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Extended MAPI in DELPHI
Request # 3
How to save attachments and messages from DELPHI
We received questions how the messages and attachments can be saved on the local disk, so we developed this small example.
It is based on a previous example, and we added a new functionality in unit unfrmmessage
How with Extended MAPI a developer working on DELPHI can save attachments and messages w/o using slow Outlook Automation and get Contact/Appointment/E-mail/Journal/Task Subject using Extended Mapi without the security warnings.
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Code Snippets („unFrmMessage“ unit):
unit unfrmmessage; interface {$I IMI.INC} uses Classes, Controls, Dialogs, Forms, Graphics, Windows, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, ExtendedMAPI, StdCtrls; type TMessageAttachment = record Name: string; ATTACH_NUM: longint; ATTACH_METHOD: longint; Picture: TMetafile; end; PMessageAttachment = ^TMessageAttachment; type TfrmMessage = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; Label1: TLabel; lbMessageClass: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; lbMessageSubject: TLabel; MessageBody: TRichEdit; Label3: TLabel; lbMessageSender: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; lbMessageAttachments: TLabel; Panel2: TPanel; lbAttachments: TListBox; Label5: TLabel; AttachmentImage: TImage; bgSave: TButton; SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; btSaveMessage: TButton; SaveDialogMessage: TSaveDialog; Image1: TImage; procedure lbAttachmentsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure bgSaveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btSaveMessageClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } hr: HRESULT; MAPIMessage: IMessage; procedure ProcessAttachment; procedure SaveAttachment(ATTACH_NUM, ATTACH_METHOD: ULONG; AttachName: string); public { Public declarations } procedure OpenMessage(MsgStore: ImsgStore; MessageENTRYID: PSBinary); end; var frmMessage: TfrmMessage; implementation uses {$IFDEF DELPHI2011XE2} UITypes, {$ENDIF} ActiveX, SysUtils, ComObj, EDK, MAPIUtils, MAPIMacros, ShellApi; {$R *.DFM} {$I XE.INC} procedure TfrmMessage.OpenMessage(MsgStore: ImsgStore; MessageENTRYID: PSBinary); var ObjType: ULONG; MessagePropTagArray: PSPropTagArray; MessagePropValueArray: PSPropValue; HasAttachments: boolean; RTFStreamCompressed, RTFStreamUncompressed: IStream; BodyStream: TStringStream; type MessagePropEnum = (mcPR_MESSAGE_CLASS, mcPR_SUBJECT, mcPR_BODY, mcPR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, mcPR_HASATTACH, mcPR_RTF_COMPRESSED, mcPR_RTF_IN_SYNC); procedure LoadMessageBody; begin hr := MAPIMessage.OpenProperty(PR_BODY_A, @IID_IStream, STGM_READ, MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, IUnknown(RTFStreamCompressed)); if Failed(hr) and (hr<>MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)); Exit; end; BodyStream := TStringStream.Create('' {$IFDEF DELPHI2009}, TEncoding.ascii {$ENDIF}); try IStreamToStream(RTFStreamCompressed, BodyStream); BodyStream.Position := 0; MessageBody.Lines.LoadFromStream(BodyStream); finally FreeAndNil(BodyStream); end; RTFStreamCompressed := nil; end; procedure LoadRTF; var RTF_IN_SYNC: Bool; IsUpdated, mustsync: Bool; SupMask: ULONG; begin (* PR_RTF_IN_SYNC A value of TRUE means that the PR_BODY property, the plain text version of this message, and the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED property, the Rich Text Format version, are identical except for white space in PR_BODY and formatting in PR_RTF_COMPRESSED. The text in the two versions consists of the same characters in the same sequence. A value of FALSE means that the two versions are not synchronized for text content but are capable of being