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Request # 22
Command line .exe that sends e-mails
Usage (example):
CmdMail.exe -T=",," -P=Outlook -U="" -S="Test Message" -B="C:\Temp\Questions.htm" -A="C:\TEMP\, C:\TEMP\" T -> Recipients TO List – each recipient should be delimited by comma. Value is quoted (“) C -> Recipients CC List – each recipient should be delimited by comma. Value is quoted (“) A -> Attachments List (path to existing file) – each attachment should be delimited by comma. Value is quoted (“) P –> MAPI/Outlook profile name – Name of MAPI profile for connection to Exchange Server. Should be configured as on-line connection (do not use “cache/offline”!) with Exchange Server, administrative rights. U -> User SMTP e-mail address – from this e-mail address (mailbox), will be sent e-mail.
program CmdMail; { Please add "..\Library" to project search path } (* Please read Readme.txt from the directory !!! *) {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} {$I IMI.INC} uses Classes, SysUtils, Windows, ActiveX, EDK, MAPIException, MAPIUtils, MAPIPropUtils, ExtendedMAPI; const cRecepientsTo = 'T'; cRecepientsBcc = 'C'; cSubject = 'S'; cBodyPath = 'B'; cAttachementsPath = 'A'; // cProfile = 'P'; cUser = 'U'; Const PropForCorrect: Record cValues: ULONG; aulPropTag: Array [0 .. 2] Of ULONG; End = (cValues: 3; aulPropTag: (PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A, PR_ADDRTYPE_A, PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A)); var hr: HRESULT; IsInitOK: Boolean = False; MAPIProfile: AnsiString = ''; MAPISession: IMAPISession = nil; AddressBook: IAddrBook = nil; GAL: IABContainer = nil; ExchPrivateStore: IMsgStore = nil; ExServer: AnsiString = ''; UserPrivateStore: IMsgStore = nil; UserEMailAddress: AnsiString = ''; ServerDN: AnsiString = ''; MailboxDN: AnsiString = ''; Outbox: IMAPIFolder = nil; // ------------------------------ // function InitMAPI: Boolean; var MAPIINIT: TMAPIINIT; begin ZeroMemory(@MAPIINIT, SizeOf(TMAPIINIT)); MAPIINIT.ulVersion := MAPI_INIT_VERSION; MAPIINIT.ulFlags := MAPI_NT_SERVICE; hr := MAPIInitialize(@MAPIINIT); if failed(hr) then Raise Exception.Create(WrapText(GetMAPIInitializeError(hr), 80)); IsInitOK := True; Result := IsInitOK; end; procedure MAPIClose; var Flag: ULONG; begin Flag := LOGOFF_NO_WAIT; try Outbox := nil; if Assigned(UserPrivateStore) then hr := UserPrivateStore.StoreLogOff(Flag); UserPrivateStore := nil; if Assigned(ExchPrivateStore) then hr := ExchPrivateStore.StoreLogOff(Flag); ExchPrivateStore := nil; GAL := nil; AddressBook := nil; if Assigned(MAPISession) then hr := MAPISession.Logoff(0, 0, 0); MAPISession := nil; MAPIUninitialize; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end; function LogonToMapi: Boolean; var ProfileName: PAnsiChar; MAPILogonFlags: ULONG; begin if MAPIProfile <> '' then begin ProfileName := PAnsiChar(@MAPIProfile[1]); MAPILogonFlags := MAPI_NO_MAIL or MAPI_NEW_SESSION or MAPI_EXTENDED or MAPI_LOGON_UI; end else begin ProfileName := nil; MAPILogonFlags := MAPI_NO_MAIL or MAPI_NEW_SESSION or MAPI_EXTENDED or MAPI_PASSWORD_UI; end; hr := MAPILogonEx(0, Pointer(ProfileName), nil, MAPILogonFlags, MAPISession); if failed(hr) then raise Exception.Create(GetMAPILogonExError(hr)); Result := True; end; function LoadAddressBook: Boolean; var GALEntry: TSBinary; GALObjectType: ULONG; begin Result := False; // Get interface to Address Book hr := MAPISession.OpenAddressBook(0, nil, 0, AddressBook); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPISession, hr); ZeroMemory(@GALEntry, SizeOf(TSBinary)); try