorized sorting.
type _SSortOrderSet = record cSorts: ULONG; {Number of sort columns in aSort below} cCategories: ULONG; {0 for non-categorized, up to cSorts} cExpanded: ULONG; {0 if no categories start expanded, up to cExpanded} aSort: array [0 .. MAPI_DIM - 1] of TSSortOrder; {The sort orders} end; TSSortOrderSet = _SSortOrderSet; PSSortOrderSet = ^TSSortOrderSet; MSDN: |
TADRENTRY | Describes zero or more properties that belong to a recipient.
type PADRENTRY = ^TADRENTRY; _ADRENTRY = record ulReserved1: ULONG; {Never used; Reserved; must be zero} cValues: ULONG; {Count of properties in the property value array pointed to by the rgPropVals member. The cValues member can be zero. } rgPropVals: PSPropValue; {Pointer to a property value array describing the properties for the recipient. The rgPropVals member can be NIL.} end; TADRENTRY = _ADRENTRY; MSDN: |
TADRLIST | Describes zero or more properties that belong to one or more recipients.
type PADRLIST = ^TADRLIST; _ADRLIST = record cEntries: ULONG; {Count of entries in the array specified by the aEntries member.} aEntries: array [0 .. MAPI_DIM - 1] of TADRENTRY; {Array of ADRENTRY structures, one structure for each recipient.} end; TADRLIST = _ADRLIST; MSDN: |
TNOTIFICATION | Contains information about an event that has occurred and the data that has been affected by the event.
type _NOTIFICATION = record ulEventType: ULONG; {Type of notification event that occurred, i.e. fnevSomething} ulAlignPad: ULONG; {Force to 8-byte boundary} info: record {Union of notification structures describing the affected data for a particular type of event. The structure included in the info member depends on the value of the ulEventType member.} case Integer of 1: (err: TERROR_NOTIFICATION;); 2: (newmail: TNEWMAIL_NOTIFICATION;); 3: (obj: TOBJECT_NOTIFICATION;); 4: (tab: TTABLE_NOTIFICATION;); 5: (ext: TEXTENDED_NOTIFICATION;); 6: (statobj: TSTATUS_OBJECT_NOTIFICATION;); end; end; TNOTIFICATION = _NOTIFICATION; PNOTIFICATION = ^TNOTIFICATION; MSDN: |
TENTRYID | Contains an entry identifier for a MAPI object.
type TENTRYID = record abFlags: array [0 .. 3] of byte; ab: array [0 .. MAPI_DIM - 1] of byte; end; PENTRYID = ^TENTRYID; MSDN: |
IMAPISession | Manages objects associated with a MAPI logon session. Interface identifier: IID_IMAPISession: TGUID = ‘{00020300-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMAPISession : IUnknown |
IMAPIProp | Enables MAPI to work with properties. All objects that support properties implement this interface. Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIProp: TGUID = ‘{00020303-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMAPIProp : IUnknown |
IMAPIContainer | Manages high-level operations on container objects such as address books, distribution lists, and folders. Inherited from IMAPIProp. Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIContainer: TGUID = ‘{0002030B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMAPIContainer : IMAPIProp |
IMsgStore | Provides access to message store information and to messages and folders. Inherited from IMAPIProp. Interface identifier: IID_IMsgStore: TGUID = ‘{00020306-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMsgStore : IMAPIProp |
IMessage | Manages messages, attachments, and recipients. Inherited from IMAPIProp. Interface identifier: IID_IMessage: TGUID = ‘{00020307-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMessage : IMAPIProp |
IMAPIFolder | Performs operations on the messages and subfolders in a folder. Inherits IMAPIProp, IMAPIContainer. Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIFolder: TGUID = ‘{0002030C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMAPIFolder : IMAPIContainer |
IMAPITable | Provides a read-only view of a table. Interface identifier: IID_IMAPITable: TGUID = ‘{00020301-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMAPITable : IUnknown |
IAttach | Maintains and provides access to the properties of attachments in messages. Interface identifier: IID_IAttachment: TGUID = ‘{00020308-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’ MSDN – IAttach : IMAPIProp |
IAddrBook | Supports access to the MAPI address book and includes operations such as displaying common dialog boxes; opening containers, messaging users, and distribution lists; and performing name resolution.
Inherited from IMAPIProp. MSDN – IAddrBook : IMAPIProp |
IMAPIProgress | Implements a progress object that provides client applications with a progress indicator. Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIProgress: TGUID = ‘{0002031F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMAPIProgress : IUnknown |
IMsgServiceAdmin | Makes changes to a message service in a profile. Interface identifier: IID_IMsgServiceAdmin: TGUID = ‘{0002031D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMsgServiceAdmin : IUnknown |
IProfSect | Works with the properties of profile section objects. Interface identifier: IID_IProfSect: TGUID = ‘{00020304-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IProfSect : IMAPIProp |
IProviderAdmin | Works with service providers in a message service. Interface identifier: IID_IProviderAdmin: TGUID = ‘{00020325-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IProviderAdmin : IUnknown |
IABContainer | Provides access to address book containers. MAPI and client applications call the methods of IABContainer to perform name resolution and to create, copy, and delete recipients. Interface identifier: IID_IABContainer: TGUID = ‘{0002030D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IABContainer : IMAPIContainer |
IMAPIStatus | Provides status information about the MAPI subsystem, the integrated address book, and the MAPI spooler. A service provider implements IMAPIStatus to supply information about its own status. Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIStatus: TGUID = ‘{00020305-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMAPIStatus : IMAPIProp |
IMAPIAdviseSink | Implements an advise sink object for handling notification. A pointer to an advise sink object is passed in a call to a service provider’s Advise method, the mechanism used to register for notification. Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIAdviseSink: TGUID = ‘{00020302-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’MSDN – IMAPIAdviseSink : IUnknown |