synchronized by the RTFSync function. One version has been altered and the other version has not. No value, PR_RTF_IN_SYNC is not set at all, means that the two versions, if both exist or ever existed, cannot be synchronized. One version has been deleted or altered so radically that synchronization is no longer possible. *) hr := HrMAPIGetPropBoolean(MAPIMessage, PR_RTF_IN_SYNC, RTF_IN_SYNC); if Failed(hr) and (hr <> MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)); Exit; end; hr := HrMAPIGetPropLong(MAPIMessage, PR_STORE_SUPPORT_MASK, SupMask); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)); Exit; end; mustsync := true; if ((SupMask and STORE_RTF_OK) <> 0) then mustsync := false else if RTF_IN_SYNC <> true then mustsync := false; if (mustsync) then begin // RTFSync // Ensures that the rich text format (RTF) body of a message // matches the plain text body. // It is necessary to call this function before reading the RTF body // and after modifying the RTF body. hr := RTFSync(MAPIMessage, RTF_SYNC_BODY_CHANGED, IsUpdated); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Error on RTFSync'); Exit; end; // If the value of the isUpdated parameter is set to TRUE, // then IMAPIProp.SaveChanges should be called for the message. // RTFSync does not call SaveChanges as part of its implementation. // If SaveChanges is not called the modifications will not be saved in the message. if IsUpdated then hr := MAPIMessage.SaveChanges(0); // KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)); Exit; end; end; // Opening compressed RTF hr := MAPIMessage.OpenProperty(PR_RTF_COMPRESSED, @IID_IStream, STGM_READ, MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, IUnknown(RTFStreamCompressed)); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)); Exit; end; // WrapCompressedRTFStream returns a stream containing the uncompressed // RTF body of a message. if Bool(SupMask and STORE_UNCOMPRESSED_RTF) then SupMask := STORE_UNCOMPRESSED_RTF else SupMask := 0; hr := WrapCompressedRTFStream(RTFStreamCompressed, SupMask, RTFStreamUncompressed); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('WrapCompressedRTFStream Error'); Exit; end; BodyStream := TStringStream.Create('' {$IFDEF DELPHI2009}, TEncoding.ascii {$ENDIF}); try IStreamToStream(RTFStreamUncompressed, BodyStream); BodyStream.Position := 0; MessageBody.Lines.LoadFromStream(BodyStream); finally FreeAndNil(BodyStream); end; RTFStreamCompressed := nil; end; begin AttachmentImage.Picture.Graphic := nil; BodyStream := nil; MessagePropTagArray := nil; MessagePropValueArray := nil; RTFStreamCompressed := nil; RTFStreamUncompressed := nil; // We will open "the message" try hr := MsgStore.OpenEntry(MessageENTRYID.cb, PENTRYID(MessageENTRYID.lpb), @IID_IMessage, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, ObjType, IUnknown(MAPIMessage)); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MsgStore, hr)); Exit; end; // Allocate Buffer for Message Properties hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_MESSAGE_CLASS, PR_SUBJECT, CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(PR_BODY, PT_UNSPECIFIED), PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_HASATTACH, PR_RTF_COMPRESSED, PR_RTF_IN_SYNC], MessagePropTagArray); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Memory Error'); Exit; end; ObjType := 0; // Get Properies hr := MAPIMessage.GetProps(MessagePropTagArray, 0, ObjType, MessagePropValueArray); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)); Exit; end; // Retrieving each propery and assign to label, memo, etc... if Assigned(MessagePropValueArray) then begin if (PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[Ord(mcPR_MESSAGE_CLASS) ].ulPropTag = PR_MESSAGE_CLASS) and Assigned(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[Ord(mcPR_MESSAGE_CLASS) ].Value.lpsz) then lbMessageClass.Caption := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray) [Ord(mcPR_MESSAGE_CLASS)].Value.lpsz) else lbMessageClass.Caption := 'Not Defined'; lbMessageClass.Hint := lbMessageClass.Caption; if (PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[Ord(mcPR_SUBJECT) ].ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT) and Assigned(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[Ord(mcPR_SUBJECT) ].Value.lpsz) then lbMessageSubject.Caption := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[Ord(mcPR_SUBJECT) ].Value.lpsz) else lbMessageSubject.Caption := 'No Subject'; lbMessageSubject.Hint := lbMessageSubject.Caption; if (PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[Ord(mcPR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS) ].ulPropTag = PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS) and Assigned(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray) [Ord(mcPR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS)].Value.lpsz) then lbMessageSender.Caption := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray) [Ord(mcPR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS)].Value.lpsz) else lbMessageSender.Caption := ''; lbMessageSender.Hint := lbMessageSender.Caption; HasAttachments := false; if (PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray)[Ord(mcPR_HASATTACH) ].ulPropTag = PR_HASATTACH) then HasAttachments := boolean(PSPropValueArray(MessagePropValueArray) [Ord(mcPR_HASATTACH)].Value.b); if HasAttachments then lbMessageAttachments.Caption := 'True' else lbMessageAttachments.Caption := 'False'; MessageBody.Lines.Clear; // first we will check for a property of the PR_BODY type. If there is any, we will show it in ���� // since the TEXT in the PR_BODY field may be quite large, we will use IStream LoadMessageBody; // If there is a formatted text, we will show it // We will display FORMATED RTF BODY (if exist) if FPropExists(MAPIMessage, PR_RTF_COMPRESSED) then LoadRTF; // Opening Attachment Table if HasAttachments then ProcessAttachment; end; // if Assigned(MessagePropValueArray) then // Mark as read hr := MAPIMessage.SetReadFlag(MSGFLAG_READ); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)); Exit; end; finally if Assigned(BodyStream) then BodyStream.Free; if Assigned(MessagePropTagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(MessagePropTagArray); MessagePropTagArray := nil; if Assigned(MessagePropValueArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(MessagePropValueArray); MessagePropValueArray := nil; RTFStreamCompressed := nil; RTFStreamUncompressed := nil; end; end; procedure TfrmMessage.ProcessAttachment; var AttachmentTable: IMAPITable; AttachmentPropTagArray: PSPropTagArray; Rows: PSRowSet; Attachment: IAttach; AttProp: PMessageAttachment; Count: ULONG; MetafileStream: IStream; aPropVal: PSPropValue; type AttachPropEnum = (acPR_ATTACH_RENDERING, acPR_ATTACH_NUM, acPR_RENDERING_POSITION, acPR_ATTACH_METHOD, acPR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, acPR_ATTACH_FILENAME, acPR_ATTACH_SIZE, acPR_DISPLAY_NAME); procedure RenderAttachment; var StreamBuffer: array [0 .. 4095] of byte; iBytesRead, iBytesRead2: int64; iCurSeekPos: {$IFDEF DELPHI2015XE8} UINT64 {$ELSE} INT64 {$ENDIF}; Canvas: TCanvas; notUsed: HWnd; MetafileHandle: THandle; MetaFilePict: TMetaFilePict; begin if (PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(acPR_RENDERING_POSITION) ].ulPropTag = PR_RENDERING_POSITION) and (PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(acPR_RENDERING_POSITION) ].Value.L <> -1) and (PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps) [Ord(acPR_ATTACH_RENDERING)].ulPropTag = PR_ATTACH_RENDERING) and (PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(acPR_ATTACH_RENDERING) ].Value.bin.cb > 0) then begin Attachment := nil; hr := MAPIMessage.OpenAttach(PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps) [Ord(acPR_ATTACH_NUM)].Value.L, @IID_IAttachment, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, Attachment); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)); Exit; end; MetafileStream := nil; // We will request metafile with rendering information for an attachment hr := Attachment.OpenProperty(PR_ATTACH_RENDERING, @IID_IStream, 0, MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, IUnknown(MetafileStream)); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(Attachment, hr)); Exit; end; ZeroMemory(@StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer)); iBytesRead := 0; hr := MetafileStream.Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, iCurSeekPos); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Error'); Exit; end; iBytesRead2 := 0; repeat hr := MetafileStream.Read(@StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer), @iBytesRead); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Error'); Exit; end; iBytesRead2 := iBytesRead2 + iBytesRead; until iBytesRead <= 0; Canvas := TCanvas.Create; Canvas.Handle := GetDeviceContext(notUsed); MetafileHandle := SetWinMetaFileBits(iBytesRead2, @StreamBuffer, GetDC(Canvas.Handle), MetaFilePict); AttProp.Picture := TMetafile.Create; AttProp.Picture.ReleaseHandle; AttProp.Picture.Handle := MetafileHandle; MetafileStream := nil; Attachment := nil; end else AttProp.Picture := nil; end; begin AttachmentTable := nil; AttachmentPropTagArray := nil; Rows := nil; Attachment := nil; MetafileStream := nil; aPropVal := nil; try hr := MAPIMessage.GetAttachmentTable(0, AttachmentTable); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr)); Exit; end; // Allocate Buffer for Attachments Properties hr := SizedSPropTagArray([PR_ATTACH_RENDERING, PR_ATTACH_NUM, PR_RENDERING_POSITION, PR_ATTACH_METHOD, PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, PR_ATTACH_FILENAME, PR_ATTACH_SIZE, PR_DISPLAY_NAME], AttachmentPropTagArray); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Error when Allocate Buffer for Attachments Properties'); Exit; end; lbAttachments.Items.Clear; // HrQueryAllRows - Retrieves all rows of a table. hr := HrQueryAllRows(AttachmentTable, AttachmentPropTagArray, nil, nil, 0, Rows); if Failed(hr) then begin ShowMessage('MAPI Error when HrQueryAllRows'); Exit; end; // If Attacment is EMBEDED in BODY (example when you "drag and drop" MS WORD file into message) // we will show it icon if Assigned(Rows) and (Rows.cRows > 0) then begin lbMessageAttachments.Caption := IntToStr(Rows.cRows); for Count := 0 to Rows.cRows - 1 do begin New(AttProp); RenderAttachment; AttProp.ATTACH_NUM := PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps) [Ord(acPR_ATTACH_NUM)].Value.L; AttProp.ATTACH_METHOD := PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps) [Ord(acPR_ATTACH_METHOD)].Value.L; if (PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(acPR_ATTACH_FILENAME) ].ulPropTag = PR_ATTACH_FILENAME) and (PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(acPR_ATTACH_SIZE) ].ulPropTag = PR_ATTACH_SIZE) then begin AttProp.Name := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps) [Ord(acPR_ATTACH_FILENAME)].Value.lpsz); lbAttachments.Items.AddObject(AttProp.Name + ' -> ' + FormatFloat('###' + ThousandSeparator + '###' + ThousandSeparator + '##0', ((PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps) [Ord(acPR_ATTACH_SIZE)].Value.L) div 1024)) + ' K', TObject(AttProp)); end else begin if (PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(acPR_ATTACH_SIZE) ].ulPropTag = PR_ATTACH_SIZE) and (PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps)[Ord(acPR_DISPLAY_NAME) ].