hr := HrFindExchangeGlobalAddressList(AddressBook, GALEntry.cb, PENTRYID(GALEntry.lpb)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(AddressBook, hr); hr := AddressBook.OpenEntry(GALEntry.cb, PENTRYID(GALEntry.lpb), @IID_IMAPIContainer, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, GALObjectType, IUnknown(GAL)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(AddressBook, hr) else if (GALObjectType <> MAPI_ABCONT) or (GAL = nil) then raise EMAPIError.Create('Cannot open the Exchange Global Address List'); Result := True; finally if Assigned(GALEntry.lpb) then MAPIFreeBuffer(GALEntry.lpb); end; end; Function LoadPrivateMDB: Boolean; var RootFolder: IMAPIFolder; ObjType: ULONG; ServerNamePV: PSPropValue; begin Result := False; ServerNamePV := nil; hr := HrOpenExchangePrivateStore(MAPISession, ExchPrivateStore, True); // False if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPISession, hr); hr := ExchPrivateStore.OpenEntry(0, nil, nil, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjType, IUnknown(RootFolder)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(ExchPrivateStore, hr); try hr := HrGetOneProp(RootFolder, PR_REPLICA_SERVER_A, ServerNamePV); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(RootFolder, hr); ExServer := AnsiString(ServerNamePV.Value.lpszA); Result := True; finally if Assigned(ServerNamePV) then MAPIFreeBuffer(ServerNamePV); ServerNamePV := nil; RootFolder := nil; end; end; function ResolveEmlAddr: Boolean; var IsMAPIRec: Bool; Entry: TSBinary; ObjType: ULONG; Unkn: IMAilUser; HOME_MDB, SiteDN: AnsiString; begin Result := False; ZeroMemory(@Entry, SizeOf(TSBinary)); try hr := HrGWResolveAddress(IABContainer(GAL), PAnsiChar(UserEMailAddress), IsMAPIRec, Entry.cb, PENTRYID(Entry.lpb)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(GAL, hr); hr := GAL.OpenEntry(Entry.cb, PENTRYID(Entry.lpb), nil, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_NO_CACHE, ObjType, IUnknown(Unkn)); if failed(hr) then hr := GAL.OpenEntry(Entry.cb, PENTRYID(Entry.lpb), nil, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjType, IUnknown(Unkn)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(GAL, hr); MailboxDN := AnsiString(MAPIPropUtils.GetPropString(Unkn, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A)); HOME_MDB := AnsiString(MAPIPropUtils.GetPropString(Unkn, PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB_A)); SiteDN := AnsiString(IGetSiteDN(PChar(String(MailboxDN)))); ServerDN := AnsiString ((Format('%s/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=%s/cn=Microsoft Private MDB', [SiteDN, ExServer]))); Result := True; finally if Assigned(Entry.lpb) then MAPIFreeBuffer(Entry.lpb); end; end; function OpenOtherUsersMailbox: Boolean; var XManageStore: IExchangeManageStore; EntryID: TSBinary; begin Result := False; hr := ExchPrivateStore.QueryInterface(IID_IExchangeManageStore, XManageStore); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(ExchPrivateStore, hr); ZeroMemory(@EntryID, SizeOf(TSBinary)); try hr := XManageStore.CreateStoreEntryID(PAnsiChar(ServerDN), PAnsiChar(MailboxDN), OPENSTORE_USE_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE or OPENSTORE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP, EntryID.cb, PENTRYID(EntryID.lpb)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(nil, hr); hr := MAPISession.OpenMsgStore(0, EntryID.cb, PENTRYID(EntryID.lpb), @IID_IMsgStore, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MDB_ONLINE or