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Request # 5
How to implement Extended MAPI in NT Service Application with DELPHI
In this example we will implement NT Service using Extended MAPI in itself. There are two specific characteristics of using Extended MAPI in this case:
- the first is a special flag that informs the MAPI Subsystems hat we are going to work in a service environment
- the second is the fact that when the service works with the rights of a user other than the interactive one, we need to create a MAPI Profile dynamically and erase it once we have completed the session through MAPILogonEx.
Our service will register the new incoming messages in a certain mailbox in NT Event Log.
You may of course change the functionality of the example according to your needs.
- Creating of temporary MAPI profile at run-time.
- Log On to Exchange Server from NT Service with temporary MAPI profile.
- Implements an Advise method to receive notification registrations.
- Implements an Unadvise method to receive notification cancellations.
- Generates notifications of the appropriate type to the appropriate advise sink objects that have registered by calling their IMAPIAdviseSink.OnNotify methods and write it to NT Event Log.
- Implementing an Advise Sink Object
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unit unAdvice; interface {$I IMI.INC} uses Comobj, ExtendedMAPI, Windows; const // We create a NEW GUID for our own COM Object CLSID_MAPIAdviseSink: TGUID = '{B9197B72-6070-11D4-9E24-0000B45AB267}'; type TMAPIAdviseSink = class(TCOMObject, IMAPIAdviseSink) function OnNotify(cbNotif: ULONG; lpNotifications: PNOTIFICATION): ULONG; stdcall; end; TMailNotifier = class(TObject) private FRegistered: boolean; hr: HRESULT; Inbox: IMAPIFolder; FNewMailSink: IMAPIAdviseSink; FMsgStoreTable: IMsgStore; ContentsTable: IMapiTable; public MAPISession: IMAPISession; function Register: Bool; safecall; function UnRegister: Bool; safecall; constructor Create(Session: IMAPISession); destructor Destroy; override; end; var MailNotifier: TMailNotifier = nil; implementation uses ActiveX, Comserv, EDK, MAPIMacros, MAPIUtils, SysUtils, unMainServ; var FNewMailConnection: ULONG_PTR = 0; function TMAPIAdviseSink.OnNotify(cbNotif: ULONG; lpNotifications: PNOTIFICATION):ULONG; var hr: HRESULT; ObjType: ULONG; MAPIMessage: IMessage; MessagePropTagArray: PSPropTagArray; MessagePropValueArray: PSPropValue; StringMessage: string; iCount: Integer; begin MAPIMessage := nil; hr := HRSUCCESS; Result := hr; for iCount := 0 to Integer(cbNotif) - 1 do if (PNOTIFICATIONArray(lpNotifications)[iCount].ulEventType = fnevNewMail) then begin try hr := MailNotifier.MAPISession.OpenEntry (PNOTIFICATIONArray(lpNotifications)[iCount].info.newmail.cbEntryID, PNOTIFICATIONArray(lpNotifications)[iCount].info.newmail.EntryID, @IID_IMessage, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_NO_CACHE, ObjType, IUnknown(MAPIMessage)); if (hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS) or (MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER=hr) then hr := MailNotifier.MAPISession.OpenEntry (PNOTIFICATIONArray(lpNotifications)[iCount].info.newmail.cbEntryID, PNOTIFICATIONArray(lpNotifications)[iCount].info.newmail.EntryID, @IID_IMessage, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjType, IUnknown(MAPIMessage)); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar(GetMAPIError(MailNotifier.MAPISession, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); Exit; end; MessagePropTagArray := nil; ObjType := 0; // Allocate Buffer for Message Properties hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_SUBJECT, PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS], MessagePropTagArray); if Failed(hr) then begin DMAPIService.LogMessage('MAPI Error'); Exit; end; MessagePropValueArray := nil; hr := MAPIMessage.GetProps(MessagePropTagArray, 0, ObjType, MessagePropValueArray); if Failed(hr) then begin DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)); Exit; end; StringMessage := 'Any post was there!'; if Assigned(MessagePropValueArray) then begin if PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[0].ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT then if Assigned(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[0].Value.lpsz) then StringMessage := StringMessage + #13#10 + 'Subject:' + StrPas(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[0].Value.lpsz); if PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[1].ulPropTag = PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS then if Assigned(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[1].Value.lpsz) then StringMessage := StringMessage + #13#10 + 'From:' + StrPas(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[1].Value.lpsz); end; DMAPIService.LogMessage(StringMessage, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE) finally if Assigned(MessagePropValueArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(MessagePropValueArray); if Assigned(MessagePropTagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(MessagePropTagArray); if Assigned(MAPIMessage) then MAPIMessage := nil; Result := hr; end; end; end; constructor TMailNotifier.Create(Session: IMAPISession); begin inherited Create; MAPISession := Session; Register; end; destructor TMailNotifier.Destroy; begin if FRegistered then UnRegister; if Assigned(FMsgStoreTable) then FMsgStoreTable := nil; end; function TMailNotifier.Register: Bool; safecall; var PropTagArray: PSPropTagArray; Values: ULONG; PropValueArray: PSPropValue; SortCriteria: TSSortOrderSet; RowSet: PSRowSet; begin PropTagArray := nil; PropValueArray := nil; RowSet := nil; if FRegistered then begin Result := True; Exit; end; FNewMailSink := TMAPIAdviseSink.Create; try hr := HrOpenExchangePrivateStore(MAPISession, FMsgStoreTable); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, 'Could not open Private Store!', 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage('Could not open Private Store!'); Exit; end; hr := FMsgStoreTable.OpenEntry(0, nil, @IID_IMAPIFolder, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_NO_CACHE, Values, IUnknown(Inbox)); if (hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS) or (MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER=hr) then hr := FMsgStoreTable.OpenEntry(0, nil, @IID_IMAPIFolder, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, Values, IUnknown(Inbox)); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(FMsgStoreTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(FMsgStoreTable, hr)); Exit; end; hr := Inbox.GetContentsTable(0, ContentsTable); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(Inbox, hr) ), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(Inbox, hr)); Exit; end; hr := ContentsTable.GetRowCount(0, Values); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)); Exit; end; hr := FMsgStoreTable.Advise(0, nil, fnevNewMail, FNewMailSink, FNewMailConnection); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(FMsgStoreTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(FMsgStoreTable, hr)); Exit; end; hr := Inbox.GetPropList(0, PropTagArray); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(Inbox, hr) ), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(Inbox, hr)); Exit; end; hr := Inbox.GetProps(PropTagArray, 0, Values, PropValueArray); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(Inbox, hr) ), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(Inbox, hr)); Exit; end; if Assigned(PropTagArray) then begin MAPIFreeBuffer(PropTagArray); PropTagArray := nil; end; hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_ENTRYID, PR_PRIORITY], PropTagArray); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(nil, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(nil, hr)); Exit; end; hr := ContentsTable.SetColumns(PropTagArray, TBL_BATCH); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)); Exit; end; if Assigned(PropTagArray) then begin MAPIFreeBuffer(PropTagArray); PropTagArray := nil; end; SortCriteria.cSorts := 1; SortCriteria.cCategories := 0; SortCriteria.cExpanded := 0; SortCriteria.aSort[0].ulPropTag := PR_ENTRYID; SortCriteria.aSort[0].ulOrder := TABLE_SORT_ASCEND; hr := ContentsTable.SortTable(@SortCriteria, TBL_BATCH); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)); Exit; end; Values := 0; hr := ContentsTable.SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, Integer(Values)); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)); Exit; end; hr := ContentsTable.GetRowCount(0, Values); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageBox(0, PChar('Could not Advise!' + #13#10 + GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)), 'IMI Mail Notification', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); DMAPIService.LogMessage(GetMAPIError(ContentsTable, hr)); Exit; end; finally if Assigned(PropTagArray) then begin MAPIFreeBuffer(PropTagArray); PropTagArray := nil; end; if Assigned(PropValueArray) then begin MAPIFreeBuffer(PropValueArray); PropValueArray := nil; end; if Assigned(RowSet) then begin FreePRows(RowSet); RowSet := nil; end; Result := hr = HRSUCCESS; FRegistered := Result; if not FRegistered then FNewMailSink := nil; end; end; function TMailNotifier.UnRegister: Bool; begin if not FRegistered then Exit; if Assigned(ContentsTable) then ContentsTable := nil; if Assigned(Inbox) then Inbox := nil; hr := FMsgStoreTable.Unadvise(FNewMailConnection); FRegistered := Failed(hr); Result := Succeeded(hr); if Result then FNewMailSink := nil; end; initialization CoInitialize(nil); TCOMObjectFactory.Create(ComServer, TMAPIAdviseSink, CLSID_MAPIAdviseSink, 'IMINewMailAS', 'IMIBO New Mail Advise Sink', ciMultiInstance); finalization CoUnInitialize; end.