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME) then begin AttProp.Name := StrPas(PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps) [Ord(acPR_DISPLAY_NAME)].Value.lpsz); lbAttachments.Items.AddObject(AttProp.Name + ' -> ' + FormatFloat('###' + ThousandSeparator + '###' + ThousandSeparator + '##0', ((PSPropValueArray(Rows.aRow[Count].lpProps) [Ord(acPR_ATTACH_SIZE)].Value.L) div 1024)) + ' K', TObject(AttProp)); end else begin if succeeded(MAPIMessage.OpenAttach(AttProp.ATTACH_NUM, nil, 0, Attachment)) then begin if succeeded(HrGetOneProp(Attachment, PR_ATTACH_FILENAME, aPropVal)) then begin if Assigned(aPropVal) and (aPropVal.ulPropTag = PR_ATTACH_FILENAME) then AttProp.Name := StrPas(aPropVal.Value.lpsz); if Assigned(aPropVal) then MAPIFreeBuffer(aPropVal); aPropVal := nil; end else AttProp.Name := 'No Name'; lbAttachments.Items.AddObject(AttProp.Name + ' -> Undefined Size', TObject(AttProp)); if Assigned(aPropVal) then MAPIFreeBuffer(aPropVal); end; end; end; end; end; finally if Assigned(AttachmentPropTagArray) then MAPIFreeBuffer(AttachmentPropTagArray); AttachmentPropTagArray := nil; if Assigned(Rows) then FreePRows(Rows); Rows := nil; AttachmentTable := nil; Attachment := nil; MetafileStream := nil; end; end; procedure TfrmMessage.lbAttachmentsClick(Sender: TObject); var I: integer; procedure ShowIcon(Value: string); var sfi: TSHFileInfo; begin ZeroMemory(@sfi, sizeof(sfi)); SHGetFileInfo(PChar(Value), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES or SHGFI_ICON or SHGFI_SMALLICON); Image1.Picture.Icon.Handle := sfi.hIcon; end; begin for I := 0 to (lbAttachments.Items.Count - 1) do try if lbAttachments.Selected[I] then begin bgSave.Enabled := true; if Assigned(PMessageAttachment(lbAttachments.Items.Objects[I]).Picture) then AttachmentImage.Picture.Graphic := PMessageAttachment(lbAttachments.Items.Objects[I]).Picture else ShowIcon(PMessageAttachment(lbAttachments.Items.Objects[I]).Name); Exit; end; except end; end; procedure TfrmMessage.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); var iCount: integer; AttProp: PMessageAttachment; begin if Assigned(MAPIMessage) then MAPIMessage := nil; for iCount := 0 to (lbAttachments.Items.Count - 1) do begin AttProp := PMessageAttachment(lbAttachments.Items.Objects[iCount]); Dispose(AttProp); lbAttachments.Items.Objects[iCount] := nil; end; end; procedure TfrmMessage.bgSaveClick(Sender: TObject); var iCount: integer; begin for iCount := 0 to (lbAttachments.Items.Count - 1) do try if lbAttachments.Selected[iCount] then begin SaveAttachment(PMessageAttachment(lbAttachments.Items.Objects[iCount]) .ATTACH_NUM, PMessageAttachment(lbAttachments.Items.Objects[iCount]) .ATTACH_METHOD, PMessageAttachment(lbAttachments.Items.Objects [iCount]).Name); Exit; end; except end; end; function MAPIMessageToStream(const MAPIMessage: IMessage; out Stream: TStream): boolean; var FIStream: TStreamAdapter; FStorage: IStorage; FMalloc: IMalloc; FMessage: IMessage; FProblem: PSPropProblemArray; iCount: integer; NewPosition: {$IFDEF DELPHI2015XE8} UINT64 {$ELSE} INT64 {$ENDIF}; hr: HRESULT; begin Result := false; FMalloc := nil; FProblem := nil; FIStream := nil; try FIStream := TStreamAdapter.Create(TMemoryStream.Create, soOwned); hr := HrIStorageFromStream(IStream(FIStream), @IID_IStream, STGSTRM_CREATE, FStorage); if Failed(hr) then Exit; Pointer(FMalloc) := MAPIGetDefaultMalloc; if not Assigned(FMalloc) then Exit; hr := OpenIMsgOnIStg(nil, PAllocateBuffer(@ExtendedMAPI.MAPIAllocateBuffer), PAllocateMore(@ExtendedMAPI.MAPIAllocateMore), PFreeBuffer(@ExtendedMAPI.MAPIFreeBuffer), FMalloc, nil, FStorage, nil, 0, MAPI_UNICODE, FMessage); if Failed(hr) or not Assigned(FMessage) then Exit; hr := WriteClassStg(FStorage, CLSID_MailMessage); if Failed(hr) then Exit; hr := MAPIMessage.CopyTo(0, nil, nil, 0, nil, @IID_IMessage, Pointer(FMessage), MAPI_DIALOG, FProblem); if Failed(hr) then Exit; if Assigned(FProblem) then for iCount := 0 to FProblem.cProblem - 1 do begin if FProblem.aProblem[iCount].scode = MAPI_E_COMPUTED then continue; // MAPI_E_UNEXPECTED for Named end; hr := FMessage.SaveChanges(Force_Save); if Failed(hr) then Exit; hr := FStorage.Commit(STGC_DEFAULT); if Failed(hr) then Exit; FIStream.Seek(0, 0, NewPosition); Result := true; finally if Result then begin Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; Stream.CopyFrom(FIStream.Stream, FIStream.Stream.Size); Stream.Seek(0, 0); end else Stream := nil; end; if Assigned(FProblem) then MAPIFreeBuffer(FProblem); FStorage := nil; FMessage := nil; FMalloc := nil; // FreeAndNil(FIStream); end; procedure TfrmMessage.SaveAttachment(ATTACH_NUM, ATTACH_METHOD: ULONG; AttachName: string); var Stream: IMessage; DestMemoryStream: TStream; // StreamBuffer: array[0..4095] of byte; // iBytesRead: longint; Attachment: IAttach; begin SaveDialog1.FileName := AttachName; DestMemoryStream := nil; if SaveDialog1.Execute = false then Exit; (* Open Attachment *) try hr := MAPIMessage.OpenAttach(ATTACH_NUM, @IID_IAttachment, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS or MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, Attachment); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageDlg(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr), mtError, [mbOK], 0); Exit; end; (* Our object is found as a byte array (what else can it be?!?) in a property named PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN We will load it in OLE Stream, transfer it to a buffer, read this buffer from DELPHI Stream, and save the contents of the DELPHI Stream object in our file system using the function SaveToFile. There may be a cleverer way, but this as the first that came to our mind. *) hr := Attachment.OpenProperty(PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ, @IID_IMessage, 0, 0, IUnknown(Stream)); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageDlg(GetMAPIError(Attachment, hr), mtError, [mbOK], 0); Exit; end; DestMemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create; MAPIMessageToStream(Stream, DestMemoryStream); TMemoryStream(DestMemoryStream).SaveToFile(SaveDialog1.FileName); Exit; (* ZeroMemory( @StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer)); iBytesRead := 0; DestMemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create; hr := Stream.Read( @StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer) - 1, @iBytesRead); OleCheck(HR); repeat DestMemoryStream.WriteBuffer(StreamBuffer, iBytesRead); hr := Stream.Read( @StreamBuffer, Length(StreamBuffer) - 1, @iBytesRead); until iBytesRead <= 0; DestMemoryStream.Position := 0; TMemoryStream(DestMemoryStream).SaveToFile(SaveDialog1.FileName); *) finally if Assigned(DestMemoryStream) then DestMemoryStream.Free; Stream := nil; end; end; procedure TfrmMessage.btSaveMessageClick(Sender: TObject); var pMalloc: IMalloc; szMessageFileName, szPath: array [0 .. MAX_PATH - 1] of Char; Subject: PSPropValue; pStorage: IStorage; pMsgSession: PMSGSESS; pIMsg: IMessage; excludeTags: PSPropTagArray; tempStr: string; WideCharStr: WideString; begin ZeroMemory(@szPath, MAX_PATH); (* create the file name in the directory where "TMP" is defined with subject as the filename and ".msg" extension. get temp file directory *) GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH - 1, @szPath); (* get subject line of message to copy. This will be used as the new file name. File name will be constructed from message subject We will get message subject using HrGetOneProp function The HrGetOneProp function retrieves the value of a single property from a property interface, that