MDB_TEMPORARY, IMsgStore(UserPrivateStore)); if hr = MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS then hr := MAPISession.OpenMsgStore(0, EntryID.cb, PENTRYID(EntryID.lpb), @IID_IMsgStore, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MDB_TEMPORARY, IMsgStore(UserPrivateStore)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPISession, hr); Result := True; finally if Assigned(EntryID.lpb) then MAPIFreeBuffer(EntryID.lpb); XManageStore := nil; end; end; function GetOutbox: Boolean; var EntryID: TSBinary; ObjType: ULONG; begin Result := False; // Get Entry ID of Outbox folder ZeroMemory(@EntryID, SizeOf(TSBinary)); hr := HrMAPIFindOutbox(UserPrivateStore, EntryID.cb, PENTRYID(EntryID.lpb)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPISession, hr); try // Get Interface to Outbox folder hr := UserPrivateStore.OpenEntry(EntryID.cb, PENTRYID(EntryID.lpb), @IID_IMAPIFolder, MAPI_MODIFY or MAPI_NO_CACHE, ObjType, IUnknown(Outbox)); if (MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS = hr) then // Outlook Version < 2003 hr := UserPrivateStore.OpenEntry(EntryID.cb, PENTRYID(EntryID.lpb), @IID_IMAPIFolder, MAPI_MODIFY, ObjType, IUnknown(Outbox)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(UserPrivateStore, hr); Result := True; finally if Assigned(EntryID.lpb) then MAPIFreeBuffer(EntryID.lpb); end; end; Procedure CreateAttachement(Const MAPIMessage: IMessage; Stream: TMemoryStream; AttName: AnsiString); Var ComStream: IStream; CountWritten: Integer; TagProp: Cardinal; AttachmentNumber: ULONG; Attachment: IAttach; DisplayName, ShortFileName, FileNameExt: AnsiString; PropArray: Array [0 .. 4] Of TSPropValue; Begin CountWritten := 0; Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); TagProp := PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN; Attachment := nil; DisplayName := AnsiString(ExtractFileName(String(AttName))); FileNameExt := AnsiString(ExtractFileExt(String(DisplayName))); ShortFileName := AnsiString (ExtractFileName(ExtractShortPathName(String(AttName)))); FillChar(PropArray, SizeOf(PropArray), 0); PropArray[0].ulPropTag := PR_ATTACH_METHOD; PropArray[0].Value.ul := ATTACH_BY_VALUE; PropArray[1].ulPropTag := PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME_A; PropArray[1].Value.lpszA := PAnsiChar(DisplayName); PropArray[2].ulPropTag := PR_ATTACH_FILENAME_A; PropArray[2].Value.lpszA := PAnsiChar(ShortFileName); PropArray[3].ulPropTag := PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A; PropArray[3].Value.lpszA := PAnsiChar(DisplayName); PropArray[4].ulPropTag := PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION_A; PropArray[4].Value.lpszA := PAnsiChar(FileNameExt); Try hr := MAPIMessage.CreateAttach(nil, 0, AttachmentNumber, Attachment); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPIMessage, hr); hr := Attachment.SetProps(5, @PropArray, PSPropProblemArray(nil^)); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(Attachment, hr); hr := Attachment.OpenProperty(TagProp, @IID_IStream, 0, MAPI_CREATE Or MAPI_MODIFY, IUnknown(ComStream)); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(Attachment, hr); hr := ComStream.Write(Stream.Memory, Stream.Size, @CountWritten); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateSys(hr); hr := ComStream.Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateSys(hr); hr := Attachment.SaveChanges(0); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateSys(hr); Finally ComStream := nil; Attachment := nil; End; End; Procedure AddMsgAttachements(Const MAPIMessage: IMessage; AttachmentsList: TStrings); Var iCount: Integer; SourceFileName: String; Stream: TMemoryStream; Begin Stream := nil; If Not Assigned(MAPIMessage) Or Not Assigned(AttachmentsList) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(nil, MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; Try For iCount := 0 To AttachmentsList.Count - 1 Do Begin SourceFileName := AttachmentsList[iCount]; If Not FileExists(SourceFileName) Then Raise EMAPIError.Create('Cannot locate file: ' + SourceFileName); /// =================================/// Try Stream.LoadFromFile(SourceFileName); Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); CreateAttachement(MAPIMessage, Stream, AnsiString(SourceFileName)); Except // do nothing End; // ==================================/// End; Finally If Assigned(Stream) Then FreeAndNil(Stream); End; End; procedure SetEmlParams(RecListTo, RecListBcc, Attachements: TStringList; SubjectLine, BodyPath: AnsiString); var SentMailEID: PSPropValue; MAPIMessage: IMessage; TempString: AnsiString; StrBody: TStringStream; BodyStream: IStream; StreamAdapter: TStreamAdapter; StreamSize: Int64; iCount: Integer; sADDRTYPE, sEMAILADDRESS: AnsiString; HowManyProp: ULONG; PropValues: Array [0 .. 3] Of TSPropValue; AddressEntry: PADRLIST; begin SentMailEID := nil; MAPIMessage := nil; StrBody := nil; StreamAdapter := nil; AddressEntry := nil; // Get Sent Items Folder - we will move message to this folder after submit hr := HrGetOneProp(UserPrivateStore, PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID, SentMailEID); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(UserPrivateStore, hr); SentMailEID.ulPropTag := PR_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID; try // Create a new empty message hr := Outbox.CreateMessage(nil, 0, MAPIMessage); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(Outbox, hr); // Set Message Class hr := HrMAPISetPropString(MAPIMessage, PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A, Pointer(PAnsiChar('IPM.Note'))); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPIMessage, hr); // Set Sent Items Entry ID hr := HrSetOneProp(MAPIMessage, SentMailEID); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPIMessage, hr); // Set Message Subject TempString := AnsiString(Trim(String(SubjectLine))); if TempString <> '' then begin hr := HrMAPISetPropString(MAPIMessage, PR_SUBJECT_A, Pointer(PAnsiChar(TempString))); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPIMessage, hr); hr := HrMAPISetPropString(MAPIMessage, PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC_A, PAnsiChar(TempString)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPIMessage, hr); end; // Set Message Body TempString := AnsiString(Trim(String(BodyPath))); if FileExists(String(TempString)) then begin StrBody := TStringStream.Create(''); {$IFDEF DELPHI10} StrBody.LoadFromFile(TempString); {$ELSE} StrBody.CopyFrom(TFileStream.Create(String(TempString), fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite), MAXINT); {$ENDIF} StreamSize := StrBody.Size; StrBody.Position := 0; hr := MAPIMessage.OpenProperty(PR_HTML, @IID_IStream, STGM_WRITE Or STGM_DIRECT, MAPI_CREATE or MAPI_MODIFY, IUnknown(BodyStream)); if failed(hr) then raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPIMessage, hr); StreamAdapter := TStreamAdapter.Create(StrBody); hr := StreamAdapter.CopyTo(BodyStream, StreamSize, Int64(nil^), Int64(nil^)); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateSys(hr); hr := StreamAdapter.Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateSys(hr); hr := HrMAPISetPropLong(MAPIMessage, PR_MSG_EDITOR_FORMAT, EDITOR_FORMAT_HTML); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateSys(hr); end; AddMsgAttachements(MAPIMessage, Attachements); // Recepients !!! If Assigned(RecListTo) And (RecListTo.Count > 0) Then Begin For iCount := 0 To RecListTo.Count - 1 Do Begin sADDRTYPE := ''; sEMAILADDRESS := AnsiString(Trim(RecListTo[iCount])); sADDRTYPE := AnsiString(Copy(String(sEMAILADDRESS), 1, Pos(':', String(sEMAILADDRESS)) - 1)); If Length(sADDRTYPE) > 1 Then Delete(sEMAILADDRESS, 1, Length(sADDRTYPE) + 1) Else sADDRTYPE := 'SMTP'; // Default Value sADDRTYPE := AnsiString(UpperCase(String(sADDRTYPE))); If sADDRTYPE = 'SMTP' Then HowManyProp := 4 Else HowManyProp := 4; FillChar(PropValues, SizeOf(PropValues), 0); PropValues[0].ulPropTag := PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A; PropValues[0].Value.lpszA := PAnsiChar(sEMAILADDRESS); PropValues[1].ulPropTag := PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE; PropValues[1].Value.l := MAPI_TO; PropValues[2].ulPropTag := PR_ADDRTYPE_A; PropValues[2].Value.lpszA := PAnsiChar(sADDRTYPE); PropValues[3].ulPropTag := PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A; PropValues[3].Value.lpszA := PAnsiChar(sEMAILADDRESS); If Not Assigned(AddressEntry) Then hr := HrMAPICreateAddressList(HowManyProp, @PropValues, AddressEntry) Else hr := HrMAPIAppendAddressList(HowManyProp, @PropValues, AddressEntry); End; End; If Assigned(RecListBcc) And (RecListBcc.Count > 0) Then Begin For iCount := 0 To RecListBcc.Count - 1 Do Begin sADDRTYPE := ''; sEMAILADDRESS := AnsiString(Trim(RecListBcc[iCount])); sADDRTYPE := AnsiString(Copy(String(sEMAILADDRESS), 1, Pos(':', String(sEMAILADDRESS)) - 1)); If Length(sADDRTYPE) > 1 Then Delete(sEMAILADDRESS, 1, Length(sADDRTYPE) + 1) Else sADDRTYPE := 'SMTP'; // Default Value sADDRTYPE := AnsiString(UpperCase(String(sADDRTYPE))); If sADDRTYPE = 'SMTP' Then HowManyProp := 4 Else HowManyProp := 4; FillChar(PropValues, SizeOf(PropValues), 0); PropValues[0].ulPropTag := PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A; PropValues[0].Value.lpszA := PAnsiChar(sEMAILADDRESS); PropValues[1].ulPropTag := PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE; PropValues[1].Value.l := MAPI_CC; PropValues[2].ulPropTag := PR_ADDRTYPE_A; PropValues[2].Value.lpszA := PAnsiChar(sADDRTYPE); PropValues[3].ulPropTag := PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A; PropValues[3].Value.lpszA := PAnsiChar(sEMAILADDRESS); If Not Assigned(AddressEntry) Then hr := HrMAPICreateAddressList(HowManyProp, @PropValues, AddressEntry) Else hr := HrMAPIAppendAddressList(HowManyProp, @PropValues, AddressEntry); End; End; If Assigned(AddressEntry) Then Begin hr := AddressBook.PrepareRecips(0, @PropForCorrect, AddressEntry); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(AddressBook, hr); hr := AddressBook.ResolveName(0, 0 { MAPI_DIALOG or AB_UNICODEUI } , nil, AddressEntry); // if (failed(hr)) then // raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(AddressBook, hr); End; hr := MAPIMessage.ModifyRecipients(0, AddressEntry); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPIMessage, hr); hr := MAPIMessage.SaveChanges(KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPIMessage, hr); hr := MAPIMessage.SubmitMessage(FORCE_SUBMIT); If failed(hr) Then Raise EMAPIError.CreateMAPI(MAPIMessage, hr); finally If Assigned(AddressEntry) Then FreePadrlist(AddressEntry); if Assigned(StrBody) then FreeAndNil(StrBody); if