is, an interface derived from IMAPIProp. function HrGetOneProp( lpMapiProp:IMAPIPROP; ulPropTag:ULONG; out lppProp:PSPropValue): HResult;stdcall; lpMapiProp [in] Pointer to the IMAPIProp interface from which the property value is to be retrieved. ulPropTag [in] Property tag of the property to be retrieved. lppProp [out] Pointer to the returned PSPropValue structure defining the retrieved property value. *) Subject := nil; pMalloc := nil; pMsgSession := nil; pIMsg := nil; excludeTags := nil; try hr := HrGetOneProp(MAPIMessage, PR_SUBJECT, Subject); if Failed(hr) then if hr <> MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND then begin MessageDlg(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr), mtError, [mbOK], 0); Exit; end; // fuse path, subject, and suffix into one string ZeroMemory(@szMessageFileName, MAX_PATH); if Assigned(Subject) and Assigned(Subject.Value.lpsz) then lstrcpy(@szMessageFileName, Subject.Value.lpsz) else strcopy(@szMessageFileName, 'MAPI_MESSAGE_FROM_DELPHI'); strcat(@szMessageFileName, '.msg'); // Free PSPropValue - We no need it more if Assigned(Subject) then begin MAPIFreeBuffer(Subject); Subject := nil; end; SaveDialogMessage.InitialDir := szPath; tempStr := szMessageFileName; while Pos(':', tempStr) > 0 do tempStr[Pos(':', tempStr)] := '_'; while Pos('\', tempStr) > 0 do tempStr[Pos('\', tempStr)] := '_'; while Pos('/', tempStr) > 0 do tempStr[Pos('/', tempStr)] := '_'; SaveDialogMessage.FileName := tempStr; if SaveDialogMessage.Execute = false then Exit; ZeroMemory(@szMessageFileName, MAX_PATH); lstrcpy(@szMessageFileName, PChar(SaveDialogMessage.FileName)); // Convert new file name to WideString WideCharStr := WideString(AnsiString(szMessageFileName)); // get memory allocation function Pointer(pMalloc) := MAPIGetDefaultMalloc; // create compound file { function StgCreateDocfile(pwcsName: POleStr; //Points to path of compound file // to create grfMode: Longint; //Specifies the access mode for opening the // storage object reserved: Longint; //Reserved; must be zero out stgOpen: IStorage //Points to location for returning the new // storage object ): HResult; stdcall; function StgCreateDocfile creates a new compound file storage object using the COM-provided compound file implementation for the IStorage interface. } OleCheck(StgCreateDocfile(PWideChar(WideCharStr), STGM_READWRITE or STGM_TRANSACTED or STGM_CREATE, 0, pStorage)); // Open an IMessage session { The OpenIMsgSession function creates and opens a message session that groups the messages created within it. function OpenIMsgSession (lpMalloc : IMalloc; //Input parameter pointing to a standard OLE memory allocator. ulFlags : ULONG; //Reserved; must be zero. out lppMsgSess : PMSGSESS //Output parameter pointing to a variable where the returned message-session object is stored. ) : SCODE; stdcall; A message session is used by client applications and service providers that want to deal with several related MAPI IMessage objects built on top of underlying OLE IStorage objects. } OleCheck(OpenIMsgSession(pMalloc, 0, pMsgSession)); { The OpenIMsgOnIStg function builds a new IMessage object on top of an existing OLE IStorage object, to be used within a message session. function OpenIMsgOnIStg ( lpMsgSess : PMSGSESS; // [in] Pointer to a message session object // within which the new IMessage-on-IStorage object // is to be created. lpAllocateBuffer : PALLOCATEBUFFER; //[in] Pointer to the MAPIAllocateBuffer function, // to be used where required by MAPI to allocate memory. lpAllocateMore : PALLOCATEMORE; //[in] Pointer to the MAPIAllocateMore function, // to be used where required by MAPI to allocate additional memory. lpFreeBuffer : PFREEBUFFER; //[in] Pointer to the MAPIFreeBuffer function, //to be used where required by MAPI to free memory. lpMalloc : IMalloc; //[in] Pointer to a memory allocator object exposing the OLE IMalloc interface. // The IMessage interface needs to use this allocation method when working with // interfaces such as IStorage and IStream. lpMapiSup : Pointer; //[in] Optional pointer to a MAPI support object that a service provider can use to call the methods of the IMAPISupport : IUnknown interface. lpStg : IStorage; // Pointer to an OLE IStorage object that is open and has read-only or read/write access. // Because IMessage does not support write-only access, OpenIMsgOnIStg // does not accept a storage object opened in write-only mode. var lpfMsgCallRelease : TMSGCALLRELEASE; // Optional pointer to a callback function // based on the TMSGCALLRELEASE prototype that MAPI // is to call following the last release // on the IMessage-on-IStorage object. ulCallerData : ULONG; // [in] 32-bit caller data saved by MAPI with the IMessage-on-IStorage object // and passed to the TMSGCALLRELEASE based callback function. // The data provides context about the IMessage object being released // and the IStorage object it was built on top of. ulFlags : ULONG; //[in] Bitmask of flags used to control whether the OLE IStorage.Commit method // is called when the client application or service provider calls the IMessage.SaveChanges method. // The following flag can be set: // IMSG_NO_ISTG_COMMIT - The OLE method IStorage.Commit // is not to be called when the client // or provider calls SaveChanges. out lppMsg : IMessage //[out] Pointer to the opened IMessage object. ) : SCODE; stdcall; } OleCheck(OpenIMsgOnIStg(pMsgSession, PAllocateBuffer(@ExtendedMAPI.MAPIAllocateBuffer), PAllocateMore(@ExtendedMAPI.MAPIAllocateMore), PFreeBuffer(@ExtendedMAPI.MAPIFreeBuffer), pMalloc, nil, pStorage, nil, 0, 0, pIMsg)); // write the CLSID to the IStorage instance - pStorage. This will // only work with clients that support this compound document type // as the storage medium. If the client does not support // CLSID_MailMessage as the compound document, you will have to use // the CLSID that it does support. OleCheck(WriteClassStg(pStorage, CLSID_MailMessage)); // Specify properties to exclude in the copy operation. These are // the properties that Exchange excludes to save bits and time. // Should not be necessary to exclude these, but speeds the process // when a lot of messages are being copied. OleCheck(SizedSPropTagArray([PR_ACCESS, PR_BODY, PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_COUNT, PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_CRC, PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_TAG, PR_RTF_SYNC_PREFIX_COUNT, PR_RTF_SYNC_TRAILING_COUNT], excludeTags)); // copy message properties to IMessage object opened on top of // IStorage. hr := MAPIMessage.CopyTo(0, nil, excludeTags, 0, nil, @IID_IMessage, Pointer(pIMsg), 0, PSPropProblemArray(nil^)); if Failed(hr) then begin MessageDlg(GetMAPIError(MAPIMessage, hr), mtError, [mbOK], 0); Exit; end; // save changes to IMessage object. OleCheck(pIMsg.SaveChanges(KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE)); // save changes in storage of new doc file OleCheck(pStorage.Commit(STGC_DEFAULT)); // free objects and clean up memory if Assigned(excludeTags) then OleCheck(MAPIFreeBuffer(excludeTags)); excludeTags := nil; pStorage := nil; Pointer(pIMsg) := nil; // The CloseIMsgSession function closes a message session // and all the messages created within that session. CloseIMsgSession(pMsgSession); pMsgSession := nil; finally if Assigned(Subject) then MAPIFreeBuffer(Subject); Subject := nil; pMalloc := nil; pIMsg := nil; if Assigned(excludeTags) then MAPIFreeBuffer(excludeTags); excludeTags := nil; if Assigned(pMsgSession) then CloseIMsgSession(pMsgSession); pMsgSession := nil; end; end; end.