Assigned(StreamAdapter) then FreeAndNil(StreamAdapter); BodyStream := nil; // Clear Sent Item Entry ID if Assigned(SentMailEID) then MAPIFreeBuffer(SentMailEID); end; end; procedure ProcessParams; var RecListTo, RecListBcc, Attachements: TStringList; I: Integer; S: AnsiString; SR: AnsiString; SubjectLine: AnsiString; BodyPath: AnsiString; begin RecListTo := TStringList.Create; RecListBcc := TStringList.Create; Attachements := TStringList.Create; try for I := 1 to ParamCount do begin S := AnsiString(ParamStr(I)); if (Copy(S, 1, 1) = '-') or (Copy(S, 1, 1) = '/') then begin if CompareText(Copy(String(S), 2, 1), cRecepientsTo) = 0 then begin SR := Copy(S, 4, Length(S)); SR := AnsiString(StringReplace(String(SR), '"', '', [rfReplaceAll])); RecListTo.Clear; RecListTo.Delimiter := ','; RecListTo.DelimitedText := String(SR); end else if CompareText(Copy(String(S), 2, 1), cRecepientsBcc) = 0 then begin SR := Copy(S, 4, Length(S)); SR := AnsiString(StringReplace(String(SR), '"', '', [rfReplaceAll])); RecListBcc.Clear; RecListBcc.Delimiter := ','; RecListBcc.DelimitedText := String(SR); end else if CompareText(Copy(String(S), 2, 1), cSubject) = 0 then begin SR := Copy(S, 4, Length(S)); SubjectLine := AnsiString(StringReplace(String(SR), '"', '', [rfReplaceAll])); end else if CompareText(Copy(String(S), 2, 1), cBodyPath) = 0 then begin SR := Copy(S, 4, Length(S)); BodyPath := AnsiString(StringReplace(String(SR), '"', '', [rfReplaceAll])); end else if CompareText(Copy(String(S), 2, 1), cAttachementsPath) = 0 then begin SR := Copy(S, 4, Length(S)); SR := AnsiString(StringReplace(String(SR), '"', '', [rfReplaceAll])); Attachements.Clear; Attachements.Delimiter := ','; Attachements.DelimitedText := String(SR); end; end; end; SetEmlParams(RecListTo, RecListBcc, Attachements, SubjectLine, BodyPath); finally FreeAndNil(Attachements); FreeAndNil(RecListBcc); FreeAndNil(RecListTo); end; end; procedure GetInputMAPIParams; var I: Integer; S: AnsiString; begin for I := 1 to ParamCount do begin S := AnsiString(ParamStr(I)); if (Copy(S, 1, 1) = '-') or (Copy(S, 1, 1) = '/') then begin if CompareText(Copy(String(S), 2, 1), cProfile) = 0 then begin MAPIProfile := Copy(S, 4, Length(S)); MAPIProfile := AnsiString(StringReplace(String(MAPIProfile), '"', '', [rfReplaceAll])); end else if CompareText(Copy(String(S), 2, 1), cUser) = 0 then begin UserEMailAddress := Copy(S, 4, Length(S)); UserEMailAddress := AnsiString(StringReplace(String(UserEMailAddress), '"', '', [rfReplaceAll])); end end; end; end; begin try try // Init MAPI Subsystem if InitMAPI then begin Writeln('GetInputMAPIParams -> Done!'); GetInputMAPIParams; // Establish Session if LogonToMapi then begin Writeln('LogonToMapi -> Done!'); // Load your OWN Mailbox (Administrative mailbox) LoadPrivateMDB; Writeln('LoadPrivateMDB -> Done!'); // Open Address Book; LoadAddressBook; Writeln('LoadAddressBook -> Done!'); // Resolve Other user ResolveEmlAddr; Writeln('Resolve Other user -> Done!'); // Open Other User MAilbox OpenOtherUsersMailbox; Writeln('Open Other Users Mailbox -> Done!'); // Get Outbox GetOutbox; Writeln('Get Outbox -> Done!'); // Process Params ProcessParams; Writeln(''); Writeln('Send Message -> Done! Press any key to exit!'); Readln; end; end; except on E: Exception do begin Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); Writeln('Press any key to exit!'); Readln; end; end; finally if IsInitOK then MAPIClose; end; end.
Download Request #22 as Compiled Application
Download Project (DELPHI 10.4) ZIP file
Source Code: In package